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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)


Fucking hell it's unreal. I use that station twice a day. It's so scary to think something like this can happen so close to home.

I work in Manchester and have to find a way there today since the trams and trains aren't running through the station for obvious reasons.

It's a bit scary to think of heading there today

Maybe you can call and ask if you can have the day off? Stay safe.


Awful news. Manchester is a great city full of wonderful people.

Thoughts and prayers with the victims, their families, and the people of Manchester this morning.


It was pretty much a kids/teens concert.

That's what makes the punch to the gut extra brutal this time. Somebody picked this event. And whoever that person is is fucking despicable.

Oh god, so this is a carried out terrorist attack?

They think suicide bomb.
Awful news.

Saw the news break last night and was hoping that the initial reports were wrong or inaccurate but this is horrible to wake up to.

Thoughts are with the victims and everyone caught up in such a horrible attack.


There are millions of Muslims that are completely peaceful and well integrated in Western society (they speak the local language, obey the laws of the land etc.) however there is also a much smaller group of Muslims (whether terrorists or not) that completely refuse to integrate.

They refuse to learn the language of their new country, they only want to live and associate with other Muslims and they refuse to accept the laws of their new nation.

It's these people, that refuse to integrate with society, that are the problem. How on earth do you address this though? Deport anyone that doesn't speak English? I don't have any answers but we shouldn't tolerate people in a society that refuse to integrate and contribute to that society (whether they are Muslim or Christian or Buddhist or Atheist).


Unconfirmed Member
My thoughts to everyone affected, my deepest condolences to the family and friends of those who were at the concert and who lost their lives.
It's these people, that refuse to integrate with society, that are the problem. How on earth do you address this though? Deport anyone that doesn't speak English? I don't have any answers but we shouldn't tolerate people in a society that refuse to integrate and contribute to that society (whether they are Muslim or Christian or Buddhist or Atheist).

I imagine deporting them to lands that have those looking to take advantage of them and plant seeds of hatred isn't the best solution.
I imagine that's accurate because other ideologies rely on more advanced weaponry that doesn't require suicide bombing.

If this is true then were are all the suicide bombers from opressed minorities in countries like Saudi Arabia or Egypt ? There are plenty of suicide attacks there but are carried out against these minorities whose mere existence is still offensive enough to radical sunnis to blow themselves up to take a bunch of them out.
It was pretty much a kids/teens concert.

That's what makes the punch to the gut extra brutal this time. Somebody picked this event. And whoever that person is is fucking despicable.

As somebody who experienced the Manchester IRA stuff first hand and multiple other bomb scares in Manchester and London throughout the years thats the thing that bothers me is that most. There must have been a lot a distraught parents when they heard the news. If they lived anywhere near the centre like me they would have known something was seriously wrong before anything hit the internet/news outlets.
Music unites us. No one should go out for a night and not come home. Attacks like this target people at their most vulnerable, when they're out having a good time. Cowardly attacks against children have nothing to do with any religion. Cowardly attacks are just that, cowardly, and the person responsible was a coward.

Stay safe, Manchester.


I am sure it has been posted but ...


Daffy Duck

RIP to those that lost their lives and thoughts to the families who lost loved ones, utterly terrible.

The footage on sky news as it happened is harrowing to see, you can see the panic start god alone knows how terrified those parents and children were.



If this is true then were are all the suicide bombers from opressed minorities in countries like Saudi Arabia or Egypt ? There are plenty of suicide attacks there but are carried out against these minorities whose mere existence is still offensive enough to radical sunnis to blow themselves up to take a bunch of them out.

It's patently not true. In fact it makes no sense at all.
I work in Manchester a lot.

I've read reports suggesting the attacker acted alone, I hope this is true and it's just some lone wolf and not something bigger.

In this day and age with all the surveillance, technology and counter terrorism that this can still happen is truly frightening.


A girl called Olivia's mum has just been on Radio 4. She's not been in contact with her daughter since last night. The person who's care the daughter was in is in hospital. This is heart breaking.
There are millions of Muslims that are completely peaceful and well integrated in Western society (they speak the local language, obey the laws of the land etc.) however there is also a much smaller group of Muslims (whether terrorists or not) that completely refuse to integrate.

They refuse to learn the language of their new country, they only want to live and associate with other Muslims and they refuse to accept the laws of their new nation.

It's these people, that refuse to integrate with society, that are the problem. How on earth do you address this though? Deport anyone that doesn't speak English? I don't have any answers but we shouldn't tolerate people in a society that refuse to integrate and contribute to that society (whether they are Muslim or Christian or Buddhist or Atheist).
I think they should have thei kids taken by CPS and have those raised by the state, maybe with new identities.
That would lower the pool of future crazies
A girl called Olivia's mum has just been on Radio 4. She's not been in contact with her daughter since last night. The person who's care the daughter was in is in hospital. This is heart breaking.
Oh God, that's so awful to hear. I can't imagine.
I think they should have thei kids taken by CPS and have those raised by the state, maybe with new identities.
That would lower the pool of future crazies
Oh shut up. Can we have the radical Islam discussion saved for another thread and time, please?


If this is true then were are all the suicide bombers from opressed minorities in countries like Saudi Arabia or Egypt ? There are plenty of suicide attacks there but are carried out against these minorities whose mere existence is still offensive enough to radical sunnis to blow themselves up to take a bunch of them out.

The BBC documentary Hypernormalisation by adam curtis gives a good overview on why suicide bombing is such a popular method, unfortunatly.

Terrible news to wake up to, in the least i hope no gaf members families are personally affected.


There are millions of Muslims that are completely peaceful and well integrated in Western society (they speak the local language, obey the laws of the land etc.) however there is also a much smaller group of Muslims (whether terrorists or not) that completely refuse to integrate.

They refuse to learn the language of their new country, they only want to live and associate with other Muslims and they refuse to accept the laws of their new nation.

It's these people, that refuse to integrate with society, that are the problem. How on earth do you address this though? Deport anyone that doesn't speak English? I don't have any answers but we shouldn't tolerate people in a society that refuse to integrate and contribute to that society (whether they are Muslim or Christian or Buddhist or Atheist).
But it's not them doing it (as far as I know), in the UK it seems to be integrated Muslims getting radicalised. Although maybe it's these anti-integration Muslims who are influencing them, or perhaps they are just unhappy with their circumstances.


I was up late last night, and not even 5 hours later I was awake again. Didn't want to post last night and help muddle a breaking story even further.

Thoughts are with the friends and families of all those affected. RIP to all the victims.
There are millions of Muslims that are completely peaceful and well integrated in Western society (they speak the local language, obey the laws of the land etc.) however there is also a much smaller group of Muslims (whether terrorists or not) that completely refuse to integrate.

They refuse to learn the language of their new country, they only want to live and associate with other Muslims and they refuse to accept the laws of their new nation.

It's these people, that refuse to integrate with society, that are the problem. How on earth do you address this though? Deport anyone that doesn't speak English? I don't have any answers but we shouldn't tolerate people in a society that refuse to integrate and contribute to that society (whether they are Muslim or Christian or Buddhist or Atheist).
No the problem are the people radicalizing muslim youths. Many terrorist attacks are committed by people born and raised in these countries and you'd probably recognize some of their families as well integrated, the Paris attacks were carried out by citizens as well as IS hiding among refugees for instance.
What incredibly shit news to wake up to :(

My wife had to tell me three times before I realised what had happened, whoever did this knew that there'd be children there.


Ugh, don't like this intermittent stage of confusion. I live only 40 miles from Manchester and a lot of people whom I've met over the last few years live in and around there; family, friends, an ex-girlfriend, colleagues. I'm sure they're all fine but it's worrying all the same until names are released.

Fuck whoever did this.

Edit: integration is idealised in the west for some reason, guess it stems from nationalism. People saying "learn English or get out", do you realise we don't have an official language? Just because the British Empire strangled the life out of Manx, Cornish, Scots, Welsh etc. doesn't mean that English is the only language native to our Isles.

There are nations containing hundreds of disparate cultures who co-exist fine. The New Guinea Highlands alone is home to over 600 languages. It's not about amalgamating immigrants into our culture, it's about learning to accept each other and fix any societal problems that causes marginalised people on the fringe of society to radicalise themselves. But "speak English and watch the footie or get out", get out of here with that bullshit.
How the fuck did that animal manage to get in there with a bomb?

At my latest Metallica concert in Vienna both me and my wife were thoroughly searched at the entrance. They even looked in my cigarettes pack....

I mean security should be a lot tighter at these events with everything going on in Europe in the last couple of years.

RIP to the victims and strength for their families.
I work in Manchester a lot.

I've read reports suggesting the attacker acted alone, I hope this is true and it's just some lone wolf and not something bigger.

In this day and age with all the surveillance, technology and counter terrorism that this can still happen is truly frightening.

Yeah, there are so many plans etc thwarted that people largely go unaware of...like some guy in...Bristol I think. Filmed himself trying to pretend he was at an ISIS training camp in Iraq, but people recognized the night lights of Bristol in the background and he got caught.

All it takes is one person, or incident, to slip through and people are reminded of the fragility.


Oh wow someone I know was at the the Ariana Grande gig, a girl I used to babysit when she was a toddler, but her + friends are confirmed to be all OK.
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