Stop running our goalie classless fucks.
Can't handle us doing exactly what your dirty ass team does?Classless pussies.
Watch the salt bad for your health. Only because I care.Enjoy your moonshine Cowtown. Don't tip over too many cows.
This goonery from Vancouver is totally out of line against a Calgary team that's just trying to play by the book.
did zedge start a "teddie" chant or what's happening
This goonery from Vancouver is totally out of line against a Calgary team that's just trying to play by the book.
Van are Good Canadian Kids but Calgary are Gooder Canadianer Kids.
He's a Winnipegger. Salt of the earth.
They must be showing the secret dirty angles on cablethat's because we're all Asian obv
Yup I love this kid.He's from Swanny (river, not lake) by way of Brandon. Pretty far from here, but always nice to see a good Metis kid make it. Pishshapmishko, bro.
I really hope there's not another brawl to end this one. The would be a terrible thing to see.
Classless losers.
That was a great fight.
I see the Canucks are taking the loss well.