I think we're long past that stage honestly. I thought this was going to be the 'slow' episode based on the beginning; then the Senator's campaign manager was taken to CTU for interrogation and only thirty minutes later the Senator found out his father was one mole almost immediately (even if he laughably pressed his uncle) and (maybe?) freed his campaign manager; Not-Bauer's wife escaped her confines and held the crazy-girlfriend at gun point while warning her drug lord brother-in-law his girlfriend was planning on murdering him; Not-Bauer's wife was arrested, and then freed from arrest by her brother-in-law who immediately arrived on the scene; terrorist girl successfully killed her boyfriend in the hospital; the chemistry teacher is making a bomb(?); and Not-Bauer arrived in CTU, detained his debriefer with a phone cable, knocked out two CTU agents, used a smoke bomb to disable CTU for five minutes, and broke somebody 'facing the death penalty' who planned to swap terrorist information for money out of CTU so that he could arrange a plan to swap confidential CTU information for information.
In the space of four hours we've had all that, combined with an arm-long list of dramatic and ridiculous events not limited to a shoot-out in a train station, multiple assassinations of rangers and two assassination attempts, a terrorist school teacher bludgeoning a terrorist student's boyfriend's head with a floor just enough so that he could jump out of a window and make it to a football field with substantial neurological damage, a siege in a police station because acquiring money from an evidence room was the easiest way to get two million dollars, the CTU director being incapacitated, the top CTU analyst being detained and then released, somebody getting knocked down and then surviving unscathed, and a shootout in a construction site where a big concrete cylinder dangling from a rope was used to kill some terrorists.
I don't think the question of it making sense anymore depends on the pace of the next two episodes, we're already full-on in coke-ville crazy-lane with the pace of the characters.