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24: Live Another Day |OT| Game of Drones


works for Gamestop (lol)
Has someone GIFed Stephen Fry's hilarious reaction and walkaway to the news that the drone killed two Brits?



When does Carrie Mathison show up? Starting to confuse my over the top CIA shows.

Chloe still can't keep her shit together and Dat black emo eye makeup on a 40 year old!

24 be back yo!


It was a good premiere that felt like slipping back into an old pair of shoes, all the classic 24 tropes for good or worse are there. I'm still curious as to what Chloe has been doing for all these years, but so far the season is off to a good start. Also, Miranda Lawson being a female Jack Bauer has me very intrigued, I just hope she doesnt turn out to be a mole and actually gets to kick some ass, but at the very least for the love of GOD do not make her another Bauer love interest to be killed off at the end.

Anyone else think Heller's chief of staff is angling towards invoking the good ol' 25th amendment?


The writers wouldn't go there again would they?

I was thinking the exact same thing, surely they won't do it for a third goddamn time. The fact that we haven't seen the VP yet is a good sign at least.
Also, Miranda Lawson being a female Jack Bauer has me very intrigued, I just hope she doesnt turn out to be a mole and actually gets to kick some ass, but at the very least for the love of GOD do not make her another Bauer love interest to be killed off at the end.

Unrequited love interest who partners up with Jack to save the day but can't have his love because his heart still belongs to Audrey.


Good start. I thought the hackers setting up their own mini CTU was the funniest part of the episode.

As for evil phone lady, since we only have half a season, are we skipping the terrorist pawn and going straight to the rich white person big bad?

Also nice to see 24GAF is still pretty active during and after the show. I had like 3 pages of stuff to read after I watched.


I haven't finished watching all the previous seasons, can this season be watched as a standalone? Is it enough to know just who Jack and Chloe are or do they make a lot of past references?











No, that was a headbutt. You know Jack Bauer's into you when he gives you a headbutt

No, no, no you have it all wrong. Jack only expresses his true love to those he chokes out, and only then when he tries to calm them while doing it with the familiar "don't fight it!" You're nobody to Jack until he has choked you out at least once.


so... if i've never watched 24, can i start from this?

Sure. I think all you really need to know is that Jack is a former federal agent and black ops badass who is branded a traitor for his part in stopping a terror conspiracy. Since then he has been on the run. Chloe is a former coworker of Jack's who helped him escape. Also computer wizard. I think they fill you in on the rest if you pay attention.


so... if i've never watched 24, can i start from this?

Sure you can, although the prior seasons are just as awesome. As someone else said all you need to know is that Jack Bauer used to work for a federal agency called CTU (Counter-Terrorist Unit) Los Angeles. He's a super badass, who is always right even when people have good reason not to believe him. Chloe is a former colleague and is basically the tech wizard.

As of the end of last season Jack has been on the run after being branded a traitor by the US government for reasons that don't really make a lot of sense but it's exciting to have Jack be on the run and thus he is.

That's it, you'll pick up the rest.

Oh and Jack has a history with the current President (Heller) in this season.
You see the President he used to be the Sec. of Defense who Jack worked for and saved his life, he was also dating his daughter, long story short things happened the daughter ended up in a comatose like state thanks to asshole Chinese agents and Heller blames Jack. Jack hasnt seen Audrey since he left her to be under the car of her dad in Season 6.

Wait..Yvonne is from Australia? She does a perfect american accent. Damn.

Really? I heard her accent breaking through the whole time, she needs to work at it a bit more. Same thing with that British actor playing an American general, cmon now you can't expect me to believe that.


Just a misunderstanding between heroes. It's like uh... like that brawl between Thor and Iron Man at the start of The Avengers.

Only a matter of time before he gives her his shawarma.

Oh lord!!! You have me spilled my coffee hahahah

Can't wait to see those 2 first episodes, seeing the number of pages this thread had since yesterday before 24 aired.


Really? I heard her accent breaking through the whole time, she needs to work at it a bit more. Same thing with that British actor playing an American general, cmon now you can't expect me to believe that.

Well, she fooled me.

I guess if you're a accent hunter you'll notice stuff like that.

There are tons of actors I have watched for years not knowing they were british or whatever.


Well, she fooled me.

I guess if you're a accent hunter you'll notice stuff like that.

There are tons of actors I have watched for years not knowing they were british or whatever.

Well it's more likely because I've heard her so many times (I really liked Mass Effect 2) thus I could hear Australian accent breaking through the entire episode.


venison crêpe
A dozen men armed with handguns and semi automatics running around a council estate and not a policeman in sight by the end of it? Maybe they were all still stuck at the traffic incident with the motorbike.

Was impressed with the preparation the CoS was giving the President with regards going to Parliament. Most accurate depiction of the House of Commons in TV for a while.

Great fun though. Yvonne is too distracting.


Was impressed with the preparation the CoS was giving the President with regards going to Parliament. Most accurate depiction of the House of Commons in TV for a while.

Hope we'll see Heller answering questions in the House of Commons. Would be amazing. Especially if it's the real one.



Super solid opening of the show, it had all the right elements. The moment that hit the the most was hearing that ending credits music. It's been a long time since I heard it.

/all the feels


i can't believe its finally backed....loved it, still nothing else like it on TV

and with it only being 12 episodes, you know the payoff is coming soon


Loved the 2 episodes, Jack Bauer is awesome and Yvonne Strahovski is always a plus in my book.

I take it they will air the remaining 10 episodes consecutively and without breaks?
I think I will binge watch the 8 previous seasons between each episode.


Loved the 2 episodes, Jack Bauer is awesome and Yvonne Strahovski is always a plus in my book.

I take it they will air the remaining 10 episodes consecutively and without breaks?
I think I will binge watch the 8 previous seasons between each episode.

It's a good plan just skip season 6


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Fuck, i didn't know you guys would post spoilers in here without any spoiler tags.


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