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2013 Jan NBA Season lOT2| What Would Kobe Chu?


Otto Porter is gonna make some team really happy in the upcoming draft. The way he's been playing lately, he's not gonna be a sleeper for too much longer.


If you trade Ross, you have to throw in Acy, Anderson and Lucas, plus a trade exception to make salaries match up. If you trade just Amir and Bargs, you keep more of a bench, but Amir is a pretty solid player right now. Far more so than Ross. Of course the Lakers might not want the 'garbage' pieces, even if Lucas and Anderson have been pretty solid.

edit: Oops, meant Ross, not Lowry.

edit2: You could throw in Kleiza and his $4.6 million for another two years, but is that any more attractive to the Lakers?

Just throw fields in there.
I'm telling you, both Mitch and Jim hate Bargnani. It's not happening. It was and never will be an option.

go to hell

Fight it all you want, all the passion and excitement of the Andrea Bargnani experience will overwhelm any barriers you put up.



That ninja Bynum cannot be serious with that hair. Smh, have they covered this in the black culture podcast?

Dude thinks this the early 90's. Looks like hes goes to AI's barber, after he went broke.


Little is the new Big
I'm so glad Mohammed isn't starting, dude's so trash. Should've never let Asik go, damn it! Jimmy off to a great start though :D
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