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2012 NBA Offseason |OT|They said I could become anything so I became multiple sources

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If you're an idiot, perhaps. Lopez at max is worse than letting Dwight walk...

So then the proposed Nets deal is also not to be taken as anywhere near true. right?

The proposed Net deal is likely bullshit too. Maybe the Orlando front office is floating that out there to entice other teams to give them more. I was just commenting that I don't think it's an awful deal.
As someone said earlier, I don't really see the point in making the Brooklyn deal (per Orlando's sake) except to get something instead of nothing. Lopez and likely a bunch of mid-to-late round draft picks isn't all that appealing. The growing sentiment here in Orlando is not wanting the magic to cave-into his wishes, as he's practically held the entire franchise hostage.

That being said, assuming they'd actually let him walk (which they won't) I find it hard to believe (complications aside) Brooklyn wouldn't exercise every possible avenue to get relief by getting rid of Wallace and/or Joe Johnson at some point. Building exclusively around Deron and Dwight.

Then why wouldn't the Lakers, or the Heat, or any number of teams do the same thing? It's not easy to just unload contracts like JJ's or Wallace's. And even if they find takers, they have to be teams with free cap space, otherwise the Nets have to take the exact same amount of salary back, which puts them back at square one, and unable to sign Dwight. So unless this coming offseason, teams like say, the Mavs or Hawks decide they really, really want Gerald Wallace or Joe Johnson and take them off the Nets hands, there is no way Dwight is going to Brooklyn.


Because 95% of GMs' real job isn't winning titles, it's selling corporate season ticket packages. Nothing gets a GM fired faster than having season ticket sales fall off hard. It's tough to sell corporate types on "spend $100k on seasons tickets to come watch cap space!" Brook Lopezes are the preferable option most of the time.

If the trade ships Dwight and JRich, that should give them a starting point of:

Hedo: 12.2
Baby: 6.4
Dudu: 3.9
QRich: 2.8

Total: $25.3M

They're bringing on Brook's max, Luke's expiring and 3 filler contracts. I think he's eligible for 5/$78M, so that's less than $16M added on. That beings their payroll to $41M, ignoring the filler contracts they sign, Jameer and the draft picks they sign (as well as cap holds). However, I don't think it's outrageous to think they'll have cap space to sign another max player. They can also try buying out Hedo and/or Q to try and free any extra cap space needed.

Brook is a good #2 option, and if you add a good #1, they're gonna be in better shape long-term. PEACE.

On what planet is Brook Lopez a good number 2 option? Good for what? To be a 35 win team? He's not the 2nd best player on a playoff team, that's for sure. He plays no D and his offensive game is slow and limited.
If the trade ships Dwight and JRich, that should give them a starting point of:

Hedo: 12.2
Baby: 6.4
Dudu: 3.9
QRich: 2.8

Total: $25.3M

They're bringing on Brook's max, Luke's expiring and 3 filler contracts. I think he's eligible for 5/$78M, so that's less than $16M added on. That beings their payroll to $41M, ignoring the filler contracts they sign, Jameer and the draft picks they sign (as well as cap holds). However, I don't think it's outrageous to think they'll have cap space to sign another max player. They can also try buying out Hedo and/or Q to try and free any extra cap space needed.

Brook is a good #2 option, and if you add a good #1, they're gonna be in better shape long-term. PEACE.

Yeah all those free agents were just clamoring to play with Lopez before Deron got there... I guess they could trade for one with all those assets they have. Ask Daryl Morey how well that works. Billy King could probably trick them into taking Joe Johnson after this deal though.
I don't pay attention to reports period. The information being spewed in sports media is an outright lie, at worst. It's hyperbolic and twisted, at best. Dallas had nothing to offer Orlando. Use your head.
Yup. There have been constant new Dwight rumors like every day since what, last year? They're great for hits, that's for certain.
On what planet is Brook Lopez a good number 2 option? Good for what? To be a 35 win team? He's not the 2nd best player on a playoff team, that's for sure. He plays no D and his offensive game is slow and limited.

And Bynum is injury prone, suspension prone, and has the maturity level of a 12 year old. Maybe Bynum would fit in at Orlando because he likes to shoot three pointers?

Nelo Ice

Yup. There have been constant new Dwight rumors like every day since what, last year? They're great for hits, that's for certain.

I don't why I'm hooked on finding any news on the deal when I know it could all just be fluff. From past years I already know by now that if Dwight is coming to LA no one will hear about it until its official lol.


lThere is no option. They'd have to unload more money than is allowed. They cannot get Dwight. It's impossible. You have no idea what you're talking about.

What? Why would it be "impossible" for Brooklyn to trade either player to a team with cap space or for expiring contracts? Please explain.

Then why wouldn't the Lakers, or the Heat, or any number of teams do the same thing? It's not easy to just unload contracts like JJ's or Wallace's. And even if they find takers, they have to be teams with free cap space, otherwise the Nets have to take the exact same amount of salary back, which puts them back at square one, and unable to sign Dwight. So unless this coming offseason, teams like say, the Mavs or Hawks decide they really, really want Gerald Wallace or Joe Johnson and take them off the Nets hands, there is no way Dwight is going to Brooklyn.

Yes I realize it's unlikely. Still, given the hypothetical for Orlando letting him walk - I don't see why Brooklyn wouldn't jump at the chance and try. After all, the Nets are (to date) the only destination he seemingly wants to play at.


On what planet is Brook Lopez a good number 2 option? Good for what? To be a 35 win team? He's not the 2nd best player on a playoff team, that's for sure. He plays no D and his offensive game is slow and limited.

What's lead you to believe all this? A career 17/7 guy is a good second option. He had a 18.8/8.7 season his sophomore year, and his skillset gives coaches something to work with. You're underrating him to make the Lakers' shitty offer seem better, but it's not.

Colonel Nasty said:
Yeah all those free agents were just clamoring to play with Lopez before Deron got there... I guess they could trade for one with all those assets they have. Ask Daryl Morey how well that works. Billy King could probably trick them into taking Joe Johnson after this deal though.
Got nothing to do with the trade being better. That's all I'm arguing. If you try to consider why ORL would choose the Nets' offer over the Lakers' one, it seems to make sense. How well Brook can recruit is another. PEACE.
What? Why would it be "impossible" for Brooklyn to trade either player to a team with cap space or for expiring contracts? Please explain.

Yes I realize it's unlikely. Still, given the hypothetical for Orlando letting him walk - I don't see why Brooklyn wouldn't jump at the chance and try. After all, the Nets are (to date) the only destination he seemingly wants to play at.

Because nobody will want them. It took a fucking miracle for Atlanta to unload Johnson's contract and you think they're gonna flip it a year later? To who? Who with cap space wants an aging player like Joe Johnson or Gerald Wallace? It's not impossible, but using that logic any team in the league can clear cap space overnight and sign a star player. There's a reason it doesn't happen and there's a reason teams like NJ/Brooklyn and Dallas and Miami take 2-3 years of planning just to clear enough cap space to sign guys like Deron, Lebron and Bosh.
lol Why did they get rid of Pringles if they're going to be just like the old Suns team? Novak and JR Smith will chuck other teams back into games. Not to mention that NY is going to be a terrible team defensively.
What? Why would it be "impossible" for Brooklyn to trade either player to a team with cap space or for expiring contracts? Please explain.

Well, for one, they can't trade any of them until almost 2013, and JJ has to be a one for one and I don't know if there's an expiring to make it work for him. Lopez will be a poison pill contract, making him even harder to move. By the rules on all of this.

Second, they're over $75 million. To sign Dwight, they'd have to get $20 mil in cap room. To do this they'd have to shed like $40 million in salaries. For expirings. How are they going to get $40 million in expiring (and Deron won't be moved) out of Joe Johnson, Gerald Wallace, and Brook Lopez (a PPP)???

This is an impossible task.

Sign and trades will be barred on teams over the cap. Dwight to Brooklyn is dead if he's traded anywhere else. period.


Sam Amico ‏@SamAmicoFSO

Hearing some buzz Cavs out of potential trade involving Nets & Magic, replaced by Bobcats. Cats would take MarShon Brooks, eliminating Clips

Could be a record low level of fucks given in Charlotte next year if true.
Why would they consider the Nets deal if there was a better offer on the table?

As far as I know, there isn't any Pau Gasol/Jerry West collusion going on.

Because there are a lot of idiots running teams. Why did Ainge just give 4/36 to jeff green, someone who should be lucky for a vet minimum?
lol Why did they get rid of Pringles if they're going to be just like the old Suns team? Novak and JR Smith will chuck other teams back into games. Not to mention that NY is going to be a terrible team defensively.

huh? and huhhh?

if novak even gets an opportunity to shoot the damn ball this season, it will be a miracle
lol Why did they get rid of Pringles if they're going to be just like the old Suns team? Novak and JR Smith will chuck other teams back into games. Not to mention that NY is going to be a terrible team defensively.
novak is pretty much automatic unless you actually stick to him.kidd will keep jr in check. if anything they will be better defensively with kidd.


Sam Amico (Fox Sports) is saying he is hearing that the Clippers and Cavs might be out of the trade and will be replaced by the Bobcats. The Bobcats would take Humphries and Brooks. It's all speculation right now though.


Because there are a lot of idiots running teams. Why did Ainge just give 4/36 to jeff green, someone who should be lucky for a vet minimum?

You're drifting towards conspiracy territory. It's much more likely that they'll just take the best deal that is out there - which is the Nets deal right now - than the possibility that an entire front office doesn't realize that two is greater than one.


You're drifting towards conspiracy territory. It's much more likely that they'll just take the best deal that is out there - which is the Nets deal right now - than the possibility that an entire front office doesn't realize that two is greater than one.

True but I cant believe that the Rockets arent willing to rent Dwight and give Orlando their picks for him, which would be a better deal
You're drifting towards conspiracy territory. It's much more likely that they'll just take the best deal that is out there - which is the Nets deal right now - than the possibility that an entire front office doesn't realize that two is greater than one.

Conspiracy territory? no. I don't think anything is shady. I think most teams are run by idiots basketball business wise.. Thought that before today, will continue to think that after. This would just be another notch on the belt.

IMO, I don't see how all the other trades aren't better, but Orlando is so convinced they have to send him to Brooklyn, they're trying hard. Or maybe it's all a ruse to up the deals of other teams. Or maybe they're idiots and think it's a better deal.

hell, why not wait til Dec 15th when other players can be traded?

The nets deal is shit. The status quo is better.


I caught some of the 76ers/Pacers game before I was distracted by other shit.

Even though it wasn't a official game, I enjoyed it.

Liking B-Ball.
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