Hm, I was in the mood for some relaxing Space Engine again and I had to reinitiate/reinstall the shaders because of an Nvidia driver update. I had to do this after every driver update because the planets/suns are invisible If I don't.
Now I have a bigger problem, everytime I hit F2 to see the planets of the solar system I'm in, I can't see the little icons in the bar and a big preview of some planet is heavily flickering on the entire screen. So I can't use F2 and it's really annoying. I redownloaded Space Engine and reinstalled everything but to no avail.
Anyone has the same issue and/or know how to fix this? I fear the latest Nvidia driver update incorporated something that is incompatible with some parts of the program.
To not waste space here some older pics I haven't posted[IMG]
Using your pics as wallpapers, thanks.
Metro Screens
100% agreed.Huh, I actually like the original more. The Redux one is too bright and colourful.
First time posting here, sorry if I'm doing something wrong! I was using GeDoSaTo to render this thing @ 4K but the screenshots only came out at 1080p, is that normal?
First time posting here, sorry if I'm doing something wrong! I was using GeDoSaTo to render this thing @ 4K but the screenshots only came out at 1080p, is that normal?
You're going to get your fist all covered in ghoul.
Yes, I believe GeDoSaTo shows you the final downsampled image so screenshots are automatically set at 1080 (or whatever you set it at).
I saw Oracle on Patrick Klepek's Worth Playing feature. That fire looks great, I need to check it out and make a gif or webm.
Gedosato has 3 different screenshot keys, HUDless, full size, and normal. HUDless (only works if there's a config for the game the config has the required info for hudless shots) and fullsize should come out at whatever your render resolution is set (4K in your case), and normal comes out downsampled to whatever your present resolution is set (1080p).
Those Space Engine pics: god damn. Downloading right now to check it out; glad you posted.
I like this. Who's the character model?
I think that's because there's a no nudity rule.And now for something completely different. I haven't seen anyone post TitS in here.
Does The Crew just not have any AA whatsoever?
Metro 2033 REDUX
Vertical Panorama