Can I just say I'm just really not liking this new mini-sesaon so far. I just dont understand who they are trying to appeal to. They definietly don't seem to be looking to attracting new comers as the plot so heavily involves knowledge of Jack's previous outgoings, newcomers are likely to be confused at the whole Heller, Audrey, who the hell is Chole stuff, and why do Russians want Jack? Whereas for us old timers everything is just so predictable and forumualic. This is supposed to be the return of "24," it's supposed to be fresh while keeping what was great and yet they once again rely on the same old "24" tropes we've seen played out a millions times before and better. I mean GEEZ, another fucking mole in the organization trying to stop the terrorists. ENOUGH WITH THE MOLES!
Let's try and count the rehashed shit:
-Jack on the run from the government, but gets to come back to do a mission.
-Jack happens to know a arms dealer/associate who works with the main terrorist and must quickly reestablish his cover. The cover is subsequently blown.
-Female Jack Bauer light struggles to "do whatever it takes."
-Heller tries to kill himself to save people. This is this is the third fucking time!
-Jack has to work against U.S. forces to accomplish his mission.
I could go on but you get it. There was just so much potential this new season had starting off especially with Jack being a fugitive, they could have had him completely on the run the entire time trying to stop a threat whilst never working with any official agency. And, really must we have a plot about drones? It's just so dated and nonsensical to believe that a small terrorist outfit could hijack all of our dronesand none of our sophisticated tracking equipment could find them flying around the air. How about a cyber-threat? How about unchecked surveillance? How about a smaller threat that doesn't involve nukes and maybe just a singular assassination of an individual?
I just don't get it, I'll keep watching to see how it all ends but so far this has been dissapointing and has reminded me why "24" got canceled in the first place. The post-9/11 rage is over, people aren't super excited anymore to see Jack Bauer kick terrorist butt especially when he's kicked the same type of butt so many times before.