Marc Stein ‏@ESPNSteinLine
Hawks, I'm told, still think they're alive in Dwight trade chase. With plenty of pieces to offer and Josh Smith to lobby Howard to stay
I'm so pissed the Bulls aren't in this. Fucking offer ORL any 2 of Boozer, Deng, Noah plus CHA pick plus our first. Take JRich or Turk if we must. Throw in Mirotic if thats what it takes to close the deal.
If he doesn't re-sign with us once his contract is up oh fucking well now we have a ton of cap space and aRose ready to reload.rejuvenated, in his prime?
Not like we have some amazing contracts we just gotta keep as the 3 aforementioned Bulls are all slightly-to-heavily overpaid. Win win in my eyes.
Just for the record Magic>Pippen
Who the hell would say otherwise?
Financial constraints kept the Warriors very quiet until the final day of the moratorium, when they dealt Dorell Wright to Philadelphia for the rights to Edin Bavcic, who will remain in Europe. Trading Wright clears minutes for Harrison Barnes. Also, his $4 million comes off the books and gets Golden State below the luxury tax far enough to use both the mid-level and bi-annual exceptions. It may not seem like much, but some flexibility is better than no flexibility.
Well, she obviously did. Don't see how that makes it less awkward.
Nash is big on family. That shit must have hurt. One of the reasons why JRich got shipped to ORL in the first place.
Just for the record Magic>Kobe
He'd get no playing time behind All-Star Omer Asik.All I know is if Bydumb is traded to Houston, I'm taking him first on my fantasy team.
Rockets will probably only win 30 games, but dat $tatline. He even brings 3s.
The deal in the works, involving the #Rockets, #Lakers, and #Magic would have Dwight Howard along with Jason Richardson in LA, Andrew Bynum along with Jordan Hill and Duhon in HOU, and 2 future 1st picks 2 of there prospects from the 2012 draft in ORL.
It's like people forget Jordan couldn't get out of the first round till Scottie showed up.
Oh there is someone thinking it.
Take with an ounce of Frankman's salt.
Take with an ounce of Frankman's salt.
If Mitch can flip a first and Fish into JHill then flip that plus Bynum into Dwight and Jrich, MAH GAWD.
Bynum + a first + Fish for Dwight + JRich. Kiss the rings.
You can't even think about banning player cross team discussions about that unless you also want to ban nba all star weekend, any nba run charity events/games in the summer, and ban nba players from the olympics.
God forbid players don't want to waste 90% of their prime playing with shit teammates with shit gms/owners. Don't like it? Either surround them with better talent or be smart like the jazz and trade a guy with 1.5+ years left so he's not just a rental.
You don't own players and their minds. Dealwithit.
Iggy or Williams > Batum
Steve Nash is a secret party animal![]()
What the Dorell Wright trade means for the Warriors:
Miami is still a better team.
Kobe/Glock/ DJO
I don't know if I would flat out say MIA would be better. LAL would be a hell of a lot more cohesive, while MIA would be quicker/more athletic.
Dwight inside kinda fucks up a lot of their easy offense.
and I'd be salty WHY? I just want the Dwightmare to end, I don't care where he goes. I haven't posted anything saying I don't want him in Houston, but you're so cute for thinking I did.Take with an ounce of Frankman's salt.
Does Houston not have enough draft picks and prospects to get Howard themselves without helping the Lakers?
Kobe/Glock/ DJO
I don't know if I would flat out say MIA would be better. LAL would be a hell of a lot more cohesive, while MIA would be quicker/more athletic.
Dwight inside kinda fucks up a lot of their easy offense.
They think they have a better chance of signing Bynum long term rather than Dwight
Take with an ounce of Frankman's salt.
doesn't make sense at all. Why would Orlando want 2 draft picks + 2 rookies instead of 3 draft picks + brook lopez?
doesn't make sense at all. Why would Orlando want 2 draft picks + 2 rookies instead of 3 draft picks + brook lopez?
David Aldridge saying as of right now the 3 team deal with HOU, LAL and ORL most likely won't happen.
thekad gonna Morey.Well duh, Rox + Magic can do something between themselves instead of giving the Lakers a Top 2 player and another dynasty
Take with an ounce of Frankman's salt.
doesn't make sense at all. Why would Orlando want 2 draft picks + 2 rookies instead of 3 draft picks + brook lopez?
Personally, I'd like them to not trade his ass and then force him to be a free agent next summer. If you want to play in Brooklyn so bad, go do it on your own and take less money.
Every hour is something else. The only good thing is Dwight prob feeling held hostage just like the rest of the league.
So the Nets/Cavs/Clippers/Magic talks fell through?
Man, miami is going to be unstoppable in nba2k......wowzers!! Rashard for 3333333333333333333333333333333333!!