Psychological Intellect
It's only a matter of time before Curry breaks the three pointers in a game record.
damn, his eye still looks fucked up.
damn, his eye still looks fucked up.
naw nuggets will win today.Fucking Brewer man. Hope Curry is able to have a good game despite the eye.
Nuggets will be desperate, so this is going to tough as hell. Just hope the Warriors can find a way to close this out.
Left4Dead 2.
naw nuggets will win today.
What other games are there. There aren't nearly as many as there are games with white female protagonist and there aren't nearly as many white female protagonists as their are white male protagonists.
GTA is a game series about hoodlums and the funny thing is that their has only been one protagonist that has been a minority. Even though here in america when people think of a criminal they almost always think minority. So not even in a game where the protagonist is a criminal will the protagonist be a minority. Its always a white guy or guys with a token minority thrown in.
What's with all the empty seats in Denver?
I thought you liked da king?
y not?What the what! C'mon son.
why is that a problem for you? you have no problem liking two things at the same time.I'd have to conceed the era of kobe has ended. I'm not ready for that man. I'm sinking with this kome ship.
y not?
edit:fuck, NBA announced that conference semi finals won't start tll monday. Hopefully the other series stay lengthy till then.
Faried elbowed Curry as he cut through the lane away from the ball and Koufos pushed him after the whistle. Karl playing the cheap shot macho card.I looked away for a second, what did he try to do to Curry?
Pretty fucking sad.Faried elbowed Curry as he cut through the lane away from the ball and Koufos pushed him after the whistle. Karl playing the cheap shot macho card.
Get the big Australian to be the pretty sure jackson gave the go ahead for that.
liking this game so far.
This and the clips/grizzlies are pretty good.This whole series has been great.
Probably my favorite of the first round.
C'mon Jack, kick that shit out to Klay.
He was standing there just waiting :lol GS offense looks bad.I'm glad i wasn't the only one that saw that lol
Get the big Australian to be the criminal.
Of course they're going to show this shit and not the dirty plays on Curry.