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2012 NBA Offseason |OT|They said I could become anything so I became multiple sources

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if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
would have fouled out on charges before that

stopped reading heavy's post after "kobe is likable"

No way.. in prime Shaq was stupid fast and bounce off of defenders into a spin in the post he didn't start lowering his shoulder until he was out of shape and with foot problems..
Kobe is a very likable dude, he's not some thug that parties every night and gets into fights at the club. He lives and breathes basketball, he's enigmatic, his background is unique, he speaks Italian, he's charismatic and a good interview, he doesn't fake flop all over like Dwyane (someone post "The Gif" plz), there's no one like him in the league and never has been and never will be. Yes he takes too many shots sometimes and tries to carry the team on his back in the 4th when maybe he should pass it up but the guy is a warrior and all he wants to do is win, basketball is in his veins. He plays through more injruies than anyone since AI, he's charismatic but still has a killer instinct that very few players in the league have, there's no one like him. He has his faults but he's likable, far more so than guys like dwyane and lebron who are all about the spotlight and prima donnas. Kobe just wants more rings, that;'s all he eats sleeps and dreams about and I respect that more than some thug who parties every night and 10 illegitmate children. Kobe is weird, he's strange, he's enigmatic, he's one-of-a-kind, and I fucking love that about him.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I admit the divorce and Kobe probably cheating on Vanessa regularly was a huge disappointment but i feel there must be more to that story, or maybe not. That definitely brought him down a notch for me because cheating on your wife with kids and ruining the marriage isn't a good look (esp after what went down in CO) but i still love him.
cheating on his wife and embarrassing them in front of the nation is better than some "thug" who has kids out of wedlock? oookk...


I admit the divorce and Kobe probably cheating on Vanessa regularly was a huge disappointment but i feel there must be more to that story, or maybe not. That definitely brought him down a notch for me because cheating on your wife with kids and ruining the marriage isn't a good look (esp after what went down in CO) but i still love him.

Lol, cmon man...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
He didn't even average 20 this season. He put up 18. Normally players improve..

And you guys are seriously going to FG% to defend your argument? I'm not even going to bother. With that shit logic Tyson Chandler is a better offensive player than Bosh. Any 7 foot bum can have a 60% FG when majority of their points come from within 5 feet.

No he didn't he had 20.6 with a bum back..shooting 60% and 20pts isn't something any bum can do... it is why teams waste draft picks EVERY year on 7 footers...
I admit the divorce and Kobe probably cheating on Vanessa regularly was a huge disappointment but i feel there must be more to that story, or maybe not. That definitely brought him down a notch for me because cheating on your wife with kids and ruining the marriage isn't a good look (esp after what went down in CO) but i still love him.

Kobe is only human. What alpha male hasn't cheated on his wife?


It'll take some take for me to get used to seeing Nash in a Laker uniform. Like that time when Malone became a Laker. I suppose it's easier this time because Nash is a better person.

The thing is they are not going to keep Sessions so we'll have a no-defense PG lineup of Nash/Blake. At least the offense won't look as ugly as last season.

Nash also said, "For me, it would be hard to put on a Lakers jersey. That's just the way it is. You play against them so many times in the playoffs, and I just use them as an example, and I have the utmost respect for them and their organization."

Dude is a total conniver.

Except that he said this right after:

"I kind of have that tendency (to try to beat the best teams), so it is strange, but as a free agent you're free to go where you want, so I'd have to consider everything regardless of the past or the future."

Do you work for Fox News?


Yes. But we're talking about the better offensive player here right?

if you include assists as offense, LeBron is clearly better. Durant is a better jump shooter but obviously he isn't as good close to the rim. Either way Nash is a far cry from being arguably the best offensive player in the league


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I mean after colorado


After Colorado?? lol that was the event that shamed his family... I don't really judge him for that.. but you judging others by some half assed what's morally correct criteria and saying "we don't know the story" about Kobe is terrible..


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
So you're saying that if the Father is black the baby will be black? Because I have tons of cousins in Europe born from interracial marriages and a lot of them would be considered white.

kid looks pretty white...

After Colorado?? lol that was the event that shamed his family... I don't really judge him for that.. but you judging others by some half assed what's morally correct criteria and saying "we don't know the story" about Kobe is terrible..

THe cheating and ruining the marriage was terrible yes but he has many more good and unique traits, the good outweighs the bad..despite how bad the bad was. He doesn't get into trouble, getting arrested, caught doing drugs, fights in the club, He stays in his room and doesn't go out all the time, he's unique, he's ARTICULATE, he's smart, h'es charismatic, he's cerebral, there's no one like him. Does this stuff not matter to you when you think about likability? He's one of a kind, some bad things but more good than bad. The biggest reason people hate Kobe is because he's on the Lakers. If he was on the grizzlies or something it would be a different story. What happens when a popular player goes to the Yankees, he becomes an enemy to everyone outside of NY.
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