Reading Dwightmare kinda puts things into perspective. Also listening to the author was neat too. Dwight has been really childish (and selfish at times), but at the end of the day he really just wants two things; to win a ring and play in Brooklyn. He's told the Magic front office for years he's losing / lost confidence in them to build a winner. Alternatively he's been "blown away" and captivated by Brooklyn's approach and attitude towards winning. Where he was once undecided about the city (Orlando) - he now just wants out. To start over. He's told friends that going to Brooklyn - he's carving his own path. Building something "new". Going down in history as champions for what he helped create, and not on the backs of other people or past teams.
The longer this drags out the more it just demonizes him. I guess it's good for the league, though (publicity wise).