So Kobe being douche in meeting, yeah we got it.
Every time you trash me to teammates, it gets back to me, witnesses said Bryant told Howard in the visiting locker room of the FedEx Forum. Every time you do one of your impersonations when I walk out of the room, I find out. Everything tumbled out of Bryant, one grievance after another, and the Lakers coaches and players sat watching the two biggest personas in the room push closer together, or irreconcilably apart.
Bryant had come to rage against the idea that Howard's clownish disposition could overtake the locker room, the Lakers' culture, and had warned Howard that he would never, ever let it happen. He hated it with Shaquille O'Neal, but Shaq performed on a championship plane for the Lakers and delivered a disposition to dominate on the floor.
"Kobe talked to Dwight in a way that I don't think anyone one had ever talked to him not in Orlando, not here, not in his life, I'm betting," one witness in the room told Yahoo! Sports. "He's been coddled, and Kobe wasn't going to coddle him."
Kelly stahp
Oladipo looks good as a PG.
Romero Osby. Played at Oklahoma last year.Who is this Osby guy on Orlando's team?
He's looked really nice.
I just realized Kelly Olynyk's initials are K.O.
I see that getting a lot of use whenever he throws down a fantastic dunk.
didn't know summer league stats counted towards career milestonesoladipo with a career high in assists
Lmao Dwight must have been so shook after that team meeting in Memphis. That's some Michael to Fredo "I know it was you" shit.
I think it is safe to say Dwight just ain't about that lifeZ. Good luck in Houston.
I mean, if it's true that Big Dweezy was talking shit about Kobe behind his back and doing Kobe impersonations the second Bryant walks out of the room, I'd say Dwight got off light by being verbally put in his place. By all rights, Kobe should have at least punched Dwight in the face several times. Imagine what a Gilbert Arenas or Aaron Hernandez would have done to him.
don't think so. was just surprised he already broke his college career highWho is this heretic wearing McGrady's number?
didn't know summer league stats counted towards career milestones
why is Dennis Scott whispering anytime he talks about fab melo
I'm sure Dwight thought he was just being funny and joking around.
And the last 3 letters of his last name are NYK
Lmao Dwight must have been so shook after that team meeting in Memphis. That's some Michael to Fredo "I know it was you" shit.
I think it is safe to say Dwight just ain't about that lifeZ. Good luck in Houston.
More like Dwight must have been laughing even harder on the inside.
"CMON DWIGHT STOP MAKING FUN OF ME" boo fucking who Kome.
Really? Seems like somebody was acting like a clown, though probably not maliciously, but that kind of behavior doesn't jell with a veteran team.
Really? Seems like somebody was acting like a clown, though probably not maliciously, but that kind of behavior doesn't jell with a veteran team.
Clips are scary good and barring 10+ games missed by CP3 or Blake, will be #1 seed in the west next year.
Lakers should just bring the 2010 championship band back together + Nash and Meeks and tank so hardddddd.