Agreed he's doing awesome on defense.Ezili having a great game
What the fuck is Miller draining threes on us. God damn. :/
Agreed he's doing awesome on defense.Ezili having a great game
That's a...shockingly low quality sign.
The Grizzlies are pretty good at it.Hubbie always brings up how most guards can't make post passes and its fucking sad. You watch the old NBA and everyone knows how to feed the post no matter what the situation is.
The Grizzlies are pretty good at it.
Wouldn't that be something
No not really.
And if I was a Celtic fan I'd be mad that JR didn't knock Terry out.
Kidd left the podium laughing.
don't change the subject. Your no way nearly slick enough to pull off what your trying too. Your just coming off as an idiot
Change the subject? I was talking about the shit he was pulling an you just jumped in the convo? STFU
why? i got caught up watching the lakers shame
man whatever stop bruh. most times your an idiot but your good for a laugh. don't be a jackass and keep doing it.
Doing what? WTF are you talking about? I was on his case cause he thought he was a smart ass by making a joke of a terrible situation in boston? lol Really buddy
go back to what i originally quoted when I told you to stop and read it out loud.
remember when people were hyping up goudelock lol.
I dont care wat you quoted buddy. I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the idiot who thought it was fun using the boston bombing as a knicker anthem then you got butt hurt for some weird reason and jumped in.
cause you know what I was talking about then and you want to annoy me by playing stupid now. look this is whats going to happen if you do it again i am going to call you on it. Besides that continue to be your normal asshole self bruh