Just because Mitt Romney may have given money to a poor person doesn't change who he is.
It's kinda like that good post you made once.
... maybe it wasn't you.
Just because Mitt Romney may have given money to a poor person doesn't change who he is.
Even George W Bush did some real good in Africa
It's kinda like that good post you made once.
Even George W Bush did some real good in Africa
How does the shower room situation work?
Like, if I were to be in a shower room with women 82+ times a year, I'd probably sneak a peak every chance I had. I'd probably even flat out stare at times. Thus, it would be very inappropriate for me to be in a shower room with them.
Even if some of them were ugly beasts and I had no interest in them, they'd still have a legit beef and I should not be in there.
So how does it work if a player is worried about being in a shower room with a gay man?
Does he have a legit beef?
How does the shower room situation work?
Like, if I were to be in a shower room with women 82+ times a year, I'd probably sneak a peak every chance I had. I'd probably even flat out stare at times. Thus, it would be very inappropriate for me to be in a shower room with them.
Even if some of them were ugly beasts and I had no interest in them, they'd still have a legit beef and I should not be in there.
So how does it work if a player is worried about being in a shower room with a gay man?
Does he have a legit beef?
I just caught up on Peter Vescey's Twitter last night/today.
If you're a Lakers fan just never visit it.
I'd love to have a team in Cincinnati but we are way too small of a market for that to ever happen.
Unless you're worried collins is going to rape you i don't see it changing all that much.
Unless you're worried collins is going to rape you i don't see it changing all that much.
Dude has a Legit point though. Girls don't have to be scared of being raped to feel violated. Simply saying - just let the guy shower with the girls, he's minding his own business I don't think is comforting enough for women.
That's probably a tricky situation and I could see why someone might have an issue with that.
The state of Ohio is cursed enough with having a Cleveland NBA team. No need to curse it even more.
Wasn't he against condoms being given out?
Cleveland is just cursed. Move them down here and they will be champions.
top 10 player.
in b4 Bosh
I'm sorry but if I had to share a shower with gay dudes, I'm not going to worry about them raping me... come on.
Yup, as soon as Stern decided he wanted the Kings to stay it was a done deal.
I'm sorry but if I had to share a shower with gay dudes, I'm not going to worry about them raping me... come on.
The point is, worrying about being raped is irrelevant. Girls would understandably feel violated if straight men showered with them even without a fear of rape or sexual abuse. You can't just walk into a girls shower room at the gym and take a shower and say "don't worry I'll mind my own business I won't assault you" and expect everyone to be ok with it.
Women would probably even feel violated if a gay man was in their shower room. I could see straight men having legit beef with gay men around them in shower settings
Bosh is just an awkward dude, its DWade who strikes me as a guy who'd be in the closet.To totally get peoples attention there would have to be an openly gay top 10 player. How would that play out???
in b4 Bosh
Yea but from what I gather he did some commendable AIDS relief there
Half the league has showered with Collins. What changed?
comparing it to a man barging into a woman's locker room isn't the same.
The point is, worrying about being raped is irrelevant. Girls would understandably feel violated if straight men showered with them even without a fear of rape or sexual abuse. You can't just walk into a girls shower room at the gym and take a shower and say "don't worry I'll mind my own business I won't assault you" and expect everyone to be ok with it.
Women would probably even feel violated if a gay man was in their shower room. I could see straight men having legit beef with gay men around them in shower settings
A man revealed he is sexually attracted to men.
Lol @ Royce White's self-serving tweet.
I wouldn't want to shower with other dudes.
A man revealed he is sexually attracted to men.
Not really the same...
By why should that change anything? They've already showered with him numerous times. Now that they he is openly gay, will the soap stop cleansing? Will the water become too hot?
I just don't get it.
Because gay attraction works differently than straight attraction?
Even in an NBA-Age locker room situation?
If it was me I wouldnt mind being in a locker room with a gay man. Are gays so horny that they cant be platonic with his naked teammates? Besides I would take it as a compliment if a gay man is checking out my asian junk
That's what women are worried about when a man steps into their shower?
I personally wouldn't mind unless the guy was making me uncomfortable by hitting on me repeatedly or checking out my junk. But based on how women would by and large react, and be justified in doing so - men who react the same way would be equally justified no?
I am so pumped right now. I can't wait to see how Nate will play tonight![]()
I'm Asian, so do the math.
lol at the thought that being gay should ban you from sports because of showers
That's what women are worried about when a man steps into their shower?
I personally wouldn't mind unless the guy was making me uncomfortable by hitting on me repeatedly or checking out my junk. But based on how women would by and large react, and be justified in doing so - men who react the same way would be equally justified no?
Time to root for Washington born players again
Yea but from what I gather he did some commendable AIDS relief there
It's not about gays being so horny. You guys are the one making qualifiers to homosexual attraction that you don't make to heterosexual attraction.
I wouldn't tell a girl, hey don't worry if that guys showering with you. Stop being so damn full of yourself, he can control himself. So why would I say that to a straight man?
I don't know what the solution is, but if I understand why women feel uncomfortable having to get naked in shower settings with men, even co workers - I would understand why a straight man would feel uncomfortable with a gay man. I don't think gay men are different then straight men. That they're pickier or less picky, or that they are Hornier or less horny. That's just silly
It's not about gays being so horny. You guys are the one making qualifiers to homosexual attraction that you don't make to heterosexual attraction.
I wouldn't tell a girl, hey don't worry if that guys showering with you. Stop being so damn full of yourself, he can control himself. So why would I say that to a straight man?
I don't know what the solution is, but if I understand why women feel uncomfortable having to get naked in shower settings with men, even co workers - I would understand why a straight man would feel uncomfortable with a gay man. I don't think gay men are different then straight men. That they're pickier or less picky, or that they are Hornier or less horny. That's just silly
Why do we allow female reporters in dressing rooms then?
The problem with women and men is only in a 1 on 1 situation (or like 2 men to 1 women etc). If this were an WNBA team and a male coach going into the shower, it shouldn't be a big deal (assuming he has reason to shower).
If it's coed showers and some 4 guys and girls are showering together it shouldn't be a big deal at all. The only reason it is because of our puritan culture ways to the point that Janet Jackson showed a nipple on TV and our country freaked out.
Yeah, I could understand why a woman wouldn't want to shower with a single man because of rape issues. Women are generally weaker. And fine, if you want to argue one man may be legit in not wanting to shower with 1 other man, especially one as big as Collins. But in a team setting where everyone is showering? What's the big deal. It shouldn't be a big deal for 15 men or for 8 women and 8 men.