He's floptastic tonight.Fuck James Harden.
Maybe OKC should try to build a team from the ground up instead of stealing a team from Seattle. It's worth a shot.
Pretty, pretty, pretty mad.
I'm more pissed at Brooks. He's putting lineups out there that have no chance of succeeding against what Miami wants to do.
Maybe OKC should try to build a team from the ground up instead of stealing a team from Seattle. It's worth a shot.
2-3-2Am I missing something or were they supposed to be in OKC tonight?
Am I missing something or were they supposed to be in OKC tonight?
Am I missing something or were they supposed to be in OKC tonight?
Finals are 2-3-2
Maybe OKC should try to build a team that isn't filled with douchbags. It's worth a shot.
The Sonicsgate doc struck a nerve with me. Clay Bennett is lower than pond scum for what he did to that town's NBA community.Wow. Unnecessary and ignorant.
NBAGAF's Tumblr still has awesome material.
Thunder getting it to 10 bodes well for the 2nd half.
Ibaka is terrible
any team that pays him should be contracted
Durant begging for the ball and Westbrook not giving any fucks.
[22:19] <Shinobi_NBAFinals> big posssesion here
[22:19] <&DYnasty> lolbrook incoming
[22:19] <&DYnasty> LOL
[22:19] <Lovingsteam1> Lol
[22:19] <Shinobi_NBAFinals> LOL
[22:19] <Lovingsteam1> Gabaha
[22:19] <Shinobi_NBAFinals> word?
[22:19] <Shinobi_NBAFinals> for real?
[22:19] <Lovingsteam1> Hahaha
[22:19] <Shinobi_NBAFinals> seriously?
[22:19] <Shinobi_NBAFinals> really?
[22:19] <Judderman> Great play.
[22:19] <Lovingsteam1> Y N B DY Y N
[22:19] <Judderman> Wait until 3.8 then try to drive. Brilliant.
Miracle we're down 10.
If there's a God, Perk will get his 4th and 5th fouls quickly.
Every time Westbrook decides to take it himself.
NBAGAF's Tumblr still has awesome material.