2010 was a great collection of talent, and I loved them for bringing us back from the Tubby and Billy G eras, but they never played defense like this years team and they had an obvious weakness that we all knew could bite them in the ass. The lack of outside shooting. Now if Meeks had come back for his senior year, then that team would have been almost unstopable.
Comparing the teams is kind of difficult because they all 3 had completely different strengths.
2010 was the most athletically gifted, but was not a very skilled team in terms of execution.
2012 was great at execution but had no real depth.
2015 is kind of in between in terms of execution, but they have unspeakable amounts of depth.
Right now if you were starting an NBA team with one of those rosters, I think I'd take 2012, because AD is that good, and with that core nucleus of AD /Jones / MKG you already have a decent front court and a great defense
2010 might have more pieces because Patterson puts them over the edge, but if you reassembled that roster in the NBA today you may run into the same types of spacing and shooting issues. Patterson is still the best shooter on that team. You could say that the 2012 team doesn't have any NBA level shooters either, but it has room to add them. I believe you could take that 2012 front court and put basically any above replacement level back court players in the NBA and you would have a winning team, while I'm not sure you could plug the holes on the 2010 team as easily.
2015 might/should surpass both teams if the players put in the work to fulfill their potential, but you can say they will do that as of yet.