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24: Live Another Day |OT| Game of Drones


then hired the worst British actors they could find.
What were you expecting? Big British filmstars? Not every actor has time for television or wants to be on a television show.

Also, Michelle Fairley and Stephen Fry are far from the worst British actors.
Chinese, Russia or Tony

There's literally no one else lol

It will probably be the Chinese. But it would be awesome for Tony to have the ultimate heel turn again.

House Bauer - They're Shooting At Us


House Bauer- Dammit!

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
show is awful
writing laughable

tossing the terrorist woman out the window was simply hilarious. this show sucks so much hahaha

Seriously? This season has been far better than the last handful of seasons and is one of the most entertaining shows on TV right now. Between this, Game of Thrones, and Cosmos my weeks have been great for TV.
So still look like no real time skip
No there is one, they "announced" it, go back a page or two. [speculation]
It happens in the last episode, which will span 12 hours or so. People think it's to allow Jack to fly back to the States for a tearful reunion with Kim. Real ballers (YUP) hope TONY and don't care how.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
It's possible, but he keeps saying he's just the "middleman" meaning there is someone he is reporting to, or working for. With only three episodes left, and this season possibly being the last, I hope they reveal the final villain to be someone of significance from 24 past history. Please don't disappoint me 24 writers!

He's said the words middleman too many times. To me, it's coming off as a feint, "ooh, I'm just the lowly middleman, that's all I am... [/secretMwhahahahahahah laugh] ;) "

Like they kind of plan out the thought that Jack was right there with the main baddie, back in the 2nd-3rd episode.


What were you expecting? Big British filmstars? Not every actor has time for television or wants to be on a television show.

Also, Michelle Fairley and Stephen Fry are far from the worst British actors.
Err what? I'm talking about all of the British casting, not specifically the stars. Do you really think I'm suggesting every minor role go to an A-lister? That's an odd conclusion to jump to.

Off the top of my head: the terrorist daughter, the policeman who first talks to the little girl after her mother was killed, the detective who finds the agent's body and the PM's assistant have all been terrible. And it's weird because England is full of so many great aspiring actors (probably second only to LA). I work with TV advert calibre actors/models all the time who could easily out-class all of the actors in the roles I listed. I could understand if this was filmed in Canada or somewhere with fewer Brits available, but the casting agency literally had the widest possible selection at their disposal.

Which in-turn leads me back to questioning how rushed and low budget was this season? Even my ex who I watched all the previous seasons with texted me a couple weeks ago saying how unwatchable this is - and she's a much bigger fan than I.


Just binged the first 8 eps, at least on a par with the pre-S6 seasons, definitely better than 7&8. Didn't take off for me until about halfway through ep3 but since then I've been loving it.

Niggles: poor London geography, although they did a great job of reusing the bottom of Regent Street & Waterloo place, not to mention what looks like part of Southwark. Good examples of bad geography:

US Embassy is a very distinctive building in Grosvenor Square, yet the show makes it look like its on Pall Mall.
The helicopter flight to Wembley was laughable - Jack flew from Central London, back to the East & in again just to get a Tower Bridge shot in.
Caitlyn Stark's daughter gets hit by the bus at Waterloo place, it then switches to Admiralty arch, and she was chasing the kid out of what looked like a Notting Hill terrace - which there are none of anywhere near Trafalger Square.

Still it's better than this travesty from Lost:


Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Sucks how kowtowing the brits are being. The US's shitty drone policy with the shitty drone base on our soil that was being protested. Dying was the least Heller could have done.
Yeah, that was really obvious and pathetic "USA! USA!" pandering. But I guess they wanted Stephen Fry to come across as sympathetic.

Also, Michelle Fairley and Stephen Fry are far from the worst British actors.
Or Michael Wincott... *checks* fuck, he's Canadian? Never would have guessed.
Anyway, it's fine to be critical but I don't know why someone would keep watching if they hate it so damn much.
Yeah, that was really obvious and pathetic "USA! USA!" pandering. But I guess they wanted Stephen Fry to come across as sympathetic.

The worst bit of this was actually to me the "I'm sure if the situation was reversed, you would've done the same," followed by a conflicted look of "Oh, but of course" from Fry where he looks terrified at the mere concept. US leaders have balls! Foreign leaders... eh.


"We're so grateful for your help Mr. America, it was only your shitty drones and sub par security that caused hundreds of people to die in the first place."

I suppose at least they acknowledged the RAF's existence as a possible solution.

This season has been weird. 24 is a pulpy and ridiculous show, but they seem to have turned it up to 11 while turning the budget down to 1. From the CGI to the dialogue and acting, everything feels so cheap and rushed. Starting to feel more like a fan film than a real show.

It's like they went to all this trouble to film in London, then hired the worst British actors they could find.

I agree. Also, what in the world is up with the British just allowing CIA agents to run amok in their country and do all the important operations. I rolled my eyes in the one episode here Pres. Heller got mad at the PM for sending in British troops. Um buddy, this is my country and your drones are the threat, yeah I think I have just about every right to send my troops in.

At least have some MI5/CIA cooperation, you can't just have CIA agents rushing in like they are the British police blowing shit up and raiding houses in London.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
The worst bit of this was actually to me the "I'm sure if the situation was reversed, you would've done the same," followed by a conflicted look of "Oh, but of course" from Fry where he looks terrified at the mere concept. US leaders have balls! Foreign leaders... eh.
Haha yep noticed that too, that was really funny but eye-rolling at the same time.


So yeah, president's still alive. I'm sticking with that. No way they're having all that build-up, all that emotion throughout the episode, and not giving us the catharsis of a silent clock if he's dead, no way. He has to be alive.

Y'all need to step your 24 game up.

Goddamn what a great episode. Not entirely fond of Jack tossing Margot out the window (even though it was badass), but Jack's got a pardon and he's been dealing with this shit for 10+ years now, I'll accept it. Really loving how this season is basically a normal season condensed into 12 episodes. These last few are gonna be real personal and hopefully really emotional.
P.S. You could see the green screen in CTU reflecting off the black's guys head at the beginning.

I knew I saw a green screen for a split second!


Subete no aware
I kind of wish they had the balls to kill Heller though. Ah well. Still wondering if Jack will get shipped off to Russia at the end.


Pretty sure they're going to kill Jack at the end of the day.

Please note that this is pulled entirely out of my ass.


I kind of wish they had the balls to kill Heller though. Ah well. Still wondering if Jack will get shipped off to Russia at the end.

They've had the balls to kill off numerous characters in the past, I'm okay with them not killing off Heller, especially since they left a big clue that basically screamed that he wasn't dead.


They've had the balls to kill off numerous characters in the past, I'm okay with them not killing off Heller, especially since they left a big clue that basically screamed that he wasn't dead.

To be honest, I think the 24 guys have learned their lesson about killing off original cast members. It's pretty much safe to say that Jack, Chloe, Tony, Aaron, Heller and Audrey are all pretty much invincible - they're the only originals left.
Poor Simone is an orphan now. Naveed died for nothing.

Adrian Double Cross probably works for the Chinese since he was using Steve to leak secrets to them. I hope we see burnt-face Chang.

Between the Chinese and the Russians I'm hoping they fight over Jack.

Steve can't rock a man purse like Jack.


The hell are you guys yammering about this being a low budget season?

Between all the location shooting and great cinematography, this is clearly the biggest budget they've had in a while.


That *HAS* to be product placement for McDonalds.

I would not be surprised if it's a reference to this man:


The hell are you yammering about this being a low budget season, SniperHunter?

Between all the location shooting and great cinematography, this is clearly the biggest budget they've had in a while.

It's pretty much the same budget they normally have...but in 12 episodes not 24.
Definitely feels like an increasing amount of USA pandering, which has become more annoying as the season continues.

Jack's got a pardon and he's been dealing with this shit for 10+ years now, I'll accept it.

Good thing that a pardon from the POTUS applies to actions committed on foreign soil where the US government has no jurisdiction then!

Though given the free rein the CIA seem to have in the UK, the general lack of cooperation with local forces, and Americans having the audacity to criticise the leader of a nation for deploying his own forces to the best of his knowledge on his own soil, one can hardly blame them for thinking they do...


Definitely feels like an increasing amount of USA pandering, which has become more annoying as the season continues.

Good thing that a pardon from the POTUS applies to actions committed on foreign soil where the US government has no jurisdiction then!

Though given the free rein the CIA seem to have in the UK, the general lack of cooperation with local forces, and Americans having the audacity to criticise the leader of a nation for deploying his own forces to the best of his knowledge on his own soil, one can hardly blame them for thinking they do...

on the other hand, the americans had Charles Logan as president


I agree. Also, what in the world is up with the British just allowing CIA agents to run amok in their country and do all the important operations. I rolled my eyes in the one episode here Pres. Heller got mad at the PM for sending in British troops. Um buddy, this is my country and your drones are the threat, yeah I think I have just about every right to send my troops in.

"You had no business even surveilling that operation!" - actual line Heller shouts at Fry.
From the AVClub comments:

I'm imagining the morning headlines:
The Guardian: American President gets hundreds of Londoners killed
The Daily Mail: Muslim solo mother kill hundreds of Londoners
The Times: London attacked, the Royals are fine
The Telegraph: Terrorist leader went to boarding school and Cambridge
The Yorkshire Post: Local woman makes a bang in South

NY Post: A window into a terrorist family.
NY Times: Drone strike in London highlights need to tackle climate change.
Fox News: Left-over problems from Obama administration explode in London.
CNN: No sign of MH370 in terrorist apartment.
She and Jack are the only high impact deaths left, really, unless they brought back Kim. All the other characters are new or not significantly recurring.

If they kill of Chloe surely there is absolutely no way they can continue with Jack in a traditional season. Her, Heller, Audrey, Kim, Aaron Pierce, Cheng, Mandy, and Tony are the only characters (that I can remember) with some form of relationship to Jack that are still alive, and as you say, only Jack and Chloe (maybe Audrey and Kim also, but that's more because of how their death would affect Jack than her being a meaningful character) would have a major impact upon the show's structure in the long run. If they lose her, Jack will lose his only ally and won't have any tech-people (and, most importantly, won't have the most competent and most deadly-with-an-assault-rifle analyst in the world) to rely upon, something essential for Jack's crusades. Unless they're going to make the next season a revenge story involving the Chinese/Russians (if they continue with Jack), it seems hard to imagine how they can do a 'normal' season without her. Let us pray that she survives as she should.

EDIT: CNN's is good. Yahoo would probably be "Which Political Leader Died in Wembley Stadium? It's Not Who You Think!'.


spoiler talk here, do not highlight unless you are prepared

I think we'll most definitely be hearing "MEESTER BOWAH!" by the end of this season.

I lol'd @ no one giving a fuck that Jack just threw a high-value prisoner to her death.

Final boss needs to be Phantom Pain Chase avenging his severed hand.

Who could have foreseen that a future pardon (and seeming immunity to being detained by English officers) on all crimes committed in a day would not be a good idea?
Synopses for episodes 10 and 11:

Episode 10-
With only three episodes remaining, Jack Bauer's harrowing day crescendos as he pursues final leads at all costs. The emotional toll of the day's events escalates when Kate Morgan learns the truth about her husband and Audrey confronts Boudreau about his duplicity. Making matters incredibly worse, the scope of the terror threat widens and the potential devastation reaches new heights in the all-new "Day 9: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM" episode of 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY on Monday, June 30 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (TWF-910) (TV-14 L, V)

Episode 11-
In the penultimate episode, Audrey pursues diplomatic channels to try to prevent a full-scale war. Meanwhile, Jack Bauer leads Kate Morgan and Mark Boudreau on a mission to locate their target before it's too late and the world is changed forever in the all-new "Day 9: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM" episode of 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY airing Monday, July 7 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (TWF-911) (TV-14 L, V)
edit:fixed episode 10
Synopses for episodes 10 and 11:

Episode 10-
Jack and Chloe have a plan in place to eliminate the terrorist threat before any more attacks rock London. With no time to spare and lives on the line, Jack and Kate pursue crucial leads in an attempt to gain the upper hand on the incredibly intense circumstances. Meanwhile, key players reveal their true colors in the all-new “Day 9: 7:00 PM-8:00 PM” episode of 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY airing Monday, June 23 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (TWF-909) (TV-14 L, V)

Episode 11-
In the penultimate episode, Audrey pursues diplomatic channels to try to prevent a full-scale war. Meanwhile, Jack Bauer leads Kate Morgan and Mark Boudreau on a mission to locate their target before it's too late and the world is changed forever in the all-new "Day 9: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM" episode of 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY airing Monday, July 7 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (TWF-911) (TV-14 L, V)

Damn it I wanted to hate Mark Boudreau but they are going to make him likable aren't they
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