Is Nick Young looking to sign with Death Row in the 90's? No? Bad Boy? Why he dress like that then?
Afro Swag
ill just leave this here
ill just leave this here
Memphis is the better team, but they're letting LA do exactly what they want which is letting Chris Paul get comfortable. This series really comes down to who's the worse coach. Paul masks del Negro's ineptitude, and I don't think Hollins can spell the word 'adjustment'. Hollins is especially awful. His 'adjustments' cost the Grizz all 3 of their losses and will prolly cost them this series. I just don't get it- WHY does he insist on keep running ISO plays for Rudy Gay? Why does he not preach HELP defense? Why does he NEVER look inside when he has Z-Bo AND Gasol? Why do you not expose Reggie Evans? Why do you not trap cp3 off the pick and roll and force him to pass? SMH... If I owned the Grizz, I am getting Jerry Sloan on the phone ASAP!
The term you're looking for is "punk ass". Judges would also have accepted "disgrace to the game" or "bitch-made".ill just leave this here
Baron's flop is god tier, only the Manu/Raja double flop comes close.
but CP3 drew a foul off the ref!
I thought you posted this gif showing Griffin picking a booger and looking at it on his handsill just leave this here
Dudes are trying to win. If they're not gonna be penalized for it then why should they stop? Fuk your integrity clowns.
Dudes are trying to win. If they're not gonna be penalized for it then why should they stop? Fuk your integrity clowns.
cpflop was trying to get the ref T'd up.
That ref needs to get tossed, gonna hurt somebody.
Metta World Ref
Clipps are pathetic. THey literally flop or complain on EVERY SINGLE PLAY in the paint. No exaggeration. Every time CP3 or Blake make a play inside they come out holding their head or their eye and looking at the refs. CWebb is right, this shit will catch up to them and no refs or opposing players will have an ounce of respect for them. League needs to crack down on this shit in the offseason.
but CP3 drew a foul off the ref!
you think the refs in the NBA have any shame? or integrity?
The guys who are known to be fixing games for debts, and for stern?
hahahahahaha riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
This shit will keep on going on until people start getting $100k fines for it. And every Time.
I think the refs don't like to be made fools of, and that's what flopping essentially is. Eventually they will start giving guys a rep for it and not giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Except that its been going on for years, for decades, and the guys who are prolific at it are still getting the calls for it.
No, it won't ever be called until the media publicly shame the NBA into doing something about it. And that would mean calling out a bunch of star players who have made a living doing that and hence, isolating the media from those players.
i.e. it's never going to happen.
I honestly wouldn't feel bad if either CP3 or Blake took a MWP style elbow to the head at this point.
when the ball is in play.. I cant even be mad at them.. but that was pretty bad..
Hey the ref could have called a T there which would have lead to more points for his team. And even if the ref caught him there are no rules saying that he can be penalized for it so why not?.
I dont wish injury upon players. But if CP3 tears his knee apart flopping and does the final damage to it that ends his career this play offs, i honestly would struggle to feel bad about it.
this is just sad bro
I honestly wouldn't feel bad if either CP3 or Blake took a MWP style elbow to the head at this point.
I honestly think the Clippers are taking it to a whole new level. Yes flopping has always been around, but even the players that were good at it used it at certain points, to draw a charge for example. Blake and CP literally flop on EVERY SINGLE contact. Whoever said above that it's instinctual hit ht nail on the head. They've done it so much at this point I don't' think they even do it on purpose, it's just a natural reaction for them.
Afro Swag
holy fuck lol
I honestly wouldn't feel bad if either CP3 or Blake took a MWP style elbow to the head at this point.
I honestly think the Clippers are taking it to a whole new level. Yes flopping has always been around, but even the players that were good at it used it at certain points, to draw a charge for example. Blake and CP literally flop on EVERY SINGLE contact. Whoever said above that it's instinctual hit ht nail on the head. They've done it so much at this point I don't' think they even do it on purpose, it's just a natural reaction for them.
Werent alive when Vlade was on your team?And Adam conveniently avoids the flopping talk.
I seriously wonder how it feels to be a non-homer Clippers fan. Can't ever see myself supporting a team that blatantly flops every chance they get.
Werent alive when Vlade was on your team?
Because you're giving "LArefs" a new meaning.Why are Lakers fans of all people threatened by the Clippers doing well?
And Adam conveniently avoids the flopping talk.
I seriously wonder how it feels to be a non-homer Clippers fan. Can't ever see myself supporting a team that blatantly flops every chance they get.
Vlade flopped with integrity!
Why did Hollins use 2 TOs on Fts. holy fuck, so stupid.