Not been in a few years but I remember it being quite good for a night out. There are a good number of pubs with live music too which was cool.Yeah, it's a fun place. It's a great night out.
Not been in a few years but I remember it being quite good for a night out. There are a good number of pubs with live music too which was cool.Yeah, it's a fun place. It's a great night out.
Yeah ok buddy. Did you even graduate from a private school?
But they will prepare another.
Its either ignoring it, and enduring another bomb at god knows what kind of target the next time. Or go to action and fuel the flames of war. In both cases its not going to end well.
Ah, well there you go. I'm in America and we let private schools do whatever they want and not do or teach whatever they don't want.
Yeah ok buddy. Did you even graduate from a private school?
I'm not your friend, guy!yea I did, buddy old pal. that's why I posted that, dear old friend. why do you ask, compadre?
The difference being that the Paris attackers were specifically trained in and travelled from ISIS territory.
Yeah ok buddy. Did you even graduate from a private school? There are very few private schools that differ meaningfully from the local state schools, other than having more money and resources. Most of them follow the same requirements and are accredited by the same bodies. There are outliers though, Bob Jones and Liberty University off the top of my head.
Ghouls like Katie Hopkins etc are out in force on Twitter making hay out of this. Disgusting evil ghouls.
It's ridiculous that Twitter hasn't banned her. Especially since hate speech is illegal here.She overplayed her hand with the final solution tweet.
She's since changed it true solution and has since been taking shots at Manchester police because they had the nerve to say they'd investigate the tweet.
Yeah ok buddy. Did you even graduate from a private school? There are very few private schools that differ meaningfully from the local state schools, other than having more money and resources. Most of them follow the same requirements and are accredited by the same bodies. There are outliers though, Bob Jones and Liberty University off the top of my head.
She overplayed her hand with the final solution tweet.
She's since changed it true solution and has since been taking shots at Manchester police because they had the nerve to say they'd investigate the tweet.
Just got back from the Manchester vigil. Was a very sombre yet uplifting place. Glad to see the turnout for it, the square was absolutely packed.
Ghouls like Katie Hopkins etc are out in force on Twitter making hay out of this. Disgusting evil ghouls.
This is an amazing post.
The only reason religion is fading away in the west is because we don't force it on people, and most importantly because we also don't try to stifle it. Repress people's views and opinions, especially in a matter religious people view as more important than life itself, and you'll run into extreme reactions. We need to get governments and education systems into a place that teaches both science and religion, allowing everyone to make up their own minds, and not judge anyone one way or another. Religion will never vanish because spirituality is a big part of being human and we all get in touch with that through various means. But by not enforcing or persecuting religion we should be able to reach the sort of happy balance we (mostly) have in the west.
Him and others refuse to acknowledge that the religion and ssoe of its translations are calling for this .
I agree generally. But I really think some times people need to pay attention so hopefully finally Police will charge her with hate speech and incitement.People really need to stop amplifying her messages. She writes for the daily mail her whole job is to rile up people up. It keeps her in very steady work.
Sensible people should make her persona non grata. Dont share or mention her let her fester away.
She overplayed her hand with the final solution tweet.
She's since changed it true solution and has since been taking shots at Manchester police because they had the nerve to say they'd investigate the tweet.
Yeah, well right now it's kind of hard to get out of ISIS territory, which is why they've been asking supporters to engage in individual acts of terrorism globally for quite some time. With suggestions like 'Steal a truck and run over Infidels' (sic)
I'm just wondering why 'directly' in any way matters? Does the fact the bomber wasn't from the ISIS training grounds make them somehow less accountable?
Did she spell Manchester right when you she edited out 'final solution'?She overplayed her hand with the final solution tweet.
She's since changed it true solution and has since been taking shots at Manchester police because they had the nerve to say they'd investigate the tweet.
What the fuck?Deport all muslims and ban all muslims from visiting the country? Is this possible? Serious question
Fucking scary that stuff like this is happening more and more in the west. And at a concert for pre-teens...
Hopefully ISIS' and other terrorists' influence can continue to be steadily erroded.
This is an amazing post.
The only reason religion is fading away in the west is because we don't force it on people, and most importantly because we also don't try to stifle it. Repress people's views and opinions, especially in a matter religious people view as more important than life itself, and you'll run into extreme reactions. We need to get governments and education systems into a place that teaches both science and religion, allowing everyone to make up their own minds, and not judge anyone one way or another. Religion will never vanish because spirituality is a big part of being human and we all get in touch with that through various means. But by not enforcing or persecuting religion we should be able to reach the sort of happy balance we (mostly) have in the west.
What the fuck?
Yeah, well right now it's kind of hard to get out of ISIS territory, which is why they've been asking supporters to engage in individual acts of terrorism globally for quite some time. With suggestions like 'Steal a truck and run over Infidels' (sic)
I'm just wondering why 'directly' in any way matters? Does the fact the bomber wasn't from the ISIS training grounds make them somehow less accountable?
What the fuck?
Deport all muslims and ban all muslims from visiting the country? Is this possible? Serious question
Wait what?
Wait what?
If that's the case, I apologise for the misunderstanding.I think people have misunderstood your post as being a suggestion from you.
While you are likely asking about that nazi supporter on twitter, of course it is not possible to deport your own citizens that are born "here". What that nazi is advocating is basically what hitler tried to do and it is not in any way possible and even suggesting it actually harms relationships between different communities there.
Did she spell Manchester right when you she edited out 'final solution'?
Because fucking hell.
Deport all muslims and ban all muslims from visiting the country? Is this possible? Serious question
What happens if people like her gain too much power?
So she was talking about genocide, yikes
I just think sometimes we need to create a stink to try and get the police to take action.It would probably largely be best to ignore Hopkins. She has trash opinions not formed around any credibility and simply looks to be obsessively cold hearted, callous and bigoted for personal gain/fame. A complete waste of anyone's time and effort. The kind of life you might look back at on your death bed and say what the hell was wrong with me?
I just think sometimes we need to create a stink to try and get the police to take action.
What the fuck is she even saying here? "Western men" should do what exactly? She's a fucking idiot.Another chestnut that's in no way trying to encourage any kind of response from 'western men'...
What the fuck is she even saying here? "Western men" should do what exactly? She's a fucking idiot.
Perhaps you're right. I really want her to finally get her comeuppance. She's saying shit like what lead to Nick Griffin getting charged with incitement and hate speech 10 years ago.I feel like that would make thing worse. Imagine the outrage from her followers.
I'm from the south too - and I love it.Bits like this make me think I really need to go to Manchester one day.
.I'm a filthy southerner, but my Uncle is from Manchester, my Mum's from Birmingham and my Dad is from...South Africa
It sounds like an amazing city.
I just think sometimes we need to create a stink to try and get the police to take action.
Got any pictures mate?
I'm from the south too - and I love it.
Manchester isn't very touristy. There aren't many monuments or world-famous attractions. There aren't really any tour buses. The main shopping centre is a bit of an eyesore on the outside. And it has a reputation for being rainy.
And yet it's one of my favourite cities in the world.
I lived there for about four years and I fell in love with it. Gritty around the edges but cool as you like. The history, the architecture, the buzz, the regeneration, the culture, the swagger, the underdog spirit... it's smaller than London and has always had to fight politicians in the capital for funding and services - and yet it somehow pulls it off.
I loved it there and I miss it. I live in London now but my hope is that I can move back to Manchester in a few years, buy a house and settle down there.
I'm always a little wary to recommend it to visitors because I rave about it yet I realise the reality, upon first glance, looks like a large regional British city (mid-sized at most by world standards) that was first and foremost an industrial city. It's a bit tatty, Piccadilly Gardens and the Arndale Centre feel more 'provincial town' than 'European city', and it's not got the famous museums or attractions of London.
But if make a bit of effort, you'll find the world's first industrial city, the site of the world's first intercity railway, the place where the atom was first split, where the leader of the Suffragettes was born and raised, the library corner where Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels started developing communism, the halls and buildings where early capitalists stood up for a big idea called 'free trade', the beautiful red-brick warehouses and mills that once drove between 65%-80% of the world's entire cotton industry, and much more besides.
Communism, capitalism, feminism, and industrialisation all have major roots in Manchester. And today it's a beautiful, diverse, and progressive city.
It may not be photogenic place like Paris or a museum maze like London but if you go in with the right level of expectations, are prepared to make a bit of effort, and are blessed with sunny weather, you'll find a place that changed the world.
I'm from the south too - and I love it.
Manchester isn't very touristy. There aren't many monuments or world-famous attractions. There aren't really any tour buses. The main shopping centre is a bit of an eyesore on the outside. And it has a reputation for being rainy.
And yet it's one of my favourite cities in the world.
I lived there for about four years and I fell in love with it. Gritty around the edges but cool as you like. The history, the architecture, the buzz, the regeneration, the culture, the swagger, the underdog spirit... it's smaller than London and has always had to fight politicians in the capital for funding and services - and yet it somehow pulls it off.
I loved it there and I miss it. I live in London now but my hope is that I can move back to Manchester in a few years, buy a house and settle down there.
I'm always a little wary to recommend it to visitors because I rave about it yet I realise the reality, upon first glance, looks like a large regional British city (mid-sized at most by world standards) that was first and foremost an industrial city. It's a bit tatty, Piccadilly Gardens and the Arndale Centre feel more 'provincial town' than 'European city', and it's not got the famous museums or attractions of London.
But if make a bit of effort, you'll find the world's first industrial city, the site of the world's first intercity railway, the place where the atom was first split, where the leader of the Suffragettes was born and raised, the library corner where Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels started developing communism, the halls and buildings where early capitalists stood up for a big idea called 'free trade', the beautiful red-brick warehouses and mills that once drove between 65%-80% of the world's entire cotton industry, and much more besides.
Communism, capitalism, feminism, and industrialisation all have major roots in Manchester. And today it's a beautiful, diverse, and progressive city.
It may not be photogenic place like Paris or a museum maze like London but if you go in with the right level of expectations, are prepared to make a bit of effort, and are blessed with sunny weather, you'll find a place that changed the world.