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2016 Razzie nominations are out

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boiled goose

good with gravy
This thread confirms how some people have terrible worthless substance-free opinions.

F4 not bad? You have to be half braindead to be able to even tolerate that mess.

I mean.. consensus is not always right.. but this movie has been slammed by both critics and audiences. If you enjoyed it, that's totally fine. That doesn't make it Ok. Come on people... some self awareness please. When the majority disagrees, at least consider why...
I watched the honest trailer for Jupiter Ascending, but the stuff about the bees;

"Bees are genetically designed to recognize royalty."

should alone solidify it as the worst movie.


I've only seen Jupiter Ascending and Pixels, and as bad as Jupiter Ascending was, I still managed to make it to the end.

I turned off Pixels about a half hour in.


I thought the Cobbler wasn't that bad. Definitely not the worst Adam Sandler movie I've ever seen. It was a fun concept.

Not Spaceghost

It always weirds me out when legitimately amazing actors / actresses are listed as worst actors.

I feel like the award should be title worst performance or worst character portrayed by.


I watched the entirety of Jupiter Ascending AND Paul Blart Mall Cop 2, both in theaters.

I would definitely agree with Mall Cop 2, but I don't think Jupiter Ascending is truly the worst of the bunch. I enjoyed some of it. It had acting and plot issues, but the visuals / soundtrack / world design were at least neat enough to appreciate if you like scifi stuff. Mall Cop 2 felt like it actively hated the audience.


From the (terrible) movies I've seen, I was able to complete Pixels in 1 sitting, needed 3 tries for F4, yet still have to complete Jupiter Ascending. I knew it'd be awful but thought I could still enjoy it with Tatum, Kunis, and the Wachowskis invovled. Nah, it is just putrid and I doubt I will ever finish it.


Jupiter Ascending is an utter mess, but a fascinatingly weird, goofy one. It's not at all good, but I'll take it over the dull mediocrity of films like Terminator Genisys anyday.


Junior Member
I just saw F4, not a good move but not a bad one. Seen 2-3 Marvel movies that are worse. Ant-Man should get nom if F4 gets one.


Ant man was awesome!



Ant man was awesome!

No bait. Just two ok movies.

This thread confirms how some people have terrible worthless substance-free opinions.

F4 not bad? You have to be half braindead to be able to even tolerate that mess.

I mean.. consensus is not always right.. but this movie has been slammed by both critics and audiences. If you enjoyed it, that's totally fine. That doesn't make it Ok. Come on people... some self awareness please. When the majority disagrees, at least consider why...

F4 cast seemed to care about whats happening in the story and had decent chemistry, can't say the same for Ant Man and Thor 2. Its not a good movie but this is clear case of people taking a average superhero movie (not a high bar tho) claiming its the worst film in history because they want Marvel to have the rights. To anyone that didn't follow (or care about) the production of this movie, leaks of Doom with a greenscreen in the background and the Josh Trank/FOX rumors its in the same league as some of the MCU movies.

The thing (hehe) about critics and people not on forums is that they, mostly, move on. They watch and go "Its ok I guess". Most internet reviewers are nerds (like us) so they fall into the Marvel and DC hive mind. The forums are mostly people that liked Marvel before the MCU and today nerds rule the world. The voice is loud enough now for them to say "Do watch this" and "Do not watch this" and it having impact. Its the same reason Microsoft went back on their "always online and not used games" stance.

My biggest gripe was Reeds teacher and Reeds youth. Dude was his teacher for 7 years+ and calls his stuff magic and scolds him for it. Surely Reed would've been the best student in this schools history with 50 people/foundations wanting to give him scholarships from day 1.
Unlike most people who hated Fifty Shades Of Grey, I've actually seen it. I don't think it deserves to be on a list of the years most terrible movies. The razzies are basically high profile targets of opportunity to cut big names down.
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