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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)


Sounds like ISIS inspired speech. Her use of Western is deliberate to separate white from the rest, create and exploit a divide then turn them against each other through blanket generalisation and a need for survival. She is a cunt to take advantage of this situation and create more havok. Can't believe she has her own slot on mainstream radio.
Lbc loves giving racist fucks a platform.

They are an audio daily mail with the occasional token lefty.
You're talking shite, check the figures on terrorism. Less then 2% (as of 2015) of terrorist attacks are Muslims in europe.

I suspect you know this but want to spread bigotry.

Edit https://thinkprogress.org/less-than-2-percent-of-terrorist-attacks-in-the-e-u-are-religiously-motivated-cec7d8ebedf6

Stats from europol, can't post the image for some reason.

Your link only claims that 2% are "Religiously Motivated." It doesn't give a figure for how many are committed by muslims, nor does it give a definition for what counts as a terrorist attack or what the numerator and denominator are for the calculated percentage, and the whole article seems generally agenda-driven and nebulous in its claims.


You know what actually scares me at this moment as well as a muslim?

Whether these sons of bitches have shit planned for the month of Ramadan, which starts this Saturday. :(


Your link only claims that 2% are "Religiously Motivated." It doesn't give a figure for how many are committed by muslims, nor does it give a definition for what counts as a terrorist attack or what the numerator and denominator are for the calculated percentage, and the whole article seems generally agenda-driven and nebulous in its claims.
It's stats from europol.

The source of europol is on the graph. I stated this in my post because I knew the angle people would try to attack it from.


Your link only claims that 2% are "Religiously Motivated." It doesn't give a figure for how many are committed by muslims, nor does it give a definition for what counts as a terrorist attack or what the numerator and denominator are for the calculated percentage, and the whole article seems generally agenda-driven and nebulous in its claims.

There are very few though. This site keeps track of all suicide bombings (not all of them, i know) since 1974.
Your link only claims that 2% are "Religiously Motivated." It doesn't give a figure for how many are committed by muslims, nor does it give a definition for what counts as a terrorist attack or what the numerator and denominator are for the calculated percentage, and the whole article seems generally agenda-driven and nebulous in its claims.

It follows that if 2% of terrorist attacks are religiously motivated, that the cases when Islam is the religion in question is going to make up only part of that 2%.


PM announces the Joint Terrorism Assessment Centre has raised the threat level from severe to critical - from "highly likely" to "imminent"

PM: revealed it is a possibility there is a wider group of individuals involved

The government think others involved in this attack may still be at large. Threat level raised to critical for the first time since 2007.

EDIT: More details

The threat level has been raised to critical by MI5's Counter-Terrorism Analysis Centre.
This means that security arrangements known as Temperer come into play, whereby the army take over from the police in guarding and protecting sensitive places, freeing up the police to be more visible and active on the streets.
Supposedly we the public will not notice the change, other than that the police will be more conspicuous.
The reason for the change is that the security services cannot be certain that the terrorist who committed the Manchester atrocity, Salman Abedi, was unconnected to a wider dangerous network of ISIS terrorists.
The upgrading of the terrorist risk assessment to the highest level has been announced by the prime minister, though the decision to do so was not taken by her or the COBRA committee she has just chaired.

'Cannot be certain' isn't 'clearly think others involved'. These are sensible precautions to take until that is established.


Fucking hell, threat level raised to 'critical'

Did this happen during the 7/7 bombings?

Yes, it usually means that they have trustworthy information about another attack. Doesn't have to though, I don't think. Frankly, I don't know why the public need to know or why the PM is the one announcing it.


Yes, it usually means that they have trustworthy information about another attack. Frankly, I don't know why the public need to know or why the PM is the one announcing it.

I think it's just to raise awareness, maybe people might notice something strange or suspicious and alert the authorities. Also I guess it was to warn and explain why the army will be on the streets which is very unusual here.


What, if anything, is above Critical level?

Nothing. Critical means we have intelligence about a specific attack threat. Hopefully it won't happen, but it confirms we have intel about an identified threat.

And the reason it's made public is because there's a whole host of public bodies that need to react to this and prepare. Local councils, fire bridge, hospitals - they all have responsibilities that will be kicked up as a result of this. It's not possible to keep such actions secret.



#BREAKING Britain raises terror threat level, new attack 'imminent': May

Fuck. Doesn't ISIS use Ramadan to step up their attacks? I seem to remember this from last year.

edit: and yep:

Three days before the attack, ISIL's Abu Mohammad al-Adnani called on jihadists to "make the month of Ramadan a calamity on the apostates" by initiating attacks and seeking "martyrdom". The three attacks in France, Kuwait and Tunisia were launched early on Friday morning

Stay safe folks.


I live in Edinburgh and am off to Manchester for the weekend with my son (15) , and my daughter, who is at Glasgow Uni is off to see the Courteeners on Saturday evening at the Old Trafford cricket ground in Manchester on Saturday evening.

Amazing timing. My wife is having kittens.


Fuck, I hope nothing else happens. I live in a small city so I doubt anything would happen here, but it's still scary :/

Not good at all. They were saying earlier on the news that the reason the threat level hadn't been raised from yesterday's attack was only because the security services didn't have any intelligence that something else was going to happen.

So now I guess they do :(

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
I live in Edinburgh and am off to Manchester for the weekend with my son (15) , and my daughter, who is at Glasgow Uni is off to see the Courteeners on Saturday evening at the Old Trafford cricket ground in Manchester on Saturday evening.

Amazing timing.My wife is having kittens.

Sounds painful!

I'm sure everything will be fine.


Yeah, it's worth pointing out that the decision to raise to critical isn't a decision the PM gets to make. This isn't party politics. It means intelligence has been found. It's not a scare tactic like the bush administration used to use.


Truly in Orwell territory now. Chilling as fuck, that conference.

Are we? I mean, im not going to deny that some of the UK's parties behave Orwellian but what was Orwellian about that conference?

Besides the presence of the spectre that haunted George Orwell during the writing of 1984.


Yeah, it's worth pointing out that the decision to raise to critical isn't a decision the PM gets to make. This isn't party politics. It means intelligence has been found. It's not a scare tactic like the bush administration used to use.
So there's a clear and imminent danger?



I live in Edinburgh and am off to Manchester for the weekend with my son (15) , and my daughter, who is at Glasgow Uni is off to see the Courteeners on Saturday evening at the Old Trafford cricket ground in Manchester on Saturday evening.

Amazing timing. My wife is having kittens.

I imagine the security will be super high now.
Let me guess the terroist were know to police and or was at some point monitored like all of those that happened on mainland Europe.

Good job we let a bunch of idiots back in the country and monitored them after travelling to Syria to fight for Isis.

I work in a school down the road from the arena, our kids were quiet scared this morning.
Don't be dismissive at the idea of radicalisation online. We live in a world that is basically connected 24/7. We're influenced by what we see and hear and it's not completely out of the realm of possibility for someone who does feel disenfranchised or treated as an outsider to see attacks on Muslims in other countries by "the west" constructed and presented in such a way to turn someone moderate in their beliefs into radical if they see themselves and their beliefs as being under attack.

I was discussing with someone today about the whole shift with "extremist Islam" and he made the point of, firstly, what do these people really want? We knew what the IRA were after, we knew what the UDA were after, what do ISIS actually want?

Secondly, what caused 9/11 and the whole shift in perception? What led up to it happening? What led to people to take that step and bring "radical Islam" as the new enemy?

(I'm thinking out loud/on forum at the moment, trying to really figure out what the hell is going on)


Let me guess the terroist were know to police and or was at some point monitored like all of those that happened on mainland Europe.

Good job we let a bunch of idiots back in the country and monitored them after travelling to Syria to fight for Isis.

I work in a school down the road from the arena, our kids were quiet scared this morning.

Stop jumping to conclusions. The attacker was British born and di not travel to Syria.


Aren't follow-up attacks in the same general area a rarity? I would have to imagine any more would be somewhere else, like another country.
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