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24: Live Another Day |OT| Game of Drones

Van Owen

Really enjoyed the season, but I thought Bill Devane was fucking awful. I'm glad we won't have to see him or Audrey if they make another season.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Season 4 (with it's backup plan-after-backup plan villain) and Season 6 (Where Jack's killing everything including his own family), had more.

But only the Redemption movie has a higher "Kills Per Hour" rate, than LAD. 7.5 per hour for Redemption, then 3.25 for LAD, then 2.125 for Season 6.
Meh, didn't like the cliffhanger. It's pretty obvious they're hoping for another season.

I was hoping they'd actually put Jack to rest, but at this point there isn't a death that suits the character.


Meh, didn't like the cliffhanger. It's pretty obvious they're hoping for another season.

I was hoping they'd actually put Jack to rest, but at this point there isn't a death that suits the character.

I think it's pretty obvious that the ending was due to another season being very, very likely. Its something that was changed pretty much at the last minute, as far as we know.


It's kinda hilarious when you think about it, awesome and hilarious.

Jack Bauer has been legitimately dead twice before (season 2 and season 4). A gunshot wound is nothing

jack bauer has died twice, survived both times and recovered from almost two years of intense torture in China by just having a shave


Just started to watch season 3.


Chloe is so annoying

well yeah, but season 3 is odd to watch purely because of how different she looked:


I dont think any of us were expecting her to still be alive in S9 and to look like this:



I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
When Season 3 Jack just lays into her during a Heroin fit, just remember that in Season 9, she's helping him stop WW3 while looking like a member of The Cure.

Makes Logical Sense.
There was an extra for the nuke season, that served as a transition (DVD extra maybe?) Anyway, Jack was just slamming this bowl of cereal down. Real, legit food. It was wild.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
oh man not only did they go with a amnesia angle for terry and kim being kim with her stupid crush on her kidnapper, now the senator aide woman stabbed Castiel lol.

man there was some serious rose rinted glasses in my memory regarding season 1, this is fucking awful o_O


Back then, it seemed like Chloe was the latest awkward side-character being introduced for just one season before conking out. I wouldn't have guessed she'd have made it this far with Jack, or that their pairing would still be so tight.

I enjoyed that finale. Wow. I don't remember S5 vividly enough to get the horrible same deja vu feelings as everyone. They're there, but I almost don't mind. 24 is 24.


Fantastic season. Cutting the series down to 12 episodes may be the best decision the producers ever made. My only real complaint was how little action the Brits got, we could at least have had SCO19 get involved with all those Americans, Russians and Chinese running around London shooting up everyone.

Hopefully if they do a next season, Jack gets to kill more people with a sword.
I enjoyed that finale. Wow. I don't remember S5 vividly enough to get the horrible same deja vu feelings as everyone. They're there, but I almost don't mind. 24 is 24.

Might not be exactly the same but being very similar it's like they are repeating themselves - kind of like establishing a mole/traitor among the "good guys" becomes routine.

Many people enjoyed the way season 8 ended as the "finale", i myself was a bit bummed about it as i thought SEASON 4''s finale did it so much better and thus season 8 had the "done before" feeling. I actually think that would have been the perfect way for the show to finish overall (granted then we would not have had the awesomeness of season 5) - i just like the idea of Jack Bauer walking off / away to the great unknown along the train tracks.

Granted this time in season 9 he's being helicoptered away to an uncertain fate.


I've been marathoning season 8 (the only season I hadn't seen) and it's really, really uneven. Going through multiple episodes at a time probably helps make the weaknesses less glaring but certain character and plot developments really wreak of the writers making it up as they go along (even more so than usual).

It's gotten a little better around episode 12 (which is where I'm at now) but I'm not going to pretend this is 24 at its best.
I've been marathoning season 8 (the only season I hadn't seen) and it's really, really uneven. Going through multiple episodes at a time probably helps make the weaknesses less glaring but certain character and plot developments really wreak of the writers making it up as they go along (even more so than usual).

It's gotten a little better around episode 12 (which is where I'm at now) but I'm not going to pretend this is 24 at its best.

The last eight episodes are mindblowing. My favorite arc of the entire series.

If you're watching it on Netflix, don't read the episode description inbetween each episode. It spoils stuff. You're better going in clean.


oh man not only did they go with a amnesia angle for terry and kim being kim with her stupid crush on her kidnapper, now the senator aide woman stabbed Castiel lol.

man there was some serious rose rinted glasses in my memory regarding season 1, this is fucking awful o_O

Not to mention Kim being kidnapped THREE times during the 24 hour period. Now I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but I think it takes a special kind of stupid to pull that off, especially the daughter of the Counter terrorism agent (who I assume would have taught her to fight)

In her defense the 2nd one was more "held against her will" but still. :eek:P

It's been forever since I watched the later seasons but didn't she get stalked by a mountain lion in one episode?


Just saw the last episode. What an episode. What now? Will there be a new season?

Jack can't cut a fucking break can he? I can't remember the last time Jack was happy at all.


One day Jack's enemy's are going to learn to either put a bullet through his brain quickly if the chance comes up or just ignore him as if he doesn't exist, killing someone he cares about is just silly what same person would want to send Jack into berserker mode.

I hope this ending indicates there will be another season, with season 8 at least you knew he was free somewhere, I would feel a little bitter if the last we see of jack is him being taken by Russians.


I remember that. Though I seem to recall that the first time Jack spoke Serbian to him it was...not quite Serbian. Would have been nice to have gotten some history on his relationship with Jack. Perhaps another time.

I have a suspicion the comic 24 Underground will cover it.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
So Jack has a gun or knife on him since they didn't search him, he'll kill everyone on the helicopter and fly off right?
Yeah I found that really dumb how they didn't even pat him down. Really?

Man, Heller's speech at the end was really hard to watch with my parents since my dad has early onset Alzheimer's (both of his parents have it) and he's always in denial so listening to Heller's speech made the room go completely silent and it got awkward quick.
Awww man, sorry to hear that. :( That must have been tough.

That was so lol. Hey I can kill the other dude by pointing my gun again, but nahhh, just gonna throw a knife because that's so much more badass.

Also: hey I can put a bullet in Cheng's head but nahhh, here's a conveniently placed katana to behead him. LOL

Damn straight. Belcheck was the best. Really liked him.
I have a suspicion the comic 24 Underground will cover it.

That would be cool, in one of the earlier episodes Belcheck said something to the extent that Jack had saved his life at one point, and I was expecting them to expand on it at some point. Though I was really expecting him to be cannon fodder and die at some point in the season.


What's the best option for streaming the original seasons right now? I think it's time to watch them again, I'm finding I remember less and less about what's happened up to this season.


Seasons 1-6 weren't shot with HD-cameras anyway, or were they?

All seasons were shot on film, is just a question of doing a new scan of the negatives and we have a full bluray pack. But that it's kind of expensive and fox executives must think is not worth it.


All seasons were shot on film, is just a question of doing a new scan of the negatives and we have a full bluray pack. But that it's kind of expensive and fox executives must think is not worth it.

Correct. However, about four episodes of S4 were shot HD digital.


All seasons were shot on film, is just a question of doing a new scan of the negatives and we have a full bluray pack. But that it's kind of expensive and fox executives must think is not worth it.

I know its not exactly comparable and I can't be bothered to indepth google at the moment, any idea what the numbers were like in terms of the Star Trek TNG blu-ray remaster re-releases?


The last eight episodes are mindblowing. My favorite arc of the entire series.

If you're watching it on Netflix, don't read the episode description inbetween each episode. It spoils stuff. You're better going in clean.

Five episodes left of the season. Again, it's okay but I HATE how they've assassinated Taylor's character to keep the story going. There were a pair of excellent episodes a while ago but it's back to mostly treading water.
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