Hey how is calculus treating ya and how good are you at math ?? I'm like a low B math student in pre calc and am damn scared of calculus which I start in about 2 weeks =/
Well I was pretty good at math before calc. My calc profess/teacher was literally the worst instructor ive ever had in my life though. Ever.
But I cant put all the blame on him I guess. Calc just wrecked me. Esp when we got into the trig stuff.
The exam was set into two papers. One written the other MC. Prolly the first exam where I did worse on the multiple choice.
The entire situation was fucked up though. There was a pre req course that only two ppl in the class knew about so most people fucked up. :/.
we were pkaying catchup the entire year.
You should be fine of youre covering most stuff. Tons of resources online and shit.