Your basketball opinions suck almost as much as your bigoted anti-gay ones.
Your basketball opinions suck almost as much as your bigoted anti-gay ones.
He's right man. Once the Celtics, Lakers, Spurs hang it up and the Bulls looking in peril it's gonna be Heat/OKC every year.
I need overlord Stern to give this year to the Spurs or some team that's not OKC/Heat just this last time.
reminds me of a young me
Your basketball opinions suck almost as much as your bigoted anti-gay ones.
you really think lakers is gonna stay they way it is for now? I still think the west is open....Lakers absolutely need to upgrade their bench.
At least the attention is off Steve Blake and his family now. Pau Gasol doesn't have kids yet so its ok for these Twitter people to murder him.![]()
I'll fully admit that's not even a basketball opinion. Oklahoma should not have any professional sports teams period. And then you take a great franchise and take them to frigging the worst state in the midwest? Literally where no one wanted to live? Yeah people will get a little salty.
I digress. Point has been made a thousand times.
The Lakers do not look like they enjoy one another and they don't look like they enjoy playing basketball. I've said for years that Kobe Bryant is probably the worst guy in the NBA to play with.
You love stalking my posts.
He's trying to say that the Thunder are this team of homogeneous players that all love each other and get along, meanwhile the Lakers are run by some douche and that dysfunction is why they fail.
Those same players were on the roster and Kobe was still a douche 2 years ago this June.
Yet, for all his douchiness, Kobe won 2 chips with that same douchey attitude while the Thunder are still on the quest for #1.
Annnd until that happens, your comparison has no validity.
Jeffrey was one of the worst teammates ever and he won 6 chips.
If you don't believe this, go read 'The Jordan Rules'.
Is it guaranteed that the Thunder will get by the 5pur5?
Then what? Does happiness and jellybeans only get you past the 2nd round?
I may be wrong, but I think San Antonio would kill OKC in a series.
I'll fully admit that's not even a basketball opinion. Oklahoma should not have any professional sports teams period. And then you take a great franchise and take them to frigging the worst state in the midwest? Literally where no one wanted to live? Yeah people will get a little salty.
I digress. Point has been made a thousand times.
I'll fully admit that's not even a basketball opinion. Oklahoma should not have any professional sports teams period. And then you take a great franchise and take them to frigging the worst state in the midwest? Literally where no one wanted to live? Yeah people will get a little salty.
I digress. Point has been made a thousand times.
It's like you could literally change out Los Angeles for
1. Yankees
2. Manchester United
and it would still work!
The truth is, there is a large amount of "bandwagon" fans with all those teams but to blanket statement all the fans as bandwagoners is lulz.
Rookie trolling mistake.
lol durants actually didn't look half bad
Sure Kome and No-Balls Gasol share some blame. But I just can't help thinking Mike Brown is the true source of these late game Laker meltdowns. They're just so similar to the Cavs meltdowns 2-3 years ago.
Mike Brown just does a piss-poor job of player rotation (left Kobe in there too long tonight) and he doesn't know how to center his team and get them on plan when leads slip away.
I mean if you look at the Celtics, for the past 4 years they've had a penchant for blowing big leads in the 4th quarter. But Doc knows how to get his team back on plan and they usually can close out games regardless off how close they come to choking it away.
At some point when a team keeps blowing double digit leads, you gotta question either the coach's competency or his control over the team. I doubt MB has either. With the Laker's talent pool, a good coach won't allow that team to blow large late game leads in two playoff games in a series...
damn youre funny
i dont stalk your posts, i read the thread and reply to things
success can maintain cohesiveness when a team is dysfunctional, but a functional team will remain successful for longer, especially when success becomes elusive. are you literally saying that if the lakers being better teammates wouldnt make a lot of this shit a nonissue
they literally constantly undermine one another during games. this does not breed prolonged success
your argument is confused and stupid, and youre again trying to deflect because your team got its ass beat in the present and youre holding on to the past. literally comparing a team whose main two assets were thirty years old to veritable babies and saying YEAH WELL WHY AINT THEY CHIP YET LIKE WE DID THREE YEARS AGO
and dropping the jordan rules as if it wasnt written in 1991, and pretending jeffery wasnt completely different as a person and a teammate after that
I may be wrong, but I think San Antonio would kill OKC in a series.
San Antonio is deeper, coached better, and everyone can shoot. I could see players like Diaw causing enormous match up issues for them.
Remember Mannywood? LOL. "Oh sweet, the Los Anegeles Kings are going to the Stanley Cup. Hey, lets all go to the mother fucking Kings game tonight." LOL. Los Angeles is an exclusive city for good teams only.
Hahaha this can't be real. OKC loves that team. Why don't we just have it be the Lakers and the Celtics in the finals every year? The rest of the NBA is pretty much fly over country.
they pulled this exact garbage under phil for years though
everyone is getting upset at charles, but he's absolutely right. The heat can not handle large teams with depth.
Out of sight, out of mind. It can't bring the team down. I it does, then Spo will rank up there with Jeff Ireland on the villains of South Florida sports list.Surprised they didn't mention the Wade and Spoelstra situation.
Of course OKC loves that team. What else is there to do there? Drive to cushing and take tours of the pipelines? Bring a team to Nebraska or wherever and they'll have just as good attendance.
The issue is their right to be there compared to a city that loves basketball and a market that would do gangbusters.