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24: Live Another Day |OT| Game of Drones


Double defenestration by Jack. Awesome. Great episode too - proper 24.

Does anyone think that Michelle Fairley might become the female Sean Bean when it comes to dying in character?

I'm enjoying this more than I thought - the compressed time thing means less side salad (MOUNTAIN LION!!) and more MEAT for Jack to chew on.

Liking Kate Morgan too.
Does anyone think that Michelle Fairley might become the female Sean Bean when it comes to dying in character?

She didn't die in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. But she never remembered having a daughter, so she kinda died on the inside. Even if she doesn't remember it.

"Good catch, Big Boss!"


I personally think that

somehow if Cheng and the Chinese connection does come back into play, Jack will somehow save or do a duty in saving the Chinese so much so that the Chinese eliminate the Russian threat to Bauer and he can go home. Happy ending for Jack. I hope so, Season 8's Cliffhanging permanently on the run style finale was unsatisfying and if there is no S10 I don't want a debbie downer finale


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I personally think that

somehow if Cheng and the Chinese connection does come back into play, Jack will somehow save or do a duty in saving the Chinese so much so that the Chinese eliminate the Russian threat to Bauer and he can go home. Happy ending for Jack. I hope so, Season 8's Cliffhanging permanently on the run style finale was unsatisfying and if there is no S10 I don't want a debbie downer finale

I like this.

The problem, though, is that Cheng will have that realization while on a roof of a 5 story building, and Jack will instinctively throw him off the roof, after picking up the taste of Defenestration. WORLD JACK III


I like this.

The problem, though, is that Cheng will have that realization while on a roof of a 5 story building, and Jack will instinctively throw him off the roof, after picking up the taste of Defenestration. WORLD JACK III

"Ahhh Mr Bauuueer, you saved us and in return we forgive you and will help you with the Russians and give you a million dolla..."


Man this episode was good.

Narratively I had no issue with Jack throwing Margot out the window. He's never been a boy scout but he has shown a lot this season that he is now showing the kind of restraint he once did. Didn't think it was out of character - but it was effectively shocking and very ruthless. I don't think he'll be reprimanded for it considering he also managed to save everyone at the station, but I have a feeling he will regret not getting more info out of her at some point.


Cowards. The one plot development that was actually interesting, fresh, that took some form of balls and that had me sit up - and they back out of it on a dime with some technological hacking that is likely as implausible as the rest of show's treatment of tech. They might as well offered any explanation they wanted.

It's lame as a viewer. How am i supposed to react? 'Great Chloe, you did that thing with this thing that i have no tools to relate to etc etc'. Boring safety-net.

Also, can't they do a season without a corrupt CTU\CIA\whatever?

This shortened format doesn't seem to address much of what made drop the show originally.
Drone street chase ep was good though.


Man this episode was good.

Narratively I had no issue with Jack throwing Margot out the window. He's never been a boy scout but he has shown a lot this season that he is now showing the kind of restraint he once did. Didn't think it was out of character - but it was effectively shocking and very ruthless. I don't think he'll be reprimanded for it considering he also managed to save everyone at the station, but I have a feeling he will regret not getting more info out of her at some point.

So many people defending that move.

It was dumb and out of character. It doesn't help that mere MINUTES later, he got a call about a missing analyst that he barely even heard of getting murdered and he proceeds to ask questions linking it to the override even though the thread was utterly thin at that point.

I'm supposed to believe that this level-headed, intelligent individual would throw someone out a window without finding out everything he possibly can from her regarding something so dangerous? Puhlease. Maybe if she had killed Heller it would've made sense. MAYbe.

It was in there for shock value and it was terrible and hilarious.
I'm supposed to believe that this level-headed, intelligent individual would throw someone out a window without finding out everything he possibly can from her regarding something so dangerous? Puhlease. Maybe if she had killed Heller it would've made sense. MAYbe.

It was in there for shock value and it was terrible and hilarious.

Jack's given no indication that he is "level-headed" this season. He's shot peacefully protesting UK citizens, punched out numerous US-friendly CIA agents/security guards, and done some other pretty crazy shit (inflicting severe pain and nearly killing Simone when he already knew she wasn't going to talk) by Jack Bauer standards. Yeah, tossing a defenseless woman out a 5-story window who just watched her son meet the same fate is pretty cold-blooded, but not really out of character compared to how Jack has treated lesser threats/situations so far this season.

In fact I feel like that's been an underlying theme with his character this time, instead of complaining about being "too old for this shit" he's pretty much stopped holding back and doesn't give a fuck about the repercussions for his aggressiveness. He's clearly NOT the most moral choice to take the lead on this situation, but was pretty much the only guy who could step up and do it. I would like to see some repercussions for his choices because he is going off the deep end, but I don't think the Margot thing was really that shocking in hindsight.


Tony flying in riding a drone(with a Cubs mug in hand) would be the greatest moment in TV history

Oh man now I want to see this happen.

Heck, I'd love Jack to get captured by mercs/Chinese/Russians, taken to a seedy warehouse somewhere in London, and brought to a desk. A quick camera pan to Tony sitting there and simply saying "Hello Jack" while taking a smug sip of the Cubs mug. Cue the final boss fight, Bauer vs. Almeida.


Oh man now I want to see this happen.

Heck, I'd love Jack to get captured by mercs/Chinese/Russians, taken to a seedy warehouse somewhere in London, and brought to a desk. A quick camera pan to Tony sitting there and simply saying "Hello Jack" while taking a smug sip of the Cubs mug. Cue the final boss fight, Bauer vs. Almeida.

no no no

the final fight is on top of the nuclear submarine with Bauer fighting Tony, ala MGS4.

maybe it'll be after a timejump of 30 years. Old Bauer VS Liquid Almeida


I was a bit peeved that they pussied out on the Heller thing, but it led to some of the best scenes of the entire season and more Jack being Jack so I can forgive it.

Jack throwing Margot out the window was hilarious, it's clear the dude is totally unhinged at this point and it made perfect sense given the stuff he's been through and what he's been doing the rest of this season.

I'm too afraid that Chloe is going to be caught in the crossfire in these last few episodes :(

EDIT: So wait, is Simone alive or dead? Did they even address that at all this episode?


Jack's given no indication that he is "level-headed" this season. He's shot peacefully protesting UK citizens, punched out numerous US-friendly CIA agents/security guards, and done some other pretty crazy shit (inflicting severe pain and nearly killing Simone when he already knew she wasn't going to talk) by Jack Bauer standards. Yeah, tossing a defenseless woman out a 5-story window who just watched her son meet the same fate is pretty cold-blooded, but not really out of character compared to how Jack has treated lesser threats/situations so far this season.

In fact I feel like that's been an underlying theme with his character this time, instead of complaining about being "too old for this shit" he's pretty much stopped holding back and doesn't give a fuck about the repercussions for his aggressiveness. He's clearly NOT the most moral choice to take the lead on this situation, but was pretty much the only guy who could step up and do it. I would like to see some repercussions for his choices because he is going off the deep end, but I don't think the Margot thing was really that shocking in hindsight.

I meant level-headed in a strategic sense. Even those moves you described were fairly necessary and, at the time, very effective. This just didn't seem right to me. It had no strategic benefit and only stood out as something put in there by the writers to be shocking and nothing more. And, again, didn't make sense for the character given his actions only minutes later.


I meant level-headed in a strategic sense. Even those moves you described were fairly necessary and, at the time, very effective. This just didn't seem right to me. It had no strategic benefit and only stood out as something put in there by the writers to be shocking and nothing more. And, again, didn't make sense for the character given his actions only minutes later.

Jack seemed to know Margot from before (and Margot knew who he was as well), maybe he already knew that she wasn't going to talk, I don't know. And torturing Simone wasn't neccessary at all, he admitted so himself. Anyway I don't think it was that out of character, Season 5 already had Jack killing Palmer's killer in cold blood, it doesn't surprise me that post-season 8 Jack just doesn't give a fuck anymore, especially now with a presidential pardon


Looks like there's an uncredited writier for episodes 11 and 12...Kiefer Sutherland. From Bootleg Milo's actor:

Kiefer Sutherland wrote the last two. He took a long time writing those episodes, that’s a bit of info for you there. He played a large part with the writing.”

and apparently, Kiefer improvised/wrote the heller confrontation at the end of S6.
(Actual spoilers in the tags, you've been warned)

If the
Chinese really are back
, I wonder if we will finally find out what
Wayne Palmer had to give to them to get Jack back in S6


So many people defending that move.

It was dumb and out of character. It doesn't help that mere MINUTES later, he got a call about a missing analyst that he barely even heard of getting murdered and he proceeds to ask questions linking it to the override even though the thread was utterly thin at that point.

I'm supposed to believe that this level-headed, intelligent individual would throw someone out a window without finding out everything he possibly can from her regarding something so dangerous? Puhlease. Maybe if she had killed Heller it would've made sense. MAYbe.

It was in there for shock value and it was terrible and hilarious.
For his friend Heller who is also the president? Yes, he would. Jack would kill everyone in this thread if he was told one of us was plotting to kill the president.
I don't get why people are mad about the Heller thing. They don't kill sitting Presidents. They just don't. I guess it's too sensitive. They've killed two off-screen, though. Wayne dies somewhere between S6 and S7, because he never recovers. And the S4 president whose name I forget dies later on after the Air Force One crash, again between seasons.


Nah. This is the most OTT and silliest season yet. I'm not having some of this stuff. Never used to laugh watching 24 before this one.

We should go back to the season where the terrorist kidnapped the Secretary of State, attempted to shut down every nuclear power plant, stole a stealth plane to shoot down Air Force One, and then attempt to use the nuclear football found in the wreckage to initiate a nuclear strike.

Or maybe we should go back to the seriousness of the season where Muslim terrorists detonated a nuclear weapon in Valencia and nobody cared an hour later, and Jack's brother and father were behind it, and there were Russian dissidents helping them, and the Chinese held a practically brain-dead Audrey hostage while attacking CTU so they can get security codes from one of the nukes; in the meantime there is a conspiracy in the White House to kill the president and a reformed terrorist risks his life to save him, but he sorta fails so the new president takes over and has to investigate his former lover's affair with some dude connected to the conspiracy?

Or would you prefer that we go back to the season that resurrected a formerly likable protagonist, made him a quadruple agent, in his plot to obtain a device that messed with air traffic control systems, which was really part of a ploy to help these African warlords invade the White House through subterranean passages, which was really part of a ploy to get closer to a PMC, which was really part of a ploy to expose the man who was behind the assassination of Palmer and Michelle Dessler (who we previously thought was killed by an assassin working for a White House official working for a former CTU agent working for the POTUS working for Jack's family)?
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