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2013 Jan NBA Season lOT| Beautiful Black Bodies on Top


Two time-outs and Byron Scott draws up a pull-up iso 3 by Waiters. it went in but still

I'd rather have Mike Brown back and know the defense is going to get better if the offense is just going to be iso every time



so many easy wins ahead I'm feeling like the clippers!




Whilst the seattle team will get the colours/ name and banners/sivler ware... they'll actually share the statistical history with OKC i believe.

Which is just dumb really.

If they give up all that they should just remove the sonics stats from their history. Just Purge.

You should stop reacting to ESPN stories and stupid hyperbole. There are many teams out there that would KILL to have the talent that the kings do no their roster. They are just so poorly managed and coached. And all their trades and signings around that talent have been baffling for years. They have pieces to make moves and either start from scratch with good picks, or actually finally put some of that talent to good use if they put in place the right people on the coaching staff and FO end.

You start by hiring Mac 10.

Bingo. And the Kings have tons of talent. If they want to get rid of people then they also have a lot of flexibility to do that. But Mac 10 would go along way to getting things sorted out with DMC and defensively. I think they trade Tyreke regardless. But you still got Marcus Thornton, Isiah thomas is pretty good, freddette is showing some potential, let's not forget Thomas Robinson.

Plus a high draft pick this draft. Theirs a lot of ways you could tweak with this team to help it out.


more money than God
He also leads the league in And 1 shouts.
The only thing that matters. The amazing thing about him is he'll actually yell out when his free throw is good, or whether it's going to miss.

For instance, when he shoots it and it's no good, he'll yell out, as it's leaving his hands, "it's short, Jo", to inform Joakim to go after the rebound. However, if it's good, he'll yell out, "it's good, Jo", and Joakim Noah will start going for defense before it even goes in. The guy knows his game very well. That shows me that he practices a lot.


I agree I think the Kings' roster is a great starting point for a "new" franchise. They got some nice young players and should have a high draft pick this year and next year or two.

The main thing they got to do is fix the culture. Get rid of the coaching staff and the GM. Sign some players that actually fit well with that team, and get some veteran leadership. And moving to a new city a rejuvenated fan base should help IMO.

A competent GM could turn things around fast there. I just had a look at the teams salary situation and they don't have any real albatross contracts. Most of them are 5 to 7 million per... Salmons is probably the worst contract they have but it was front loaded and the last year is a team option.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I believe I started the Mac10 to the Kings movement and it makes so much sense


@JasonJones said:
Keith Smart said as his team gets healthy, he knows he can't play everyone and he won't try to please everyone.

It led to one of the lighter moments in tonight's press conference:

"As guys are getting healthy they all want minutes. So they’re all going to have that slow roll, walk to the bench when they’re subbed out. Our term is called the F- you coach walk, the food for you coach walk."

That drew plenty of laughs from those in the media room.

At least you got jokes, Keith.
I'm back from a very stupid banning! And what the fuck happened to the Mavs?! Well, at least things are looking better lately. Still not sure if they should tank or try and scrap for the 8th seed.
If we're gonna tank, OJ's gonna have to suck for the rest of the year so we can keep him for another year at his player option and push hard 13-14 with Dwight and a good draft pick. I'm being crazy, but I think we might have the most ridiculous shot getting Dwight if this whole LA drama continues. Atlanta will probably be the favorite though.
Dallas is in a good position for tanking. Some 1st round pics plus cap space to go after Dwight. Dirk will have one last run and the team will be ok in the future after he retires
Gay can board ok for a SF.. but I think they might get better without Wade..

You say this like Wade hasn't been one of the most efficient SGs in the league. People love their scapegoats though.

SoulPlaya said:
Is Bosh joining Amar'e and Pau in the "wish he was Carlos Boozer" pile?

Average 18pts on 56%, wish you were Carlos Boozer. Sounds about right...


I just saw Sportscenter in which there was 11 Heat highlights to 1 Jazz highlight, then about 3 minutes of post game from the Heat. yup


I just saw Sportscenter in which there was 11 Heat highlights to 1 Jazz highlight, then about 3 minutes of post game from the Heat. yup

I saw that. Didn't the Jazz win? ESPN has been getting worse and worse and worse.

"Kobe Goes on a Profanity Laced Rant" - the title of a video in which he says going on a profanity laced rant would be immature and counter productive.

"Magic Johnson rips Kobe" - title of a video referencing a Magic tweet where he says the entire team needs to play better, Kobe is playing at an MVP level, but needs to lead better.

They're just milking LAL/HEAT/Knicks and sensationalist controversial titles.
There is a good chance he could resign but it makes most sense for him to opt out and get a new contract when he is 29
It's pretty obvi that we'll offer max but I'm just wondering with all the contracts we got on the books and all the draft picks we gave away are the Heat gonna be in mediocre limbo after the big 3


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
It's pretty obvi that we'll offer max but I'm just wondering with all the contracts we got on the books and all the draft picks we gave away are the Heat gonna be in mediocre limbo after the big 3

Just depends if he wants to try to win...

Oddly enough the grumbling is Cle is waiting until 2014 to make moves lol
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