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2012 NBA Offseason |OT|They said I could become anything so I became multiple sources

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NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Did you see Toney Douglas last year? I've never seen someone lose his soul where it wasn't taken from him by another NBA player.

But I agree, it's been said by alot of beatwriters Knicks have to do someone to adjust the offense, and Woodson met with Lin/Carmelo/Chandler/Amare (before he went overseas) a few weeks ago to iron out his plans/assure Lin of his place on the team. I keep saying it makes sense to get a cheap offensive assistant like Eddie Jordan or even Jay Triano.

Offensive assistants don't make that much of a difference bro

Assistants mean more towards developing talent and things like that, but its not like Madden where you can slap a retired Drew Bledsoe to the coaching staff and all of a sudden have a fine tuned machine.

The coach, roster, and FO is clown


It would be nice if Ray Allen would stay a Celtic. I don't know how much he wants to chase a ring though, but the old core of KG, Pierce, him and Rondo has to mean something to him

I don't get why a guy like Ray wants to chase a ring so badly... he already got one. Wouldn't it be a lot more meaningful if he wins another with the Celtics again?


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Jameer Nelson's agent, Steve Mountain, said there was little consideration given to Nelson leaving the Magic after he had opted out of his contract last Friday. "From day one, we told them we’d like to stay and they said they’d like him to stay,’’ Mountain said of the Magic. “Jameer always has been well received. They’ve treated him well and they’ve had a good relationship. Jameer feels that if’s it’s not broke, don’t fix it.’’

Too bad nobody ever fixed his body.



Ethan J. Skolnick: Putting out another rumor: yes, Pat Riley IS now in Miami, and will be present at Ray Allen meeting. Marvels of modern transportation.

The Don has arrived. Get it done Pat.
Morey is wizard for making Kahn look decent.

You're still talking about the Lakers side.

You're going to have to explain what you mean by this, then, cuz I'm not following.

I don't think anyone traded Divac type talent at C for Kobe in 1996.

We remember very different things. The Lakers, as I said, were clever in dumping salary to get Shaq. The only reason you might say it was risky is if you think they didn't know he was coming once he could get a max deal.

The Kobe thing I remember clearly. He would only play in a big market. Teams passed on him b/c they didn't want the headache. But if he was a guy who would have played anywhere, everyone in the league would have given the level of compensation the Lakers gave. Most at the time knew it was a sweet deal for the Lakers. People chaffed at his hubris and wished him ill, but all would have loved him to love them. He became at a huge discount even for the time

yes, Kobe demanded certain markets.

But most did not think it was a sweet deal. This is revisionism. Vlade was considered a lot to give up at the time. It also helps that I lived in LA then too, so I distinctly remember the local media along with the national media (got cable a few years prior, wooo!) You're confusing some other teams would have taken him (still wouldn't be top 7) versus giving up Divac talent for him.

Cloudy, source for Grant Hill?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
You're going to have to explain what you mean by this, then, cuz I'm not following.

I don't think anyone traded Divac type talent at C for Kobe in 1996.

I'm not talking about the Lakers. I'm talking about the teams drafting.
Offensive assistants don't make that much of a difference bro

Assistants mean more towards developing talent and things like that, but its not like Madden where you can slap a retired Drew Bledsoe to the coaching staff and all of a sudden have a fine tuned machine.

The coach, roster, and FO is clown
Woodson as a "defensive assistant" sure made a helluva difference. And tearing him down after the job he did last year, come on dude.

Look, I don't even know what the roster is this season. But if I make the team as the 3rd PG it's not a clown roster, I'm going to be killing fools in the NBA.

Front Office? Dolan sure, but Grunwald has shown his strength is Euros. I've accepted he has a different evaluation of NBA talent, but he'll learn his mistake.


eh I actually think Morey is doing a good job. Glad he's the GM. I don't mean that ironically. That's a good trade he made there and not giving money to Lin or Dragic was the right move.


I mean I wouldn't blame Ray for going to Miami, but after KG came back it's like, give it one more shot (especially since Boston can pay him more)


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Woodson as a "defensive assistant" sure made a helluva difference. And tearing him down after the job he did last year, come on dude.

Look, I don't even know what the roster is this season. But if I make the team as the 3rd PG it's not a clown roster, I'm going to be killing fools in the NBA.

Front Office? Dolan sure, but Grunwald has shown his strength is Euros. I've accepted he has a different evaluation of NBA talent, but he'll learn his mistake.

No, he didn't. The Knicks may have been a good defensive team on paper, but they couldn't come up with shit when it was time for a defensive stop.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Why does Orlando like Jameer Nelson?

Because he's been pretty good. Likable on and off the court and only more so since he's been around for all the good times with Dwight and the fact hes not actually Dwight.

FO loves him because he was relatively cheap and is on par with other guys getting paid at his level this offseason. It makes absolutely no sense to replace Jameer with the likes of Sessions or whoever.

Even if we're going into tank mode it still makes sense to keep a guy like Jameer around.
San Antonio, Oklahoma city and Miami didn't just happen in a vacuum though. Two of those three aren't destination cities.

OKC isn't a destination city. I wouldn't lump San Antonio in that category though; its a lot easier to convince guys to go to warm, tax-free Texas than Minnesota or Milwaukee.

You can honestly see exactly why a lot of organizations have failed. Just an hour ago I was looking over a piece about the suns draft history and it's amazing how much talent they let walk, traded, sold the rights for for cash. A lot of teams are just the victims of their own stupidity.

Hell look at the hornets. We had the potential to be a powerhouse a few years back but we got cold feet with chandler and shipped him off for worse talent that didn't fit in. We overpaid guys like posey. Drafted poorly and let the few good draft picks we had leave because our coach had an over the hill veteran fetish. Our problem was management more then anything.

What I'm saying is that the bad teams are bound to have the bad front offices. The NBA doesn't disclose the pay structures of front offices, but I wouldn't be surprised if Los Angeles is paying more than Charlotte. Let alone the fact that LA is loads more attractive, as a career and destination standpoint.

San Antonio has the best and the brightest every year. They may not have a big market advantage, but they make up for it with their front office's reputation.

I don't think it is as impenetrable of a wall as you are making it out to be though. Especially with the new luxury tax implications in a few years. If the heat are bleeding money now, in about two years it's going to be a bloodbath unless one or all of their players severely restructure. I still say it mostly comes down to management. Too many teams chasing and overpaying for middling talent and too many teams unable to properly rebuild an organization with a proper vision and focus and getting the right people to do it.

Its got a few cracks, but the wall is pretty damn impenetrable. Much moreso than it has ever been before. You need soooo much luck. So much luck.

I agree that the new CBA helps A LOT (I've posted multiple times about it) but we won't feel the effects for a while. The top teams aren't just going to be broken up; we will feel the effects of the old CBA for a really long time.

And its not like the new CBA is perfect. The top teams still have an enormous advantage, just less so than before.
Because he's been pretty good. Likable on and off the court and only more so since he's been around for all the good times with Dwight and the fact hes not actually Dwight.

FO loves him because he was relatively cheap and is on par with other guys getting paid at his level this offseason. It makes absolutely no sense to replace Jameer with the likes of Sessions or whoever.

Even if we're going into tank mode it still makes sense to keep a guy like Jameer around.

Yeah Jameer is a nice dude...

and considering he came from Chester, that is amazing.

See Tyreke Evans.


eh I actually think Morey is doing a good job. Glad he's the GM. I don't mean that ironically. That's a good trade he made there and not giving money to Lin or Dragic was the right move.

But he is giving money to Lin - or at least trying to - and that's a terrible move that's only meant to make Les Alexander richer.

Letting Lee, Dragic, and Dalembert go was good though. Now he needs to trade Scola and let Martin put up 30ppg playing with Asik, Parsons, and Scott Machado for a few months and trade him to Phoenix or something.
I'm not talking about the Lakers. I'm talking about the teams drafting.

ahhh, you mean teams passing on him. I won't argue that teams passed on him because of what he was saying (or his agent). As a draft pick, he probably goes 8-12 before Charlotte. I have no problem with this claim.

I was responding to him saying other teams easily trade Divac for Kobe at the time.
No, he didn't. The Knicks may have been a good defensive team on paper, but they couldn't come up with shit when it was time for a defensive stop.
Keep in mind the guys he had when the Knicks needed a defensive stop were Mike Bibby, J.R. "Got No Fucks" Smith, Carmelo, ZombAmar'e, and Chandler.

And they were going against the Heat, who couldn't even get a tech on them for ripping off Bibby's Jordan and chucking them in the gutter.

Man they don't even do that in the ghetto anymore Dy.
If Kawhi Leonard played in NY, people would've called him the second coming of Shawn Marion.
Because he compares TO Shawn Marion? Compare their games, they are kinda similar.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Tanking doesn't work for fans.

People love seeing opposing stars come through and drop 50 - its great when it isn't a surprise or playoff ending knife in the heart.
Keep in mind the guys he had when the Knicks needed a defensive stop were Mike Bibby, J.R. "Got No Fucks" Smith, Carmelo, ZombAmar'e, and Chandler.

And they were going against the Heat, who couldn't even get a tech on them for ripping off Bibby's Jordan and chucking them in the gutter.

Man they don't even do that in the ghetto anymore Dy.

Because he compares TO Shawn Marion? Compare their games, they are kinda similar.

I'm not even talking about the Heat. All the Heat did was expose NY's bitchassness and wet anus. I'm talking about how the Knicks simply can't win an ugly game with defense.
Because he compares TO Shawn Marion? Compare their games, they are kinda similar.
That may have came off a bit strange.

But the point being that many would say that Shump is one of the best perimeter defenders in the league when it simply isn't the case at all. He's good. Very good for a rookie. But that's it. He never deserved a look at 1st or 2nd all-team anything.


But he is giving money to Lin - or at least trying to - and that's a terrible move that's only meant to make Les Alexander richer. .

But he's not offering Lin that reported poison pill contract that was $40m. That backup center deal isn't a killer either. He still has flexibility but the team is also firmly in rebuild mode, even with KMart and Scola.

The way I feel is that he wanted Gasol and got screwed, along with NO and LA. The fallout for NO was that Tom Benson got to buy a #1 overall, and LA got Nash for free. What Morey got was another desperate attempt to land a big man, and he struck out pre-draft. But he was only in that situation b/c he got fucked over by Stern, and unlike the Lakers and Hornets, good fortune never came rolling back to him. His failure is that he can't land a star, and I'm not sure how he was actually supposed to do that in the current NBA.

The only real way was tanking and praying, and Les is finally letting him do it
But DY...I think Kawhi is the second coming of Shawn Marion. Without the awkward shot.

Does that make me as delusional as Knicks fans?

Cause I like to think I'm even more delusional. :D

People love seeing opposing stars come through and drop 50 - its great when it isn't a surprise or playoff ending knife in the heart.

You're kinda right about that, I actually really enjoyed seing Deron crush us with his 57 point game. He scored 40 in the second half, it was awesome.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
But DY...I think Kawhi is the second coming of Shawn Marion. Without the awkward shot.

Does that make me as delusional as Knicks fans?

Cause I like to think I'm even more delusional. :D


The Knicks making it out of the 2nd round is more delusional than the Spurs going 16-0 in the playoffs
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