I imagine the security will be super high now.
Well I'd hope so. But what can you do if someone wants to wander into a crowded open area and blow themselves up. What a fucked up world we live in.
I imagine the security will be super high now.
#BREAKING Britain raises terror threat level, new attack 'imminent': May
I dunno it may be another northern town. Fuck I'm actually worrying about where I'm going now...Aren't follow-up attacks in the same general area a rarity? I would have to imagine any more would be somewhere else, like another country.
FA Cup Final could be a target, gonna be packed with security
Aren't follow-up attacks in the same general area a rarity? I would have to imagine any more would be somewhere else, like another country.
If they had any intelligence there was a plot it would be cancelled immediately.
Are we? I mean, im not going to deny that some of the UK's parties behave Orwellian but what was Orwellian about that conference?
Besides the presence of the spectre that haunted George Orwell during the writing of 1984.
The military is being deployed? When did that last happen.
I was discussing with someone today about the whole shift with "extremist Islam" and he made the point of, firstly, what do these people really want? We knew what the IRA were after, we knew what the UDA were after, what do ISIS actually want?
Stop jumping to conclusions. The attacker was British born and di not travel to Syria.
Military personnel may also be seen at other events, such as concerts, Mrs May said, and would work under the command of police officers.
They didn't appear to have any intelligence about last night. Suggest it was organised away from channels GCHQ can spy on.
Only positive thing is if they know about it they are more likely to be able to stop it.
Yet again NBC quoting US officials on details that have yet to be reported from any UK media outlets.
Loose lips from US intelligence. I doubt their UK counterparts will be pleased.
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/1htnz"><a href="//"></a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
Yet again NBC quoting US officials on details that have yet to be reported from any UK media outlets.
Loose lips from US intelligence. I doubt their UK counterparts will be pleased.
Apologies if it's not really the place to but this interested me in the BBC article about the terror level going up:
Isn't this backwards? Don't the military outrank the police when it comes to order of command?
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/1htnz"><a href="//"></a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
Yet again NBC quoting US officials on details that have yet to be reported from any UK media outlets.
Loose lips from US intelligence. I doubt their UK counterparts will be pleased.
Man, you are having a lot of trouble showing that image
Isn't this backwards? Don't the military outrank the police when it comes to order of command?
Poet Tony Walsh recites "The Place " at the vigil. Spine tingling, eye watering stuff:
Concentrate on actual brilliance like this, not the professional trolls filling the world with bile.
Apologies if it's not really the place to but this interested me in the BBC article about the terror level going up:
Isn't this backwards? Don't the military outrank the police when it comes to order of command?
I think our agencies may be more cautious with giving the US sensitive info around the case. Atleast I hope so.UK counterparts have already complained that the US are leakier than a busted faucet, nothing will come of it though.
Yes, but from details it seems last night was someone who was susceptible to influence rather than some battle-hardened terrorist from overseas...basically there might not be a tonne GCHQ could do : /
If they get credible intelligence that would pose a threat it'll be called off, but otherwise they're not going to.
I know right. It's infuriating and dangerous.Why the *fuck* are USA government officials leaking to the American press about an ongoing terrorism operation in the Uk? That's how the guys name got out in the first place, and now the details on the arrest?
What the fuck is wrong with these people? We're suppossed to be your damn allies?
I think our agencies may be more cautious with giving the US sensitive info around the case. Atleast I hope so.
What the fuck is wrong with these people? We're suppossed to be your damn allies?
I think our agencies may be more cautious with giving the US sensitive info around the case. Atleast I hope so.
Sure. To be clear I'm not casting aspersions at our intelligence community, more I know the government wants to spy on everything we do. If they had access to WhatsApp for instance would it have prevented this? Anyway, now's maybe not the time for this one.
The country is a fucking mess, it makes me quite sad.
Why the *fuck* are USA government officials leaking to the American press about an ongoing terrorism operation in the Uk? That's how the guys name got out in the first place, and now the details on the arrest?
What the fuck is wrong with these people? We're suppossed to be your damn allies?
American media is all about the ratings.I know right. It's infuriating and dangerous.
Edit I'm surprised at American media being so reckless too.
Started reading bios for the victims. Couldn't make it past an 8 year old girl, only second in the list of deceased before tearing up.
Why the *fuck* are USA government officials leaking to the American press about an ongoing terrorism operation in the Uk? That's how the guys name got out in the first place, and now the details on the arrest?
What the fuck is wrong with these people? We're suppossed to be your damn allies?
Why the *fuck* are USA government officials leaking to the American press about an ongoing terrorism operation in the Uk? That's how the guys name got out in the first place, and now the details on the arrest?
What the fuck is wrong with these people? We're suppossed to be your damn allies?
I didn't know they'd announce more than two.
I mean they possess the ability to distinguish between sensitive information on an ongoing terrorism case and a idiot president trying to cover up shit.That is also what gives you all those juiciy Trump leaks, that shit doesnt have an on/off button.
Tereasa May has a hard on for a police state. This is just phase 1. In fact no, the snoopers charter was phase 1, fuck lot of good that did clearly. I would rather live under the threat of terrorism than sit back and watch civil liberties be eroded by a right wing totalitarian government for my "safety".
Started reading bios for the victims. Couldn't make it past an 8 year old girl, only second in the list of deceased before tearing up.
Yeah when the news broke about the little girl, my heart sank. I had seen the messages on twitter looking for her and hoped so much she was maybe in a hotel or something for people separated. Realising she was one of the victims, I really struggled to hold back the tears. In fact seeing all the missing messages has been heartbreaking all these poor people worrying for loved ones, only to find out they are gone is so wrong. What an awful world we live in right now, so much bloodshed of innocents.
This is the second time you've made this post word for word. Wtf?Your link only claims that 2% are "Religiously Motivated." It doesn't give a figure for how many are committed by muslims, nor does it give a definition for what counts as a terrorist attack or what the numerator and denominator are for the calculated percentage, and the whole article seems generally agenda-driven and nebulous in its claims.
The mother of the 8 year old is critically injured in hospital and doesn't know the news yet.