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2013 Mar NBA Season lOT| Change This Face, Be Happy, Enjoy it!

Ray had just given him an elbow to the neck a couple seconds before. It's a physical game, no need to start instigating fights like you've just been personally disrespected. If you can't deal with contact like an adult then get the fuck outta the league.

Ray's dramatics got JJ kicked out of the game. Might as well be flopping.

i never saw anything even close to an elbow to the neck. Ray shoved him away with his off arm square in the chest.


Haha, just watched the play again and Barea was flopping to start it all anyway. He flops, doesn't get the call, so he decides to bull rush Ray.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
You wouldn't have gone at a guy that shoved you to the floor as you drove to the hoop?
He didnt use his arms but that's exactly what JJ did. Shoved him to the ground.
You do that to me in a game and you better be able to defend yourself.

LOL, what?

I was at the game, and in real time, it looked like a typical blocking foul/charge attempt, except ray ran into JJ and fell on his ass.

Again, I was at the game, in the 7th row, behind the basket on the side of the court that it happened. And in real time, it looked like one of those situations where the refs go "Oh shit, we have to either call a foul here or a travelling violation... uh.... foul!"

Also, Ray actually pushes Barea 2 seconds before you say JJ "pushes" him.

But anyways, the refs called a FLAGRANT 2 on Barea.
Ray had just tried to clear JJ out from humping his leg. JJ retaliated by running into him and shoving him to the floor. Blatant flagrant 2 and if JJ can't deal with getting cleared out of a players personal space then get outta the league. No place in this league for him to bitch out and throw a guy to the floor because of a forearm shove.

And Ray didnt dramatically throw himself onto the floor. There was zero flop there. He was about to go up and then got run into.

calling that a blatant flagrant 2, saying Rudy Gay is better than Gallinari, thinking Kobe is still clutch in the face of quantitative data

i think it's safe to say you're a dumbass




Steroid Distributor
calling that a blatant flagrant 2, saying Rudy Gay is better than Gallinari, thinking Kobe is still clutch in the face of quantitative data

i think it's safe to say you're a dumbass

Haha. I must be.

I love how irritated people in this thread get when someone doesn't share their opinion.

Flagrant Two: A foul is considered flagrant when it involves excessive or violent contact which could injure the fouled player.

I say it was blatant. Contact was not needed at all. No play was made on the ball (heck JJ kept his arms almost behind him) and because the player that was fouled was hit as he was starting his jumping motion he was thrown to the floor.
That is how I interpret the wording. That's what I saw.

And I said that I had to choose one player in the league today to take a last second, game deciding shot that I would choose Kobe.
I never got involved in the ridiculous stats war and arguement about how to interpret them. And I was never talking about the last 5 minutes of a game. Last second shot. I made that clear.
One shot. One player. That's my choice.

Gallinari vs Gay? Haha. Yes I made my choice. Pretty simple. Doesn't even matter. And there is no way to prove either choice is right.


If you're making 30% more free throws in practice, doesn't that show it's entirely a mental thing?
Well when you're practicing free throws, you can get into a rhythm and start to hit them in groups of ten in a row or so after you get into it. More natural shooters and NBA talent can usually hit two at the line easy. It's the centers, who usually don't get jumpshots in game and just aren't natural shooters, who find it really hard to adjust to free throws given only two attempts every time.


Practice free throws are useless w/o a variable.

Do 2 suicides then shoot those FTs.

Maybe, but they have it up in their locker room for a reason... They know that shit don't look right...

It's not like all they're doing in practice is just standing still shooting free throws..

The huge gap in percentages for some of those players is still inexcusable..

And running suicides won't affect free throw shooting much (Some fatigue sure) seeing as how you get no lift on free throws


Steroid Distributor
That's an awesome pic. Actually gonna save that to show players.

I think (one of) the hardest things to do when shooting foul shots is to forget. Forget the shot(s) you have missed. Forget how important this shot is right now. So many players struggle with that. Whether its confidence or ego it's a killer.
Haha. I must be.

I love how irritated people in this thread get when someone doesn't share their opinion.

Flagrant Two: A foul is considered flagrant when it involves excessive or violent contact which could injure the fouled player.

I say it was blatant. Contact was not needed at all. No play was made on the ball (heck JJ kept his arms almost behind him) and because the player that was fouled was hit as he was starting his jumping motion he was thrown to the floor.
That is how I interpret the wording. That's what I saw.

And I said that I had to choose one player in the league today to take a last second, game deciding shot that I would choose Kobe.
I never got involved in the ridiculous stats war and argument about how to interpret them. And I was never talking about the last 5 minutes of a game. Last second shot. I made that clear.
One shot. One player. That's my choice.

Gallinari vs Gay? Haha. Yes I made my choice. Pretty simple. Doesn't even matter. And there is no way to prove either choice is right.

"is my opinion right? maybe! is your opinion right? maybe. i dunno that's the beauty, everyone has an opinion!!!!!" <--- this is you

we literally saw a player punched in the balls on sunday, that was a flagrant 1. barea flopped and ray allen flopped back, it was nothing yet the refs decided to take over the fucking game by throwing a player out over something that wasn't that serious.

And there is a way to prove that Gallinari is better than Gay, it's called statistics. Except in your case you throw out statistics that don't support your argument and recoil back in your "yes i made my choice durrrrr" idiocy
Haha. I must be.

I love how irritated people in this thread get when someone doesn't share their opinion.

Flagrant Two: A foul is considered flagrant when it involves excessive or violent contact which could injure the fouled player.

I say it was blatant. Contact was not needed at all. No play was made on the ball (heck JJ kept his arms almost behind him) and because the player that was fouled was hit as he was starting his jumping motion he was thrown to the floor.
That is how I interpret the wording. That's what I saw.

And I said that I had to choose one player in the league today to take a last second, game deciding shot that I would choose Kobe.
I never got involved in the ridiculous stats war and arguement about how to interpret them. And I was never talking about the last 5 minutes of a game. Last second shot. I made that clear.
One shot. One player. That's my choice.

Gallinari vs Gay? Haha. Yes I made my choice. Pretty simple. Doesn't even matter. And there is no way to prove either choice is right.
It's almost comical how much better Gallo is than Gay.


calling that a blatant flagrant 2, saying Rudy Gay is better than Gallinari, thinking Kobe is still clutch in the face of quantitative data

i think it's safe to say you're a dumbass

You need to stop being a jackass. I know you're a Magic fan, but still. it's not an excuse.

Also, Kobe has 5 chips and more game winners than anyone in history. Taken over a game countless times. The fact that "quantitative" data to you basically means you ignore the sheer amount of clutch shots he's hit and clutch situations he's persevered in favor of just looking at a make to miss ratio is one way to look at something.

It's silly to say someone with little to no experience in the big stage and a fraction of the game winners Kobe's hit is more clutch simply because he's converted a higher % of far less attempts.

Do we say Wade is more of a champion than Magic because Wade is 2 for 3 or 66% in the Finals and Magic is 5 for 9 or 55%? No, because we're not stupid.

At the very least stop name-calling someone for having different opinions than you or for analyzing data differently. That flagrant 2 call was utter bullshit though, you're totally right on that.
You need to stop being a jackass. I know you're a Magic fan, but still. it's not an excuse.

Also, Kobe has 5 chips and more game winners than anyone in history. Taken over a game countless times. The fact that "quantitative" data to you basically means you ignore the sheer amount of clutch shots he's hit and clutch situations he's persevered in favor of just looking at a make to miss ratio is one way to look at something.

It's silly to say someone with little to no experience in the big stage and a fraction of the game winners Kobe's hit is more clutch simply because he's converted a higher % of far less attempts.

Do we say Wade is more of a champion than Magic because Wade is 2 for 3 or 66% in the Finals and Magic is 5 for 9 or 55%? No, because we're not stupid.

i know you're developmentally challenged and all but i'm clearly not a magic fan


read the list and check the avatar motherfucker


Steroid Distributor
"is my opinion right? maybe! is your opinion right? maybe. i dunno that's the beauty, everyone has an opinion!!!!!" <--- this is you

Totally me. And unless it is an obvious yes or no statement that can be proven I will take that soft stand cause I am not here to make enemies. Honestly just enjoy talking about basketball.
I used to be much more confrontational when it came to defending my opinion but I have learned that having a strong emotional attachment to my opinion usually made me sound less deserving of having an opinion altogether.

we literally saw a player punched in the balls on sunday, that was a flagrant 1. barea flopped and ray allen flopped back, it was nothing yet the refs decided to take over the fucking game by throwing a player out over something that wasn't that serious.

I don't know if I would have called a flagrant 2 if I was the ref but because I saw JJ "bullrush" at Ray I believe it's possible I would have. From my interpretation of the rule there was no play on the ball, there was excessive contact and a player fell to ground increasing possibility of injury.
I don't need to analyze the replay for us. You don't agree.
It doesn't matter.
But like I said earlier. If I was going to the hoop and someone ran into me like that with their chest out I would have got up off the floor rather upset.
That's where I meant to put my emphasis on the discussion.

And there is a way to prove that Gallinari is better than Gay, it's called statistics. Except in your case you throw out statistics that don't support your argument and recoil back in your "yes i made my choice durrrrr" idiocy

I understand statistics very well. And through my career have had to use them quite a lot. And one thing I have learned over and over again is a statistic is only as good as how it is interpreted.
If I use a stat in a discussion to defend my opinion and there is another single stat that someone else can throw into the equation that breaks my arguement then I was wrong.
So I have learned to not put the same weight behind them.
It doesn't matter if I'm buying oil, stocks, debating results of a university study or talking sports. If I can not completely isolate my opinion from other competitng stats than I don't use them.

I don't ignore stats. Not at all. Not for a second.

Maybe I'm thinking too deeply about them. That's just me.

And I agree that 15 years ago I most definitely got as irritated as some of you have with my opinions. Even to the point where maybe I even wanted to throw out personal attacks.
That's not me though. But I understand.
I understand statistics very well. And through my career have had to use them quite a lot. And one thing I have learned over and over again is a statistic is only as good as how it is interpreted.
If I use a stat in a discussion to defend my opinion and there is another single stat that someone else can throw into the equation that breaks my arguement then I was wrong.
So I have learned to not put the same weight behind them.
It doesn't matter if I'm buying oil, stocks, debating results of a university study or talking sports. If I can not completely isolate my opinion from other competitng stats than I don't use them.

I don't ignore stats. Not at all. Not for a second.

Maybe I'm thinking too deeply about them. That's just me.

And I agree that 15 years ago I most definitely got as irritated as some of you have with my opinions. Even to the point where maybe I even wanted to throw out personal attacks.
That's not me though. But I understand.

find me these mystery stats which would indicate that Rudy Gay is a better player than Gallo

you make a claim, the burden of proof is on you; "it's my opinion dawg" is a response that degenerate simpletons use


find me these mystery stats which would indicate that Rudy Gay is a better player than Gallo

you make a claim, the burden of proof is on you to support it; "it's my opinion dawg" is a response that degenerate simpletons use

Jesus Christ dude, calm down with this ish.
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