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2013 NBA Offseason |OT2| The Rich Get Richer, The Poor Get Andrea Bargnani



Anthony Davis looks like he got better than he was last year. Fuuuu most complete big man to come out of college and play in the NBA since Duncan for sure.

Clyde! How did Parsons look? I missed a portion of when Parsons played.
Anthony Davis looks like he got better than he was last year. Fuuuu most complete big man to come out of college and play in the NBA since Duncan for sure.

Clyde! How did Parsons look? I missed a portion of when Parsons played.

He looked decent. Shots weren't falling for him, but was aggressive and assertive when he got the ball.


"I can't wait for them to get Hedo. Will be so sweet.", said no one ever. I'm sure u had him pegged, Doogie.

For once, I'd like to see a ped discussion start of with the name of someone who is not top10 in popularity. Rgm has a thread on this, and the only 3 names being mentioned are Kobe, LeBron and Wade. Easily the laziest, most low-brow discussion topic this generation. It's just a who's who of sports. PEACE.
"I can't wait for them to get Hedo. Will be so sweet.", said no one ever. I'm sure u had him pegged, Doogie.

For once, I'd like to see a ped discussion start of with the name of someone who is not top10 in popularity. Rgm has a thread on this, and the only 3 names being mentioned are Kobe, LeBron and Wade. Easily the laziest, most low-brow discussion topic this generation. It's just a who's who of sports. PEACE.

That's just the way it is. Thing is though, every single time PEDs gets brought up people come out with the argument of, "well you can't tell just based on this circumstantial evidence, can't judge a guy just because..." and all this stuff is combined with the who's who and it almost always turns out that if it sounds like a duck and looks like one then guess what, it's a duck. It's just an unfortunate byproduct of having to look through such a presumptive lens because history is what it is.

The only reason why I'm as vocal as I am about it is because I'd like to see the dialogue continue, but at the end of the day the NBA just isn't that interested. I think the NFL is going to get there in a couple of years, but the NBA seems a good ways behind.

The main reason I'm so passionate about it though is because I saw what it did to the quality of product in baseball. Look at Bonds, Sosa, Mcgwire and then look at the hitters we have today. It's literally not even close. Not close at all. Those guys honestly look like they came from Marvel in comparison to our best hitters today.

I actually don't think any NBA player is juicing to the extent those guys were. Physically speaking the only guy who's shown the sort of Marvel-esque ability that Mcgwire and Sosa did is maybe LBJ, but even what he's doing right now...that shit wouldn't even be close to the ridiculousness we'd see if he was on that Sosa shit.
The NBA cares less because if someone of any relevance gets caught it would fuck them the hardest.

The NBA more than anything is about it's stars.

A-Rod has been a hasbeen for a while now. Bonds was a tool bag and damn near everyone else was retired when they got caught. And at the end of the day, they are easily replacable. Baseball Stars aren't capable of carrying a team by themselves like say LeBron or Kobe is. Hell the Brewers are booty this year with Braun so losingh im isn't a big deal and in a year or so no one will care.

If LeBron or any star really gets "caught" in the NBA, then that's a lot of marketing bucks gone, the suspension would kill the franchise for a bit and that star won't be a star in the same sense. It's the way the leagues are set up. A baseball "superstar" doesn't have the same pull as a basketball "superstar" because of marketability. In the NFL, outside of the QBs and a few position dudes, it's practically the same and I doubt Peyton or Brady are on roids lol.

So if Stern/Silver buries this where the bodies are...that is why. Much more to lose than baseball especially since in terms of superstars the current crop is pretty weak in terms of marketability. They can't afford to have their few golden eggs tarnished. And thus scrubs like Hedo and Shard will get caught.
The new crop of stars coming up seems to be a lot more likeable/marketable to me than the current crew we have now. So that could have an effect on how secure the league views its image as. So in a few years time when they're obviously declining I could MAYBE see one of the current stars getting busted for PEDs.

Edit: It wouldn't be Kobe or Lebron, they're too big. Someone like Dwight I could see happening though...
The new crop of stars coming up seems to be a lot more likeable/marketable to me than the current crew we have now. So that could have an effect on how secure the league views its image as. So in a few years time when they're obviously declining I could MAYBE see one of the current stars getting busted for PEDs.

That's a possibilty but it will be a fringe guy (like Melo...no offense Knicks fans but he doesn't seem to get pushed anymore) it will never be someone of LeBron or Kobe's stature.

But yeah the current crop is bland. Rose just experience feels this year. Durant is too humble. Kyrie has that it factor but the Cavs haven't been good so yeah. Dwight fucked himself. Everyone else is just meh or old.


It's crazy how many of those "point guards" don't give any fucks about actually creating for others.

As much as I love Kyrie, dudes the definition of style over substance.

What does that even mean? He had 7 assists in 19 minutes and is always pretty efficient lol
That's a possibilty but it will be a fringe guy (like Melo...no offense Knicks fans but he doesn't seem to get pushed anymore) it will never be someone of LeBron or Kobe's stature.

But yeah the current crop is bland. Rose just experience feels this year. Durant is too humble. Kyrie has that it factor but the Cavs haven't been good so yeah. Dwight fucked himself. Everyone else is just meh or old.

I don't think they're bland. Paul George, Kyrie, Rubio, Parsons, and Oladipo are all very charismatic. Then you have the clean image guys like Curry, Barnes, Beal, Hayward, and hopefully MKG if he can get over his fear of public speaking. Wiggins' image will be in the same vein as Kobe, he's going to make major bank for the NBA.


I also find the idea of the NBA "squashing" evidence of PED use comical. Silver and Stern aren't all-powerful or anything, and all it takes is one of these clinics getting indicted or one of the players' confidants flipping for a scandal to be blown wide open.

If Bron, Wade, or Kobe is using there's a decent chance it'll come out.
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