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2012 NBA Mar |OT2| The Manhattan Project Part II: Blow It All Up, Again

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Reilo you are right, Dallas traffic (In Dallas itself) is fucking atrocious. I've had too many doses of it this past week.

Traffic is shitty on the weekdays and so you'd think weekends clear up...nope, that's when they want to randomly turn 4 lane highways into 2 lanes in various random spots on the weekend!

Also, isn't it universal knowledge for drivers that the left lane is for faster/passing cars?

It's like how long do I have to tailgate a dude and flash my high beams at him before he gets the fucking message


Cannot believe we got Sessions for a 1st rounder and managed to get rid of Luke while we were at it.

There's no way any player available at the Lakers' slot would have been as good as Ramon.


G***n S**n*bi
ok.. I think it's almost time we had a discussion about how fucking terrible Kobe has become.

That Dallas game was his only shinning moment in how long?


LMAO Kobe has never shot through double and triple team.

It's easier to do that from the wing off the dribble than in the paint with guys hanging all over you. Plus he's fucking Kobe!

Bynum needs to kick the ball out when the help comes. That is the biggest weakness in his game


G***n S**n*bi
I'm not ready to concede an L just yet. Kobe and Pau need to wake up and contribute. It's hard for me to accept that they will both be terrible for another 2 quarters. We're also only down single digits thanks to Razor Ramon.

Sessions should be in, or very near, double digit assist territory. Soooo many missed good looks by the Lakers. Ridiculous really.
I don't even necessarily think Bynum is shooting too much, I just want him to kick it back out to keep the double team man honest and reestablish position to get a better shot for himself. Too often he looks like he is going to shoot no matter what and he gets too flustered when he's double and triple teamed. He needs to make the game easier for himself.


I don't even necessarily think Bynum is shooting too much, I just want him to kick it back out to keep the double team man honest and reestablish position to get a better shot for himself. Too often he looks like he is going to shoot no matter what and he gets too flustered when he's double and triple teamed. He needs to make the game easier for himself.



ok.. I think it's almost time we had a discussion about how fucking terrible Kobe has become.

That Dallas game was his only shinning moment in how long?

And that was a game where he was guarded by Jason Kidd and Wince Carter.

Bynum has 16 points and... 1 rebound. What happened there?


G***n S**n*bi
We will win if they start featuring Kobe instead of using him as a role player. We also need to get Pau touches inside. STOP the jumpers!
Unfortunately Pau is not the player he once was. Those jumpers are his game now. He wants no part of the paint anymore. None.

The moment he started talking about adding 3's to his game I knew old Pau was finished. I really hope we get something good when we trade his ass. Anything better than average will suffice.
lol "Justify" the sessions trade? We gave up Luke and Kapono. Sessions' knee could explode into a million pieces tomorrow and that trade would still be justified.
I seem to get that a lot around here. I just don't get why you guys are so anxious to hate on Fisher AND love on Sessions while ignoring the fact that the lakers actually look worse since the trade.

....Maybe because they need a little more time together?

Common sense, man.
I seem to get that a lot around here. I just don't get why you guys are so anxious to hate on Fisher AND love on Sessions while ignoring the fact that the lakers actually look worse since the trade.

... wait, what? Because Fisher is about 35 years old I believe. He hasn't been affective for years. He is horrible on defense, a huge liability even. He is the reason that we need those last second shots in the first place. We gave up Luke Walton and his horrible contract as well as Jason Kapono. Even if Sessions has a career ending injury today the trade will be well worth it.
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