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2014 NHL Playoffs: A thread full of jerk 'yoffs

It would be about goddamned time, if he's headhunting then he needs to gtfo permanently. The NHLPA can shut up, it's their members who are getting injured.

It's not just the NHLPA, no one cares. The owners don't care, the NHLPA doesn't care, the league itself doesn't care, the fans don't care. It's funny too because you know what they all have in common? They all heavily depend on the people getting fucked over, the talented players who play the game that the owners, league, and association make their money off of and the fans don't hesitate to hand over their money for the passion and excitement they feel while watching them play. It's literally the most important thing to everyone involved and yet no one gives a shit and no one wants to protect what is most important in the whole game.


That really annoys me, say Dallas beat Anaheim and the Avs moved on, we wouldn't play Dallas despite being the highest seed and Dallas being the lowest, doesn't seem fair.

Yea it does kinda suck and it means the Avs will be playing Chicago/St Louis if they win the series against the Wild which is a really rough second round.

Holy shit CBJ!


They want to make divisional rivalries, but the Wild card spots could be any division, as it so happens Dallas is in our division. Really makes no sense from any perspective, to me it seems like an oversight.

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