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2016 NFL Week 4 - At Least You're Not The Browns

Nobody's talking about winning, but can Tannehill consistently drive the ball down the field?

Young offense and all that, but your two minute drill starts with a run on first down with a minute remaining in the second quarter? That screams" I don't trust my QB".

He can, he's does really well in hurry up-up tempo-2 min drills actually, in fact the last 3 games with little time on the clock before half Gase has gone aggressive, I'm not saying Tannehill isn't at fault, he's made mistake (that first interception last week was a terrible decision/pass) but the expectation that he needs to be perfect or he's been playing like dog shit (he's ranked 12th so far this year by BLR/PFF) is just stupid, this team top to bottom lacks talent and talent they have is really young, the oldest WR in that group is Landry...with 3 years in. It's his 3rd system in 5 years, has never had a oline, run game or WRs until this year and yet still has played well and shown growth. The QB evaluation in general is just sooo bad it's almost infuriating. I bet most people think Dalton is having a good game...but if you break it down he's been pretty terrible today too...but he has AJ Green, where Tannehill doesn't.

I mean look at that fucken Oline...jesus


Incredibly Naive
Ridiculous night for Green. Dalton has made him work hard for what should be routine catches. Too bad hes stuck with red rocket.


If the Browns ever win a game, I'll be eliminated.

While my strategy of picking the Browns every first game hasn't work out well for me in survivor league pasts, I feel a change coming soon!

Bungholes still have a chance to go full Ohio in this game.

Ohio has won major chapionships in hockey, basketball, and football the past few years. We are the home of champions. The home of Superman

Haven't post much here, Dolphins make me numb. Look at this shit right there, roughing the kicker. We are so bad. Tannehill is shit, I remember last year NFL gaf had a bunch of tannehill defenders (always fans from other teams) please take him, please.

Same shit different year.
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