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2013 Jan NBA Season lOT| Beautiful Black Bodies on Top

Chuck spitting truth about Cousins.

Regarding talent: "He's got it all but he's never gonna get it."

Regarding The organization and player development: "He's in a bad situation. I think they also screwed up Tyreke Evans."


Lakers 4 game homestand is basically the season.

Even if we make a trade later, this season is lost if we can't go at least 2-2, maybe 3-1.

All those teams except Miami are beatable if we play smart.

5 games out is a deep hole and we can't afford to drop many more home games.

Spent all his training time w/ jailbait.
why is a girl from Cali posing with a bum from Indiana, decked out in pacers gear like a lifelong?
Lakers 4 game homestand is basically the season.

Even if we make a trade later, this season is lost if we can't go at least 2-2, maybe 3-1.

All those teams except Miami are beatable if we play smart.

5 games out is a deep hole and we can't afford to drop many more home games.

I mean, we did just lose to Portland. Anything goes in the regular season.
That was truly an excellent set of Shaqtin a fool. I think I laughed the hardest at the Perk but I think the best one was the tying shoes
Don't be mad that the Pacers have a star and your Raps don't.

Hibbert aint about shit. might even be worse than primo pasta boy, cause his low shooting numbers are from shots 10 feet from the rim and closer.
Paul George is a stud tho, wish the Raps had a guy like him.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I can't even complain about LaMarcus' rebounding the past 2 months. wtf is going on?


Key differences between the Lakers and all other teams:

- One or more penetrating guards who drive to score as well as create. Pretty much every other team has this. Nash can do this but he has to be much more aggressive. We get very few easy points or fastbreak points for this reason

- Post up players who can make jumpers AND get their shot off the dribble. Every other team that actually uses guys in the post a lot has post players who can take a jumper or drive to the rim defending on the defense. In other words, their inside game is unpredictable. Pau can do this if he's allowed to play in the post

- Attacking relentlessly with their best player while others play off him We are the only team in the NBA that purposely takes the ball out of the hand of the best player to get the rest of the team going. NO ONE else does this. Every other team spams their best option over and over until the defense adjusts. I don't understand it and I never will. It's just stupid

- Double-teaming stars when they get hot Every other team will send 2 guys at a star when he's on fire. We play the same 1on1 defense with no adjustments regardless of if it's one specific guy killing us. The most we do is switch the defender. I don't understand this mentality. Why not make a hot guy give up the ball? Other teams do it to Kobe when he gets going but we just sit back and wait to be abused over and over...

When are we going to get desperate and start playing like every other NBA team?
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