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2014 NBA Feb |OT| Stern retires after failed attempt to bring pro basketball to NY

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Glad to see Grant go. Scared to think this means Gilbert is going to be even more involved in basketball decisions. Hate this team so much.

Also fun fact, Chris Grant was apart of the Atlanta Hawks front office that decided to pick Marvin Williams over Chris Paul. The more you know~


Glad to see Grant go. Scared to think this means Gilbert is going to be even more involved in basketball decisions. Hate this team so much.

Also fun fact, Chris Grant was apart of the Atlanta Hawks front office that decided to pick Marvin Williams over Chris Paul. The more you know~
I feel terrible for Cleveland.

They lucked into one of the greatest players of all time (a local kid, no less), then after he left, they lucked into two #1 picks, plus a #3 and a #4, and they fucked it all up because of a terrible GM (and terrible ownership that put him in place).

Gilbert is awful, and deserves to be mentioned among the worst owners in sports.
I feel terrible for Cleveland.

They lucked into one of the greatest players of all time (a local kid, no less), then after he left, they lucked into two #1 picks, plus a #3 and a #4, and they fucked it all up because of a terrible GM (and terrible ownership that put him in place).

Gilbert is awful, and deserves to be mentioned among the worst owners in sports.

You know what? At least he cares, and at least he has a general idea of what to do (surrounded Lebron with the best vets they could find, then tried to rebuild through the draft when he ditched them). Danny Ferry wasn't a terrible hire either.

I think there are so many more owners who just look at the team as an investment or a status toy and only pay lip service to what's happening in the standings. Or worse, are clueless type-As who can't process the idea of rebuilding and are all like "we're 25-36, but we're going to keep trying to win at all costs, because I'm a winner!"*

At the end of the day Gilbert's not a basketball genius, but he's also hampered by the fact of, you know, Cleveland. At least his heart seems to be in the right place.

* Incidentally, the Raptors have had some variation of all of the above running the show throughout their existence. And have won less playoff rounds in their existence than Gilbert did in one season.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
RT @ESPNStatsInfo: Since LeBron James left the Cavaliers - and Chris Grant was named GM - no team has had a worse win percentage than Cleveland (.287)

The team that Gucci Messiah deserves.
I feel terrible for Cleveland.

They lucked into one of the greatest players of all time (a local kid, no less), then after he left, they lucked into two #1 picks, plus a #3 and a #4, and they fucked it all up because of a terrible GM (and terrible ownership that put him in place).

Gilbert is awful, and deserves to be mentioned among the worst owners in sports.

It's borderline crazy how certain owners are completely content with complete mediocre to terribad GM's.

I really don't understand why it happens. It's not even about money. It's something I can't get my head around.

When Ted took the team over and went for a complete rebrand he decided to keep Ernie and I just can't in my right mind understand why.

His argument was literally, " He failed with the previous regime, but he hasn't gotten a chance to fail with ME yet."

And this stuff comes from billionaires who you'd think understand the importance of hiring smart minds to help you run your business.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes


id rather have Waiter than Barnes.

I strongly disagree, mainly because Waiters has had some many issues in the locker room and it seems like nobody really even likes him (but that's just me). Not that both of them are bad players, but I would pick Barnes over Waiters any day


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Can the Knicks fire someone?

Do something?


Can they fart and light a match at least?


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Fuck Chris Grant. The only GM worse than him was Isaiah Thomas.

And how do you not fire Mike Brown within the same business day?

Just fuck everything about this organization.

Trade Dion, Trade Kyrie, burn down the Q.
Fuck Chris Grant. The only GM worse than him was Isaiah Thomas.

And how do you not fire Mike Brown within the same business day?

Just fuck everything about this organization.

Trade Dion, Trade Kyrie, burn down the Q.

now is not a good time to hire a coach, it's going to be a complete cash grab effort for whoever comes in with the team in this sort of situation

Brown is terrible, but your lucky you aren't 2011 Bobcats bad with that roster

Chris Grant fucked up a lot of things but 2 2nd round picks for Deng wasn't the worst deal in the world. That Kings pick is never going to materialize.

It's top 10 protected next year. There's a good chance the Kings will make the moves necessary to at least sniff the late lottery :/


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
If you aren't reading Zach Lowe, then you're not doing anything with your life:

The deeper mysteries involve defense, where we are still in the early stages of understanding how doing one thing impacts a team’s ability to take away something else — and how all the strategic stuff interacts with a team’s roster makeup. Forcing opponents into missing lots of shots is obviously a good thing. So is coaxing an opponent into taking lots of shots from the dead midrange zone; studies have shown that just limiting the number of corner 3-point attempts correlates more strongly with overall defensive ratings than a lot of traditional measures. The same is true of shots in the restricted area.

It’s working! Only four teams allow more midrange jumpers than Portland, and nobody, not even the Bulls, allows fewer corner 3-point attempts per game, according to NBA.com. Rejoice, hipster doughnut-eaters of the world!

But wait … the Blazers, despite this fairly healthy shot distribution profile, are not very good at defense.

Portland has forced turnovers on just 11 percent of opponent possessions, per Basketball-Reference. That would be the third-lowest turnover rate in the entire history of the league.

But Adelman wants some freaking fouls because Minnesota can’t stop anyone at the basket. Teams are shooting 66 percent against Minny in the restricted area, the worst mark for any defense, and both Kevin Love and Nikola Pekovic rank as awful rim protectors, per SportVU tracking data.

I feel your pain Cavs-gaf, we were in an even worse position 3 years ago. Thankfully, MJ has changed his ways and doesn't meddle with our team all that much anymore. The jury is still out on some of Cho's moves, but the fact that we're improving and that our guys enjoy playing together says he must be doing something right. Hopefully the next guy Gilbert hires understands the value of a top to bottom team concept when it comes to successful organizations.


You know what? At least he cares, and at least he has a general idea of what to do (surrounded Lebron with the best vets they could find, then tried to rebuild through the draft when he ditched them). Danny Ferry wasn't a terrible hire either.

I think there are so many more owners who just look at the team as an investment or a status toy and only pay lip service to what's happening in the standings. Or worse, are clueless type-As who can't process the idea of rebuilding and are all like "we're 25-36, but we're going to keep trying to win at all costs, because I'm a winner!"*

At the end of the day Gilbert's not a basketball genius, but he's also hampered by the fact of, you know, Cleveland. At least his heart seems to be in the right place.

* Incidentally, the Raptors have had some variation of all of the above running the show throughout their existence. And have won less playoff rounds in their existence than Gilbert did in one season.
I agree that Gilbert is passionate about the team and doesn't just see it as a piggy bank, but he's still a terrible owner. His track record speaks for itself.

The Cavs were good almost entirely because of LeBron, then once he left their terrible drafting and terrible trades were all that was left.

Nobody has done less with more than Gilbert and the Cavs. The best player LeBron ever played with during their contender years was Mo fucking Williams. Who's the second-best player on the Cavs now? Varejao, and he's injury-prone as hell.

All those picks and all those assets were completely squandered, and now whoever comes in next will inherit a clusterfuck.

Their only hope is that they get a high pick this year and knock it out of the park so they can pair someone good with Kyrie. Even with someone like Embiid then they're really far from being a real contender. Their roster is basically Kyrie, Varejao and a bunch of shitty tweeners who have terrible trade value.

TL;DR: Stop defending Gilbert.


Lmao you can have that scrub, I'd be elated if you took him off our hands.

How fast he turns.

Tristan Thompson will win most improved player of the year, calling it now
Tristan Thompson is an elite rebounder and post defender, once Varejao went down he had a break out second half of the season and averaged a double double. Over the summer he switched his shooting hand (from left to right) and is much improved from the line. Also, if you've bothered to watch any preseason games, you'd know that he's got a jump shot now.
Tristan Thompson with 17/21, Varejao 18/13 off the bench

bu..bu..but Cavs have no assets!

Giri is a fucking clown
The Cavs from 2003-2010 aren't the organization they are now, there's a different general manager and culture in place. Management couldn't surround their star with anyone better than Mo Williams, Larry Hughes, and an aging Shaq during the LeBron era but for Kyrie they've drafted young proven talent in Tristan Thompson and Dion Waiters.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gucci should be now called Gully Messiah, only cause he's got so many Ls to his name.

Which one of those guys is an above average defender? That's where you screwed up Grant. Waiters is a decent player, but he was a horrible pick considering who was available. The same will probably be said of Bennett.
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