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2013 Jan NBA Season lOT| Beautiful Black Bodies on Top

lol People getting all emotional over LA still. They're done for this year.

It's spending spree 2014 or trading Pau's expiring next season for NBA players.




This .gif will never cease to be amazing. lol
Any season where the lakers don't win a ship is a failed season.
Dat higher standard.
Come at us.

The last time I checked, nobody, including the Lakers themselves, give two shits about your standards

"We're the biggest losers on the field, but we aren't off the field!" LOL excellent battle cry


Just watched the Laker Toronto game.

Damn son.... 5 road losses in a row?


Earl Clark is the truth though. Boy out there hustling.


Maybe because it fundamentally changes the Halo sandbox for the worse, single player is really uninteresting and Spartan Ops is the same ish over and over.

Yet I keep playing, so whatever.

Spartan Ops got stale quick but I enjoyed the game overall. Kept me interested alot longer than Reach did.


lol was being sarcastic but just pointing out how ridiculous it is that the moves Mitch made during the offseason were stupid. If he doesn't make those moves we'd be stuck with even worse scrubs and a max Bynum.

What? No. Ninja and I are on the same page here. Before the trade we were waiting for a full rebuild after '14, with the only worry being stuck with a max deal Bynum and Jim Buss trying to build a team around him.

Guess what? The only player on the book after '14 is Nash. That's it.


Westbrook had a nasty ankle roll 40 sec before the half, pathetically hobbled around and jogged on it looking gimpy as hell then like clockwork, back in the game to start the 2nd. Doesn't look 100 percent though.

Nelo Ice

What? No. Ninja and I are on the same page here. Before the trade we were waiting for a full rebuild after '14, with the only worry being stuck with a max deal Bynum and Jim Buss trying to build a team around him.

Guess what? The only player on the book after '14 is Nash. That's it.

Err damn forgot to mention in my post but was talking about people besides Lakers age criticizing the team for making the offseason moves he did because of how much of a disaster this season has been. Yeah I agree either way this team is now at least built to rebuild in 2014 versus being stuck in purgatory with Bynum.
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