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2016 NFL Week 4 - At Least You're Not The Browns


Dude is always the same, Bills shelled out the money and he stunk it up, same here. The Harvard grad is smart, living easy with millions while fooling teams with his marginal talent
He was pretty good last year and their other alternative is stating rookie Hackenberg or Geno.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Geno should be starting next week. This shouldn't even be up for debate honestly. Bowles cant look anyone in the locker room with a straight face and preach accountability if hes going to let Fitz do this shit.


Yo Talon I feel like I ain't seen you in forever, how've you been man? Work keeping you busy?
What up fam. That's exactly right. Working at a high growth startup so haven't spent as much time on GAF.

True story: I may be moving to the west coast.


Didn't get to see the whole Bears game but I was impressed with Hoyer. Doing well against a banged up Lions defense might not be super impressive but it was a good showing nonetheless.
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