Nicole needs to level up her parkour skills
Nicole needs to level up her parkour skills
lol this GIF is great.
I'm starting to lose interest. Hurry up and bring back Tony!
omg lol.
this for some reason kinda reminds me of the thea gif Arrow though
lol this GIF is great.
I dont understand why she didn't just walk down the rest of the stairs. It's not like it was that far.
Reminds me of Captain Lance jumping off the roof, falling about 4 feet and landing on his side. Can't find that gif though...
Ye Carter is weaksaucehow could you not do a whole cut out the eyeball for a retinal scanner scene when the dude has a Blofield eye![]()
Jack woulda cut out the eye just in case he needed an extra eye
the bad guys so far are just so grossly incompetent you kinda feel sorry for them
Its 24,
If you like classic 24 it is amazing.
I want to like this. 24 is a soft spot of mine. But it's so hard when almost all the plots are so STUPID. Only Carter's adventures even remotely have a spark of life to them and I still don't care about him as a character. Or anyone, really. They're just pawns being moved around by the needs of the script.
Really, the only good thing this episode did was kill off Ben. If we're lucky, the wife and the terrorist siblings will be next.
Quick question, how's the show? Worth my time? Watched all the other seasons of 24 with reasonable enjoyment