Nah. This is the most OTT and silliest season yet. I'm not having some of this stuff. Never used to laugh watching 24 before this one.
We should go back to the season where the terrorist kidnapped the Secretary of State, attempted to shut down every nuclear power plant, stole a stealth plane to shoot down Air Force One, and then attempt to use the nuclear football found in the wreckage to initiate a nuclear strike.
Or maybe we should go back to the seriousness of the season where Muslim terrorists detonated a nuclear weapon in Valencia and nobody cared an hour later, and Jack's brother and father were behind it, and there were Russian dissidents helping them, and the Chinese held a practically brain-dead Audrey hostage while attacking CTU so they can get security codes from one of the nukes; in the meantime there is a conspiracy in the White House to kill the president and a reformed terrorist risks his life to save him, but he sorta fails so the new president takes over and has to investigate his former lover's affair with some dude connected to the conspiracy?
Or would you prefer that we go back to the season that resurrected a formerly likable protagonist, made him a quadruple agent, in his plot to obtain a device that messed with air traffic control systems, which was really part of a ploy to help these African warlords invade the White House through subterranean passages, which was really part of a ploy to get closer to a PMC, which was really part of a ploy to expose the man who was behind the assassination of Palmer and Michelle Dessler (who we previously thought was killed by an assassin working for a White House official working for a former CTU agent working for the POTUS working for Jack's family)?