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2012 NBA Preseason |OT| The Rich Get Richer, The Poor Get Rasheed Wallace

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Imagine for a second, If Jordan was drafted and had to play with Prime Shaq and then old but still cocky-as-shit Shaq for the first decade of his career. You think Jordan averages 37 points a game doing that for a season? Or he averages 30/8/8 doing that? Or he wins 5 MVP's doing that?

Kobe is an alpha male, probably the most alpha male NBA Player since Magic and Jordan and he has to take a backseat his entire career to out of shape Shaq why exactly? Cuz dude is big?

Oh poor old Kobe. Is this real? Kobe begged his way onto the Lakers. No one forced him to play with Shaq. Had to play? LOL

And it wasn't just Shaq who called him out. I remember Fisher and even Phil Jackson bad mouthing him. If Kobe really wanted to prove his worth he shouldn't have forced his way to the Lakers.

Right around 2003 Kobe was the better player. 2 way player, closer, all nba first team across the board. If Shaq was willing to step aside like Kareem did with Magic, it could have worked. But Shaq thinking Kobe is a sidekick wouldn't have worked cuz Kobe was as much sidekick as Magic or Bird were.

Kobe might have been the better player but in no way shape or form was he going to win it alone. And he still didn't. He cried and complained when after Shaq they weren't contenders anymore. Wanted to be traded to the Bulls. Why is there is so much revisionist history? So Kobe got his way, got rid of Shaq, then when he alone couldn't cut it, demanded more additions and finally they landed Gasol and brought back Jackson.

Remember when last year I said Mitch was one of the best GM's in the league and everyone said I was stupid, he was just a middling GM? Lol, what about now? He got Nash to take less money to come to an arch rival and gave up practically nothing to get him. He got Dwight even though LA was Dwight's second option and Brooklyn was offering a much better package, and he got out of giving Bum Knees Bynum a 100 million dollar contract next season which is, really, the biggest steal in this whole thing. It was like What Kerr did with Amare - except if Kerr didn't just lose Amare but upgraded and replaced him with a 27 year old Dirk.

Sure lets see how it all plays out first. Lakers loaded up in 04 too and that never panned out. Not the exact same scenario but Nash is way up there in age, Dwight is coming off a back surgery, and Kobe's ego might not allow him to play in sync with Nash.

It's not like he's wrong though.

People like to rag on Kobe over the Shaq debacle, while Shaq gets none of the blame. That's even more hilarious.

There's a reason why Shaq has been on, what, 6 teams?

I don't fault Kobe for wanting to reach his full potential. Maybe if Shaq wasn't a fat lazy fuck who insulted the man who signed his paychecks, he'd have been the one they chose.

I also don't blame him for calling out the FO when they had surrounded him with the likes of Luke, Kwame and Smush. Good for him and all Laker fans that he forced their hand. It resulted in three more finals appearances and a pair of rings.

Not to mention the squad we have now.

So again why should Shaq get the blame when he was at that time the most dominant big man in the game, if not of all time? When not just Shaq, but the coach and other teammates would bad mouth Kobe? Shaq being on 6 teams has nothing to do with it. He won another title with Miami. The rest of his career, he should have retired but he bounced around because he didn't know when to quit. A lot of players don't when to give it up and have a sad end to their careers. What does that have to do with Kobe again?

And how come so many of the Lakers fans hate on Shaq? Its as if he had very little to nothing to do with winning those championships. How was Shaq stopping Kobe from reaching his full potential? What full potential? The one he still couldn't achieve when it was just him?
I like this Knicks team defensively. If Amare wasnt such a bust defensively, I'd be getting serious 2001 Sixer vibes. But once Shump comes back and helps out Chandler with his perimeter D they can mask some of Amare's laziness. I dont think Melo is as hopeless a case on the defensive end as Amare, he just needs some inspiration.


I like this Knicks team defensively. If Amare wasnt such a bust defensively, I'd be getting serious 2001 Sixer vibes. But once Shump comes back and helps out Chandler with his perimeter D they can mask some of Amare's laziness. I dont think Melo is as hopeless a case on the defensive end like Amare, he just needs some inspiration.

If it hasn't happened by now I doubt anything will get Melo to play D.

The M.O.B

I like this Knicks team defensively. If Amare wasnt such a bust defensively, I'd be getting serious 2001 Sixer vibes. But once Shump comes back and helps out Chandler with his perimeter D they can mask some of Amare's laziness. I dont think Melo is as hopeless a case on the defensive end as Amare, he just needs some inspiration.

Playing for Team USA didn't inspire him on defense........so I don't know what will.
If it hasn't happened by now I doubt anything will get Melo to play D.

I think shame works. When you're looking at game tape, and everyone in the room sees the role players are busting their ass on D, as a leader, you have to feel some measure of embarrassment if your effort sucks.

Felton looks...good?


effzee said:
So again why should Shaq get the blame when he was at that time the most dominant big man in the game, if not of all time?

And that gives Shaq carte blanche to call out the owner of the franchise on camera during a game? Lmao, Shaq is that you? I actually think they are all to blame, Phil included. Just pointing out that Kobe detractors never put any of the blame on Shaq... and you proved my point.

effzee said:
When not just Shaq, but the coach and other teammates would bad mouth Kobe?

The locker room was split, maybe not even, but it was. It's not like it matters though because the owner of the franchise, the only guy who matters, chose Kobe. Owners > employees.

effzee said:
Shaq being on 6 teams has nothing to do with it.

It kinda does.

effzee said:
He won another title with Miami.

Kobe won two.

effzee said:
The rest of his career, he should have retired but he bounced around because he didn't know when to quit. A lot of players don't when to give it up and have a sad end to their careers. What does that have to do with Kobe again?

Duncan, one team. Kareem, two teams. Wilt, three teams. Hakeem, two teams. Shaq, six teams. One is not like the others. I wonder why that is? Oh that's right, Shaq burns bridges and can't coexist with elite players for long. Ask Penny, Wade, Kobe... or talk to Riles or the Lakers FO. Unless you mean to tell me all these franchises and players are wrong and Shaq alone is innocent somehow.

effzee said:
And how come so many of the Lakers fans hate on Shaq? Its as if he had very little to nothing to do with winning those championships.

See: Burns bridges

effzee said:
How was Shaq stopping Kobe from reaching his full potential?

Short answer would be: There can be only one true alpha male.

Longer answer: Kobe as the 2nd fiddle was only temporary and Shaq didn't want to concede. Kobe had plans of true greatness from the get go and wasn't going to let Shaq get in his way.

effzee said:
What full potential?

So you're one of those people? Lmao!
Read up.

effzee said:
The one he still couldn't achieve when it was just him?

Ah, the myth of a player winning championships all by himself... or with a shit team. Mj did it. Shaq did it. Magic, Bird, Kareem, Wilt, West, Hakeem, Duncan... They all did it. Except they didn't. B-b-b-b-but Kobe should have to because... I HATE HIM SO MUCH!
these new knicks uniforms are making everyone look a lot younger than they are. i like em though.

jr smith doing well tonight too, yay

novak still got it, 7/7 b2b threes. so good


lol at people talking about Melo's defense. He played defense when Woodson took over as coach.

I'm gonna say what I've been saying since Wall was drafted; he would kill as a slashing 2 guard. Dude isn't a pg.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Hahaha, Clyde and Breen wishing the game comes to an end so they don't have to sit through an OT. LMAO
I like this Knicks team defensively. If Amare wasnt such a bust defensively, I'd be getting serious 2001 Sixer vibes. But once Shump comes back and helps out Chandler with his perimeter D they can mask some of Amare's laziness. I dont think Melo is as hopeless a case on the defensive end as Amare, he just needs some inspiration.

You forgot to mention Ronnie Brewer.
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