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24: Live Another Day |OT| Game of Drones


I've seen all the seasons but my memory is crap these days. Would someone mind summarizing what exactly happened again with Jack and the Russians that made them want him so bad? For the life of me I just can't remember any of it.

Might need to rewatch a few seasons
I've seen all the seasons but my memory is crap these days. Would someone mind summarizing what exactly happened again with Jack and the Russians that made them want him so bad? For the life of me I just can't remember any of it.

Might need to rewatch a few seasons

The Russians had somebody kill Renee Walker (His agent lover) so he went nuts and went to kill everybody involved, and Russians are mostly pissed because he killed Mikhail Novakovich


I actually thought Bauer was going to shoot himself when Kate told him about Audrey. It certainly looked like that was his intention but then he goes full Bauer and kills everyone else. OMG what an amazing episode. I loved it and I'm very tempted to watch it again tonight


My reaction to the finale in GIF form...




I actually thought Bauer was going to shoot himself when Kate told him about Audrey. It certainly looked like that was his intention but then he goes full Bauer and kills everyone else. OMG what an amazing episode. I loved it and I'm very tempted to watch it again tonight

That was my thought too.
Such a sad finale. Sure the entire tanker fight was incredible ("Jeez Jack, don't beat him so badly the facial recognition takes forever") but the producers seemed to arrange Audrey's death in a way so that she affects everyone:

-Kate, so effective in earlier episodes, is absolutely crushed when she fails in her mission to protect her. Combine this with her learning the truth about her late husband and I think it's safe to say the Bauer mantle will not pass to her.
-Mark thinks he made amends for his betrayal by getting the info from the Russians (and surviving, to boot), only to have him be pretty much responsible for his wife's death. He's lost everything, and will probably be headed to death row alongside Navarro (I assume they'll be sharing a cell on the way back to the US).
-Heller was ready to die, but he ends up losing his daughter instead. Absolutely tragic.
-Jack contemplates suicide before going rampaging through the Chinese.

In a way, the ending comes back to the subtitle of this season: Live Another Day. Everyone except Audrey lives, but their lives are irrevocably changed. And for Jack, he loses one of the few remaining reasons for him to live. So yes, he did live another day, but there's no happy ending for him.
Good season and decent finale, but to me the ending felt a little rushed and almost like the whole '12 hours later' segment was tacked on the end and kind of came across like it a different ending to the day than initially planned and hastily done.

It just seemed wayyyy too open, which tends to suggest to me we are definitely going to get some more.
So many MGS fun tidbits (
Tanker, almost shot himself, voice actor
). If they do another season and the theme is Jack getting old, man, they must have him say that "Terrorism has changed. It is not longer about nations, ideologies or ethicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and drones. Terrorism, and its consumption of life, has become an well oiled machine."

They could have Tony get back as a cyborg ninja. Kidding.
I actually thought Bauer was going to shoot himself when Kate told him about Audrey. It certainly looked like that was his intention but then he goes full Bauer and kills everyone else. OMG what an amazing episode. I loved it and I'm very tempted to watch it again tonight

Same. I thought he would bring the weapon to his head.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Poor Jack, can't catch a break.

Imagine Kim dying.

Jack will commit sudoku.

Jack will play a puzzle game?

I think you meant

Great finale, but i will be dissatisfied with the ending if we dont get another season. Jack needs a happy ending to the series, the guy thats been through more shit, had almost everyone he loves killed. That or he needs to die, saving someone important.


Awesome season, I went "fuck yeah!" when Jack engaged beast mode and decapitated Cheng. I would like a season set entirely in Russia, it would be fun for sure (including a breakout). We'll wait and see I guess. MGS2 vibes on the tanker are completely accurate, great setpiece.

Really, you'd think that military leaders would want him on an undercover black ops squad by now, Jack gets shit done. Henderson had the right idea by trying to recruit him as a merc.


Awesome season, I went "fuck yeah!" when Jack engaged beast mode and decapitated Cheng. I would like a season set entirely in Russia, it would be fun for sure (including a breakout). We'll wait and see I guess.

Really, you'd think that military leaders would want him on an undercover black ops squad by now, Jack gets shit done. Henderson had the right idea by trying to recruit him as a merc.

I have half the mind the write a proper fan fiction of 24 continuing off of the events from this season just to show everyone that a proper 24 can be written. In my head, the Russians would recruit Jack to do a special undercover black op as his reputation with the Russians would erase from the minds of any terrorist that he would be working with them. I think Jack simply being rescued or breaking out kinda makes no sense as who would want to rescue him? America? It's uncertain if Heller pardoned him for his crimes and second he just committed a whole host of new ones in this season, you know decapitating Cheng and what not. Sure, it didn't take place on American soil but that hardly means political officials would just let that slide. And then there is the political dilemna that would arise if it were ever known that America rescued Jack, he's just a walking political problem.

Again, it's why I think the best situation is for the Russians to use him, plus it would be cool to see him working with another State, one who he has not so friendly relations with.


If they dont do a series 10 ill be pissed.

Jack dying a hero death I could appreciate. Jack getting a happy ending I could take. Being taken by the Russians just leaves me with a similarish slightly better but still sourish taste of seasons 8 cliffhanger. Season 5s end was good in the sense S6 was guaranteed (awful follow through as it may have been).

Season 10 full on prison break and Jack going nuts in Russia for 12 ending with a Kim reunion plz


I would be really down for a 24 based on Jack working for the Russians. This season was good but it wasn't exactly too fresh, minus the new location.


Sad to see the season end. Really hoping there's at least one more being planned soonish.

And damn at Heller's speech at the end.


Subete no aware
Perhaps the audience is supposed to be like Heller. Soon, we too will forget all about Jack, and his fate in Russia won't matter. It's much deeper than I thought it was after watching it yesterday.
Am I the only one that thought Jack and Chloe handed something to one another?

Just rewatched it, it didn't look like it.

I was unsatisfied with the ending personally because it just puts Jack in a Russian jail... I mean, its clearly not the end but I was expecting/hoping another season and now it seems like we'll have to settle for now with just Jack in jail again.

Not sure what I was looking for but that last bit was kind of predictable and disappointing, I was hoping for something more. I'll be a bit annoyed if we don't get more for a long time now
Saw this elsewhere, but the only person who came out ahead this season was Ritter. Gets a promotion and isn't hurt/killed/responsible for anyone's death. I think the worst thing that happened to him was being near Margot's fake hideout when it got droned.

Jack going with the Russians is the most realistic ending IMO. What is a happy ending for him? Goes back to the US with a full pardon to be with his family, while looking over his shoulder for Russians? He can go on the run, but that's just the end of S8 again. He can die heroically, but with the limited time it wouldn't be satisfactory or fitting (plus it would also close the door on future seasons).


Everything already been said, fucking amazing. Need more.

Also, I wonder what the Russians could possibly even do to Jack, they're not going to kill him right? Just torture him/lock him up, but that's kinda pointless to do with Jack..


Good season and decent finale, but to me the ending felt a little rushed and almost like the whole '12 hours later' segment was tacked on the end and kind of came across like it a different ending to the day than initially planned and hastily done.

It just seemed wayyyy too open, which tends to suggest to me we are definitely going to get some more.

It seemed both open and closed to me to be honest. The show could easily end there. It's more closed than open really because where does Jack go from here really? They need to pass the torch and Kate seemed more than capable of taking over that role.


Fucking awesome season. Top 3 for sure.

Great ending, that Heller monologue was incredibly touching.

That whole sequence at AF1 was really un-24 in both the way its shot and its tone.

You don't cast a guy from Pirates for a 2 minute cameo...we'll get more.


Speaking of the Heller monologue, what exactly was his last line? I watched it twice and it kept sounding like "I won't remember my daughter died a horrible vetch"?


I actually thought Bauer was going to shoot himself when Kate told him about Audrey. It certainly looked like that was his intention but then he goes full Bauer and kills everyone else. OMG what an amazing episode. I loved it and I'm very tempted to watch it again tonight

I definitely thought the handgun was coming out for him to shoot himself in the head. Another 10-15 seconds of peace and he might have done it.


Speaking of the Heller monologue, what exactly was his last line? I watched it twice and it kept sounding like "I won't remember my daughter died a horrible vetch"?
Here's the full text:
"No, there's nothing you can do, nothing anyone can do," Heller said to Davies. "Right before we left for London, I was sitting in my office, looking at a picture on my desk of a beautiful woman. I kept staring at it. It's been on my desk since my first day in office. And I knew that I knew that woman, but I couldn't think of her name. Ten seconds, then 15 seconds go by, then, poof, it pops into my head. It was Audrey. I won't remember anything that happens today. I won't remember anything that happens, period. I won't remember that I had a daughter who died in such a horrible fashion."

Interesting stuff from Cassar. That little monologue was initially planned for the first episode:
Cassar, who's been a director and producer on 24 every season except Season 8, says Heller's speech landed in the finale fortuitously, because it was written, and filmed, for him to deliver in the season premiere.

"It was the very first scene we shot in the season. If you remember in the first episode where Heller is riding in the car with Audrey… he originally said it to her, but we cut it out, because you want that first episode to move a little quicker. And, obviously, it wasn't about her being dead at the time, it was actually him telling her he had been looking at her picture, and he didn't remember who she was. William Devane did such a good job with it, and it hurt all of us to cut it out, but we found another place for [that speech], and he did just as good a job the second time around, if not better, because it meant more after Audrey's death."
i really do wish they give a teeny hint of a sequel.

Like Sherlock season 3 pretty much had the exact same ending but transitioned to a season 4.

Just a tiny tease...



few things to add to this thread:

- The silent clock at the end of the episode doesn't mean Jack's gonna die. Did he die when he got a silent clock at the end of S6 or Redemption? No. I take it as Jack being at peace with himself, and resigned to his future.

- That ending doesn't fit with the rumours or previous leaks. It pretty much seems like a last minute change to accomodate a S10.

- The confirmed extra scene of Tony which will be included in the BD/DVD release will likely set up S10. And also, Carlos Bernard was sporting longer hair and a badass beard recently. I wonder why? Well, either he's let himself go, or it's Tony's prison look:

oh and he was doing filming recently. for something. it's obviously 24.

- I don't think Jack will be tortured. The Russians know better. He'll be miserable though.

- Callery was at the top of his game


The 12-episode format didn't even matter in the end, the writers just crammed two stories that would have normally been told in 12 episodes each into 8 and 4 instead.

Should've been 4 and 8 instead, Al-Harazi took way too much time, and then they had to tie up the potential start of a world war in 3 episodes.


They really fluffed Audrey's death. Kate should have been charged with dereliction of duty. Just casually walking through the park with her backup not even paying attention. If they had done a literal second sniper it would have been better.


cheng's death was so badass

I don't know why people keep comparing the shootout in the finale to the end of S8 - it was obviously a knowing retread of the scene in the S1 finale when Jack hears about Kim's apparent death and takes out the drazens, right down to the location (docks) and time (night)
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