The craziest thing is there are a hell of a lot of American's that follow Katie Hopkins and agreeing with her....
Trumpers ofc.
The craziest thing is there are a hell of a lot of American's that follow Katie Hopkins and agreeing with her....
What happens if people like her gain too much power?
So she was talking about genocide, yikes
It would probably largely be best to ignore Hopkins. She has trash opinions not formed around any credibility and simply looks to be obsessively cold hearted, callous and bigoted for personal gain/fame. A complete waste of anyone's time and effort. The kind of life you might look back at on your death bed and say what the hell was wrong with me?
I remember the Scottish guy that got jailed during the riots for incitment. It's infuriating that because she is a "journalist" she is treated as above the law for hate speech and trying to incite people to attack others.They already know the verbal diarrhoea that flows from her mouth. This isn't the US speech laws so she is treading on ice. More so because messages that can be inferred to incite violence are going to get you into serious shit. That's the case even in the US to be fair, but they're more relaxed about volatile hate than we are.
It's always frustrating as hell when people in places of privelege with decent wealth behave like genuine thundercunts. Then again, as I said above she's made her wealth being an attention seeker and saying ridiculous shit to get reactions. It's worse when it all comes under the guise of political commentator/journalist. Then again, it's the Daily Mail. If Alien life were given one thing off of planet Earth to read and it was an issue of the DM, they'd nuke us from space.
I think it's always worth keeping an eye on people like Hopkins, mainly so you know what kind of nefarious shit they are pushing and trying to incite others to do.
Poet Tony Walsh recites "The Place " at the vigil. Spine tingling, eye watering stuff:
Concentrate on actual brilliance like this, not the professional trolls filling the world with bile.
Yes he is. Stated all Muslims need to take responsibility...True. I think it's just tiredness of seeing her pop up yet again. It's like when Piers Morgan opens his mouth. A stream of hot shit. The both of them are like clones of each other. From what I've glanced at he's in the headlines again around this as well for something he has said.
Back from a long day at work. Atmosphere was pretty normal to be honest, even from people that were at the show last night.
My work friend who was there last night said they thought it was just a balloon popping until everyone started panicking.
The best way we can win is by just continuing on and not letting cowards and murderers determine how we live our lives.
The best way we can win is by just continuing on and not letting cowards and murderers determine how we live our lives.
We can remember their names which is evidence they were anomalies. Not the case with islamic terrorism.Lets not forget Timothy Mcveigh and Anders Breivik.
Yes he is. Stated all Muslims need to take responsibility...
Evil bastard.
We as a nation remained steadfast through the IRA years. Even with the current climate of hate and my cynical nature I think there are enough good people in this country to stop this from happening.That's what most of us do, and have being doing.
But when these things keep on happening more and more people are going to become fed up and choose extreme ideas or follow volatile people.
So unless these attacks suddenly stop, expect the notion of just carrying on and living as normal to fall on ever increasing deaf ears.
We can remember their names which is evidence they were anomalies. Not the case with islamic terrorism.
We as a nation remained steadfast through the IRA years. Even with the current climate of hate and my cynical nature I think there are enough good people in this country to stop this from happening.
You're talking shite, check the figures on terrorism. Less then 2% (as of 2015) of terrorist attacks are Muslims in europe.We can remember their names which is evidence they were anomalies. Not the case with islamic terrorism.
We can remember their names which is evidence they were anomalies. Not the case with islamic terrorism.
There's a good point in there about communautarism in the UK but phrases like this :
yikes.We Muslims need to take a long hard look at ourselves and ask what are we actually contributing to this country in return for the hospitality we are offered?
I went for a quick walk through the NQ to grab some food and I thought it felt a lot somber whilst at the same time people being more friendly than usual but it certainly lacked the vibe you normally find in the area on such a sunny day.
That's what most of us do, and have being doing.
But when these things keep on happening more and more people are going to become fed up and choose extreme ideas or follow volatile people.
So unless these attacks suddenly stop, expect the notion of just carrying on and living as normal to fall on ever increasing deaf ears.
Dear student,
All at the University of Salford have been shocked and saddened by the events of last night. Our thoughts are with all those involved, their families and their friends. We have provided, and continue to provide, support to all students and staff that have been affected.
We have now learnt that the suspect named by Police, Salman Abedi, was a student of the University. This is a further shock to all of us, and we understand how this will affect all members of our University community.
Great cities, like great people, show their true values in adversity. The support and help we have seen given across Manchester and Salford last night and today shows the true spirit of our area. This is an amazing place, and we stand by each other.
In an unrelated incident earlier this evening there was an evacuation of three buildings on campus as a precautionary measure for a short period of time. We are grateful for the calm way in which students cooperated with the evacuation. All buildings reopened quickly and we have returned to business as usual.
If you need support, were here for you: our askUS service is your first port of call. Visit the desk at University House, go online at or call 0161 2950023. Our Faith Centre provides a quiet space if you need a place for contemplation, and our chaplains are there to support you if you need it.
Its likely there will be significant media attention on campus over the next few days, and members of the press may approach students for comment. We are managing the press, and we encourage you to refer them to the Universitys Press Office. You dont have to talk to them if you dont want to.
We are strong, and we stand together.
Neil Fowler
There's a good point in there about communautarism in the UK but phrases like this :
If you're british you have the right to live there, it's not being "offered hospitality" and it's not conditional to any sort of contribution.
And then he gets even more all over the place about deporting innocent families or some other nonsense.
Holy shit
Seriously people. The Chief Constable overseeing this investigation is urging people to show unity in the face of terrorism.
Listen to him. I beg you.
Lets not forget Timothy Mcveigh and Anders Breivik.
I know what you mean. Brexit does give me pause.I'd agree if it wasn't for Brexit.
And if that goes as bad as everyone fears, it's just going to get worse.
Holy shit
WtfA man has been arrested at the Birmingham vigil with a baseball bat and axe.
What the fuck is she even saying here? "Western men" should do what exactly? She's a fucking idiot.
BBC reporting that the terrorist likely attended Didsbury Mosque.
A "moderate, modern, liberal mosque."
Their Imam preached out against ISIS according to
This didn't come from his community. Mids police said:A man has been arrested following a disturbance near a vigil in Birmingham city centre this evening (Wednesday 23 May 2017).
The 39-year-old Birmingham man who is known to police and is thought to have a history of mental ill-health - was arrested on suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon.
The event was being held in support of the victims of yesterdays Manchester terror attack.
Superintendent Andy Parsons, responsible for policing in the west of Birmingham, said: Officers spotted the man acting suspiciously and spoke to him. At this point they have arrested him.
The man was carrying a bag, and as a precaution, Victoria Square where the vigil was being held was cleared for around 15 minutes.
A small axe was recovered along with a large stick.
We will be interviewing the man to understand his intentions after mental health experts have assessed his condition.
Id like to thank people for the calm and collected way in which they responded to the incident. The professionalism of our officers who responded to the incident is also commendable and indicative of British policing.
BBC reporting that the terrorist likely attended Didsbury Mosque.
A "moderate, modern, liberal mosque."
Their Imam preached out against ISIS according to
This didn't come from his community.
He was probably radicalised online sure, but unless you were at the same places where he was you can't know he wasn't influenced by someone in his community or mosque.
BBC reporting that the terrorist likely attended Didsbury Mosque.
A "moderate, modern, liberal mosque."
Their Imam preached out against ISIS according to
This didn't come from his community.
I think we need to be careful with speculation around this tbh.He was probably radicalised online sure, but unless you were at the same places where he was you can't know he wasn't influenced by someone in his community or mosque.
Let's not baselessly slander the people in Didsbury when none of the evidence points in their direction and the evidence we have points elsewhere.
We have no idea whatsoever how this guy was actually radicalised. The police will investigate and, hopefully, find out.
The fuck my dude?
Another chestnut that's in no way trying to encourage any kind of response from 'western men'...