FUBAR McDangles
You want your captain to be a douchebag that takes dumb penalties?That's what you want from a captain.
Here's the false hope goal too lol.
Holy shit guys I know it's playoff time and everything
New Stars War trailer
Leaked Batman vs Superman trailer
AND NOW THIS: http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1030501
I was being sarcastic.You want your captain to be a douchebag that takes dumb penalties?
Why does it feel like I am the only member of this community that hates the fucking wild?
Because the wild don't do anything to deserve anyone's hatred?
Check the OT each day for updates, Smack.So which blender did you decide on?
Check the OT each day for updates, Smack.
They do have Matt Cooke.
My salt levels are rising
Actually, our third periods are good.
Fuck yea go Rangers only 15 wins left.
Yeah I'm looking forward to it. Considering our standard seconds, that was a solid performance. We out played them but they got that solid odd man rush... Still like the way we're playing overall. This will be a great series.
Quick is here to learn why we're the Comeback Kids.
Quick is here to learn why we're the Comeback Kids.
Nah, he's here to see how a real man's team plays instead of one that is pathetic and has no pride.
Not a fan either.Why does it feel like I am the only member of this community that hates the fucking wild?
Anaheim's PP during the regular season was really as shit as ours? Man that's crazy. What the fuck Anaheim.
Anaheim's PP during the regular season was really as shit as ours? Man that's crazy. What the fuck Anaheim.
lol at the timing of this aggression from outta nowhere