Miami's shooting like 50% in the series. That's not a good thing for the Spurs.
Spurs are shooting 54% for the series, Miami 50%.
Spurs had one 45% game and two 59% games.
The heat have had a 51%, 52% and 47%
Miami's shooting like 50% in the series. That's not a good thing for the Spurs.
Great point!Yeah, ok.
In the real world, ESPN promotes LeBron James to no end, gushing when he wins and dividing up the blame pie amongst his teammates when he loses. No other NBA player gets that kinda one.
The reason they promote him is simple: ESPN wants to be the ones covering the Jordan of this generation. Paint a narrative that promotes his successes and ignores his faults.
Watch the NBA on TNT sometime. They don't try to concoct narratives or paint anyone in anyway. They poke fun at everyone and no one is on a pedestal for the most part. It's night and day versus ESPN.
Also, ESPN keeps LeBron in the conversation even when it's not even about him. I remember once they were talking soccer and NASCAR and LeBron's name was mentioned. It's overkill.
It was only 100 people out of 20,000.
Just like last year. Learn some math, LeBatard.
Wait, Lebatard is our compass now? Most journalists write for a reaction.
When other fanbases do dumb shit or the lights go off on the stadium they get shit too. It is not all about Miami. As a Lakers fan I hate the celebs in front who don't even pay attention to the game and I won't complain if you shit on that part of the fanbase.
Not sure why you are taking it so personally.
Reputations can change too but like I said it is what it is.
Great point!
General statement with no real backing of evidence or fact. Again I'll ask since you can't seem to answer it. What do you want them to say? Especially after this loss?
That it was all on LeBron? He lost them the game? What exactly do you want them to blame him for? Giving up the 25 point lead? Not winning the game?
I seem to remember ESPN discussing LeBron and his shortcomings quite a bit during his Cleveland days. Even the first Miami season when Lebron had a bad finals at the end.
The thing is they never really rip into a player? Who would? And why? The Sportscenter anchors? The analysts who probably have no interest in building a narrative toting the company line and actually care about discussing ball?
What faults are they ignoring though? You can't even bring them up. What is ESPN supposed to do? Paint the 4 time MVP and back to back champ negative for what fucking reason?
And the reasons they "cover" him is simple. RATINGS. Its about the money. Lebron brings in viewers. So they cover him no matter. They turn each debate topic about him. His legacy. Lebron v Kobe. Lebron v MJ. Lebron as GOAT or top 5 all time.
I just don't get how people don't understand this. Its about the ratings. They do the same with no talent scrubs like Tebow. Why? You think they care about Tebow or his religious following? Or that they think he can play? No its because dude is a lightning rod.
ESPN is # 1 for a reason. They do the same with Manning, Brady, Woods, Tebow, did with Kobe and will do forever with whoever gets them ratings.
TNT has to do 1-2 hours of NBA coverage at a time. And even then they slurp Lebron because just like most logical people they break down the game and don't view him or the team through the lens of someone who already dislikes Lebron. Show me where the inside the NBA guys say something radical about Lebron. They all compliment the shit out of him and call him the best now and one of the best of all time.
But back to the point. ESPN has like 4 channels with 24/7 programming. They have countless debate shows, a radio market, and sports as their only subject matter. TNT does Inside the NBA and that's it. They can cut the BS and get to the points. ESPN has to come up with shit to get people to tune in.
Miami is a shit town for sports though. We know this. All the sports franchises struggle even the Dolphins. But you said the front row in LA. Miami fans get grouped collectively especially for the Heat.
Hell I have left Eagles games early when its a blowout because fuck it I get pissed, I need to vent, and drive home angry.
It only bothers me because NBA discussion on this board is rarely ever about the game itself. Its about legacy as if each and every game is a statement game. Especially for Lebron and especially when they don't win.
Or its about the fanbase and how they suck. Or the refs and the rigging.
the good news for MIA fans is that the Spurs will never shoot 75% in the first half again.That was an old fashion beat down. I got to witness one of the greatest first halfs of basketball I have ever seen a team play, it was ridiculous. But hey the Heat showed heart, they could have easily packed it in but they fought and fought. There are only so many stupid mistakes you can make, too many open 3s you can miss, too many horrible turnovers, before it just becomes impossible to come back. The Spurs are not a team to let up, every tiny opening we gave them they made us pay for it.
Chalmers holy shit. Lebron was playing stupid too, 7 turnovers. So sloppy. Spurs so good. This is what happens.
I expected a split in Miami, I just expected SA to have to really fight for it. So far this series is almost identical to last year, problem is game 7 is at SA. Also if they play like they did in that first half no one is beating them.
LeBron stopped shooting in the 2nd half. Once again, he was in a situation where he should've left it all on the court, and didn't. The team even went on a run with him on the bench.LeBron didn't have a great game but he wasn't awful. He was actually playing really well when the lead just ballooned.
Chalmers has been awful this whole playoffs. Bosh was nowhere to be seen after a great game 2.
I don't know what you guys expect? You want them to roast LeBron for having an average game by his standards? You do realize that even the greats have so so games in the finals. Every game is not some career defining legacy cementing statement.
Interesting. I thought Miami fans loved LeBatard. Or maybe they only post his rants when they are directed at other teams like the Pacers. Truth hurts, I guess.
the good news for MIA fans is that the Spurs will never shoot 75% in the first half again.
LeBron James is truly the GOAT. He has way more accomplishments than Jordan could ever achieve.
Just look at his resume:
1. Bronze Medal, 2006
2. Bronze Medal, 2004
3. NBA finals sweep 2007
4. Scored 20+ points only one time in an entire Finals series
5. Quit on his team promptly after promising a championship
6. Was dunked on by a high school student and confiscated the video proof
7. Bailed out of the dunk contest 9 times (and counting)
8. Had to pair with 2 superstars to win his first ring
9. Was the 7th best player in an NBA Finals series
10. Averaged 1.8 pts in the 4th quarter of an NBA Finals series
11. Is batting .500 in his 4 NBA Finals attempts (soon to be lower)
12. Hosted a nationally televised TV show to quit his hometown team
13. Played on the same team as his mom's boyfriend
14. Shot 2 for 18 in an NBA playoff game
15. Had his shit stuffed by a player under 6 feet (Nate Robinson)
16. Flopped in every single playoff game of his career
17. Choked in 4 out of 5 Finals games by dropping his FG% by 18
18. Vowed revenge for getting swept in 2007, then proceed to choke again
What am I missing?
Where are you, LVP? Let's crown this man!
Dunked on by a highschool student? When?
I'd rather have Pop clown me than that whispering and giggling at questions shit LeBron and Wade just did. lolSo what if they ask stupid questions? That is their job and its his job, as per NBA rules, to reply to them.
Treating them like shit is being an asshole. Micheal Kay (Yankees play by play and ESPN radio host here in NYC) was furious about it the other day. He treats even people like Dorris Burke like shit because they have a job to do.
If he really has that much of a problem then complain to the league. He seems to get a kick out of putting reporters down. Don't know why more in the media don't call him out for this BS.
Spo gets asked the same questions and he offers a short nice answer. Pop doesn't have to talk down reporters.
LeBron James is truly the GOAT. He has way more accomplishments than Jordan could ever achieve.
Just look at his resume:
1. Bronze Medal, 2006
2. Bronze Medal, 2004
3. NBA finals sweep 2007
4. Scored 20+ points only one time in an entire Finals series
5. Quit on his team promptly after promising a championship
6. Was dunked on by a high school student and confiscated the video proof
7. Bailed out of the dunk contest 9 times (and counting)
8. Had to pair with 2 superstars to win his first ring
9. Was the 7th best player in an NBA Finals series
10. Averaged 1.8 pts in the 4th quarter of an NBA Finals series
11. Is batting .500 in his 4 NBA Finals attempts (soon to be lower)
12. Hosted a nationally televised TV show to quit his hometown team
13. Played on the same team as his mom's boyfriend
14. Shot 2 for 18 in an NBA playoff game
15. Had his shit stuffed by a player under 6 feet (Nate Robinson)
16. Flopped in every single playoff game of his career
17. Choked in 4 out of 5 Finals games by dropping his FG% by 18
18. Vowed revenge for getting swept in 2007, then proceed to choke again
Where are you, LVP? Let's crown this man!
When was the last time the Heat lost two straight games?
And wearing that "LeBron, how's my Dirk taste?" t-shirt.Did LeBron ever get revenge on DeShawn Stephenson for out playing him and closing him out in Game 6 of the Finals?
Dunked on by a highschool student? When?
How many Bronze medals does MJ have?
King has him beat there!
Can I add to this list?
19. Went to four straight finals with two perennial all-stars from the same draft class IN THEIR PRIME (c) Lebatard
Bron created a revision to a blueprint for future young players to follow. All you have to do is team up in a city with two other perennial all-stars. It helps if one of them is a former MVP or finals MVP. Players will come play for you and your team will at least make the finals every year.
LeBron James is truly the GOAT. He has way more accomplishments than Jordan could ever achieve.
Just look at his resume:
1. Bronze Medal, 2006
2. Bronze Medal, 2004
3. NBA finals sweep 2007
4. Scored 20+ points only one time in an entire Finals series
5. Quit on his team promptly after promising a championship
6. Was dunked on by a high school student and confiscated the video proof
7. Bailed out of the dunk contest 9 times (and counting)
8. Had to pair with 2 superstars to win his first ring
9. Was the 7th best player in an NBA Finals series
10. Averaged 1.8 pts in the 4th quarter of an NBA Finals series
11. Is batting .500 in his 4 NBA Finals attempts (soon to be lower)
12. Hosted a nationally televised TV show to quit his hometown team
13. Played on the same team as his mom's boyfriend
14. Shot 2 for 18 in an NBA playoff game
15. Had his shit stuffed by a player under 6 feet (Nate Robinson)
16. Flopped in every single playoff game of his career
17. Choked in 4 out of 5 Finals games by dropping his FG% by 18
18. Vowed revenge for getting swept in 2007, then proceed to choke again
What am I missing?
Where are you, LVP? Let's crown this man!
Talking about the crowd? Really guys, really? Out of everything that happened in that game that is what you people want to talk about. IT WAS A BLOWOUT. Every fucking crowd leaves in that situation, YOUR FANS WOULD LEAVE. Such bullshit.
I was there, that crowd was amazing. Down 25 and that place was yelling and screaming as loud as I had ever heard that place. It was over at the 4 minute mark, everyone knew it. So they left, whatever.
This is nothing like game 6 last year, only down 5. The potential end of the entire season. That was stupid. That was pathetic. This is absolutely normal for any sport.
Dan is awesome. Yes most Miami fans love him, best show on the radio. He was totally right to write that last year.
I religiously listen to Dan every time I go to work.
Btw I would post more in the real NBA Gaf forum but I forgot my password (again)
LeBron James is truly the GOAT. He has way more accomplishments than Jordan could ever achieve.
Just look at his resume:
1. Bronze Medal, 2006
2. Bronze Medal, 2004
3. NBA finals sweep 2007
4. Scored 20+ points only one time in an entire Finals series
5. Quit on his team promptly after promising a championship
6. Was dunked on by a high school student and confiscated the video proof
7. Bailed out of the dunk contest 9 times (and counting)
8. Had to pair with 2 superstars to win his first ring
9. Was the 7th best player in an NBA Finals series
10. Averaged 1.8 pts in the 4th quarter of an NBA Finals series
11. Is batting .500 in his 4 NBA Finals attempts (soon to be lower)
12. Hosted a nationally televised TV show to quit his hometown team
13. Played on the same team as his mom's boyfriend
14. Shot 2 for 18 in an NBA playoff game
15. Had his shit stuffed by a player under 6 feet (Nate Robinson)
16. Flopped in every single playoff game of his career
17. Choked in 4 out of 5 Finals games by dropping his FG% by 18
18. Vowed revenge for getting swept in 2007, then proceed to choke again
What am I missing?
Where are you, LVP? Let's crown this man!
You forgot couldn't post up on a midget.
Not even mad at this game. Total zen mode about the loss, because I have to acknowledge that the Spurs might actually just be better. They obliterated us the first half.
We need to win the next two games though to at least have a chance, Chalmers needs to just be mediocre instead of bad, Bosh needs more touches, and the D just got blitzed on screens and PnRs all night.
I don't recall what game or series this was.
LeBron's post game isn't MJ-caliber, but it's certainly well above par in that he can simply back his way up over almost anything. His footwork remains hot garbage, but he isn't going to improve in that department at this point in his career.
However, if your comment was meant as some sort of slight on Kevin Durant, then I appreciate your feeble attempt to try and introduce new and completely irrelevant material into the discussion in order to distract from the topic at hand. Nobody is discussing KD as the greatest of all-time.
Yup, been listening to dan for years. Haven't heard many other media members with more perspective and reasonable takes than Dan. Its crazy that he gets painted as a rabid homer lol, because he's actually very fair.
Can you imagine, If the Spurs had just made their 4th quarter free throws in game 2. The heat would be down 3-0 heading into game 4 with a legit possibly of getting swept. The embarrassment for the heat and smiles from me would have been endless.
Wesker, I got it going 7.
When they played the Mavs and Lebron tried to post up JJ Barea.
EDIT: IRC Lebron states JJ is the reason he started going hard when it came to practicing his post game.
Ball don't lie. Nike confiscated the main media tapes, but there's still footage out there.
The One True King!
I'm confused in that you seem to be making the case that this is a good thing. If you aren't good enough to win on your own, plot to join two other All-Stars that will carry your choking ass in the Finals? The new "blueprint" is precisely why LeBron will always be second banana to MJ.
LeBron James is truly the GOAT. He has way more accomplishments than Jordan could ever achieve.
Just look at his resume:
1. Bronze Medal, 2006
2. Bronze Medal, 2004
3. NBA finals sweep 2007
4. Scored 20+ points only one time in an entire Finals series
5. Quit on his team promptly after promising a championship
6. Was dunked on by a high school student and confiscated the video proof
7. Bailed out of the dunk contest 9 times (and counting)
8. Had to pair with 2 superstars to win his first ring
9. Was the 7th best player in an NBA Finals series
10. Averaged 1.8 pts in the 4th quarter of an NBA Finals series
11. Is batting .500 in his 4 NBA Finals attempts (soon to be lower)
12. Hosted a nationally televised TV show to quit his hometown team
13. Played on the same team as his mom's boyfriend
14. Shot 2 for 18 in an NBA playoff game
15. Had his shit stuffed by a player under 6 feet (Nate Robinson)
16. Flopped in every single playoff game of his career
17. Choked in 4 out of 5 Finals games by dropping his FG% by 18
18. Vowed revenge for getting swept in 2007, then proceed to choke again
What am I missing?
Where are you, LVP? Let's crown this man!
I remember the shirt, but didn't know a guy with a courtside seat wore it. lol
Jordan comparisons are pointless and designed to minimize the importance of all popular players. This is the equivalent of someone saying that popular rock band isn't as great as the Beatles and proceeding to list off their accomplishments without context.
Jordan is a great player but using him to bring down Lebron is pointless and comes across as childish. Jordan didn't deal with half the scrutiny Lebron faces. Bron's won MVPs playing in Miami so data points to your claim as false. Bron's not second banana to MJ now in the minds of fans that aren't haters.
My point is this: if you're going to criticize Lebron then do that. Comparing him to MJ is pointless at this point anyway. If you take the argument there then be prepared for the inevitable push back where Bron supporters to the blatant fallacies in your argument.
Haha, I forgot about that. Embarrassing, but at least he recognized he sucked in that department and made improvements. He'll never have MJ's silky smooth post game or gorgeous fade away J, but at least LeBron knows how to smash his back and shoulders into an opponent incessantly as he smashes his way into the paint.
Never forget!
Truly the GOAT!
Disliking LeBron as a person is so far fetched.
That's probably too much fandom.
Dude has never sniffed trouble outside of the court.
Gotta give this post a dap.I'm still waiting for you to point out a single blatant fallacy. Arguing that I can't compare the two players is merely your opinion, and it's a rather silly one at that. I certainly can, and the comparison paints LeBron in a very poor light.
As far as Jordan not facing as much scrutiny as LeBron, that may be true. Facebook and Twitter weren't around back then. Jordan also NEVER choked in an NBA Finals. He was 6 for 6, winning the Finals MVP each time. He NEVER lost with a championship on the line. He never disappeared for entire fourth quarters, deferred to teammates to hit game winners, or faked leg injuries and cramps when he couldn't handle the pressure. What was their to scrutinize?
Tragic, Bron only plays basketball.
Its not that serious, I assure you.