Redid this one slightly:
Just downsampling via gedosato and ENB (or "revhancer" )
Always liked the look of those 2 Transformers games. Even bought them but weren't my thing :/
Going through my backlog, swearing off new games has made me realize how much stuff I (impulse sale) bought and taught me a lesson.
Thankfully there's some good one's in there. Found my old box of game manuals and cd keys for non Steam games. Shift 2 has been fun. Nice coming back to older games wit better hardware too
Were you wall hugging for those or just cropped?
I mean, that's one thing the game had going for it, was it's visuals, so hopefully, it'll be an option, otherwise, GeDoSaTo save us.
It deserves to be said here, too. That is one epic fucking screenshot.
Also I continue to really appreciate how the game looks without that filter.
For "freecam" I'm using a lua script to change the character position and a first person mod, but it's pretty annoying and hard to get some decent shots, I don't really put enough time into it. (check DET)
does anyone know an AA compatibility bit for trackmania united forever? cant find one that works well with all environments
Have you tried 0x004412C1 with and without the AAFix?(Trust me it CAN make a difference)
It may not be able to get everything just because there is so much and because of the hackish nature of getting SGSSAA to work.
You may need to try 4xSGSSAA+ some downsampling to help out.
Did they fix load captain? Are buttons named to match xbox controllers?
I've tried asking about the typos on the steam forum. no one will answer. I don't want to support a product where they had the chance to fix the rushed work they did on the Android version to begin with.|
EDIT: They DID indeed fix the typo. But... game is locked to 30FPS, and battles locked to 15FPS?!...
Yeah, the typo is fixed. And as you say the game is locked to 30/15 as far as I can tell. Not sure if it's something inherent to the DS version, been years since I've played it and I never had the android version. One weird things I've noticed is sometimes in the text there are tiny flecks of white inbetween letters.
As for proper control prompts, as far as I can tell there aren't any. Mostly just A and the stick, I figured out the button prompt for run on my own. In the help page it gives controls for a keyboard.
yeah tried that one and one other i found on 3dcenter that was for tm nations united. both work in stadium environment but in island cause visual glitches.