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2016 NFL Week 4 - At Least You're Not The Browns


Dick Stockton screws up players' names more than any other announcer in the country.

"Dante Freeman"
"Philly Brown"
Hey guys what happened this week when I said the falcons would beat the Panthers, I am having some trouble remembering. I do remember a few Panthers fans saying they were right to let Norman go and they didn't need him anyways. Hmmmmmmm


They had to. Other choices were miserable at the time. At this point, it's easy to say it wasn't worth it.

Dude is always the same, Bills shelled out the money and he stunk it up, same here. The Harvard grad is smart, living easy with millions while fooling teams with his marginal talent
I have absolutely no idea why Musgrave goes conservative all the time. When the Raiders are desperately trying to score, they are damn near unstoppable
Derek Anderson for starting job. Let's hear dem hot takes.

Jets to trade a conditional 4th that can be a 2nd if he plays well enough for him.

I wouldn't even be mad with how fitzgarbage is playing

Edit - not 16 seconds later he throws a pick 6 lol.



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