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24: Live Another Day |OT| Game of Drones

Pretty good episode. Always fun when Bauer promises not to go overboard with interrogations, but do so anyway.

Is anyone else incapable of seeing Erik as anyone but Chris from The Wire? Every time i see him I'm like "Chris! Where Snoop at?!".


Crazy episode.

would a sub really act that quickly though? They didn't even confirm with an actual human being before doing something with such huge consequences.

I recall a story about a Russian radar station getting a glitch showing incoming missiles and they did nothing.

I too was a bit perplexed at how quickly they acted on the order, no attempt to try and get reverification or anything. That said when you get an order you follow it, it's not really the Cpt's place to question the order he doesn't know the circumstances that led to giving the order and thus is supposed to trust the chain of command.


Why was Audrey all like, "Dad we've talked about this before!" when he said that he wanted to step down. That must make him feel like shit, why not at least humor him?


Why was Audrey all like, "Dad we've talked about this before!" when he said that he wanted to step down. That must make him feel like shit, why not at least humor him?

You know what I just thought of, the whole situation that Mark has gotten himself into. He could simply lie to the President and tell him that he did sign the extradition of Bauer earlier.

President: Mark what have you done!?
Mark: Mr. President you signed the order don't you remember?
President: No I didn't, did I?
Mark: Mr. President I can assure you that you did, it was early in the day when we still thought Bauer was a suspect. We talked about this before...

Bam! Mark gets off the hook with a hail mary Alzheimers play.


The show is starting to piss me off.

It's basically a bunch of stupid people taking stupid decisions because they decide to work with other stupid people. If those guys had any kind of judgment the whole thing would be done in a hour.

Jack with Chloe
Chloe with Adrian
Boudreau with Anatol
Navarro with Adrian
Adrian with Chang

Seriously guys? Come on





This show is great. Plus Stonebridge. Now we need Scott.

Knew the Chinese were showing up, sucks that characters are revealed from opening credits though.


Okay, second half of this episode was pretty decent. Too bad it took them 9 out of 12 episodes to get to this point. :p Drone crap went on for too long.

I paused the episode around the halfway point and forgot I hadn't finished it, so I wandered into this thread, saw the GIFs and was very confused, lol. Have to say that I don't really remember this Cheng fella very well, will have to read up on him on the wikis.


My comments during ep:

Second hand Chris is now ranking officer, CIA is now useless

So he resigned and not resigned at the same time?

Sarah Walker husband Chuck died damn, RIP Chuck, now she is really fembauer

Torturer Jack is Back

That moustache is distracting, all I can think is a razor blade

I knew I could trust you Chloe

Navarro falling for the oldest trick in the book

Oh shit Chenggggggg, wasn't he arrested? Time for Jack to kill him for once

Cross Redemption before dying did nothing to fell pitty for him, actually the opposite

Russians and Chinese? oh well Jack kick their ass

The american commander doesn't question that order out of nowhere? bullshit

Things about to get crazy


Okay, second half of this episode was pretty decent. Too bad it took them 9 out of 12 episodes to get to this point. :p Drone crap went on for too long.

I paused the episode around the halfway point and forgot I hadn't finished it, so I wandered into this thread, saw the GIFs and was very confused, lol. Have to say that I don't really remember this Cheng fella very well, will have to read up on him on the wikis.


don't you remember this:

season 4 - you attacked our consulate, mista bowa

season 5 - did you honestly think we would forget, mista bowa

season 6 - ah mista bowa we are sad to have to give you back to your country after torturing you for two years

ha but mista bowa, we have kidnapped your audrey and tortured her too and now we are working with mista bowa senior

oh no mista bowa you have found me on an oil rig die die die

the oil rig explodes as Bill Buchanan helicopters him out, and cheng suffers burns to his face. he's last seen in CTU being taken into holding, stating "my people will not forget me like yours forgot bauer". looks like he was right


AV Club's review also mentioned not remembering Chen and also "probably not many would". Reading that line, I was like... wut?! Watching 24 non-critically is best 24. A cheerfest. Celebrated Chen, ship destruction, Bauer torturing Navarro etc. What a season!



don't you remember this:

season 4 - you attacked our consulate, mista bowa

season 5 - did you honestly think we would forget, mista bowa

season 6 - ah mista bowa we are sad to have to give you back to your country after torturing you for two years

ha but mista bowa, we have kidnapped your audrey and tortured her too and now we are working with mista bowa senior

oh no mista bowa you have found me on an oil rig die die die

the oil rig explodes as Bill Buchanan helicopters him out, and cheng suffers burns to his face. he's last seen in CTU being taken into holding, stating "my people will not forget me like yours forgot bauer". looks like he was right
Oh right. I remember him as the consulate guy but oddly enough not from season 6. I guess I purged that shit season from my memory.
edit: And oh, I forgot to thank you for this summary! :D


This show may be stupid, but it is so god damn fun and awesome. Jack bad ass as ever. I want more than 2 episodes, DAMMIT!


Since season 5. Season 1 and 5 are the top of the heap for me.

Agreed, more or less. I don't really rate a lot of Season 3 with Chase and Junkie Jack. Season 6 was an abomination, S7 did a lot of things right but was no classic and only about 9 episodes of Season 8 were decent (though the final couple were stellar, the cliffhanger ending spoiled it for me)

This season unless it really drops the ball is up with the best of them and if it is the final run, it's going out high. Tony would a nice capper but all I want is a happy ending for Jack. If I had to bet at the moment I'd say he's going out in a final heroic sacrifice but could go either way
Agreed, more or less. I don't really rate a lot of Season 3 with Chase and Junkie Jack. Season 6 was an abomination, S7 did a lot of things right but was no classic and only about 9 episodes of Season 8 were decent (though the final couple were stellar, the cliffhanger ending spoiled it for me)

This season unless it really drops the ball is up with the best of them and if it is the final run, it's going out high. Tony would a nice capper but all I want is a happy ending for Jack. If I had to bet at the moment I'd say he's going out in a final heroic sacrifice but could go either way

Season 1 is still the best for me because it was fresh at the time, and I loved just how much work the villains went through just to get back at two men. No "we are going to destroy the US!" shit like every other season. It was all about getting Bauer and Palmer. It was much more evil that way.

Season 5 though was a bloodbath and was relentless, and gave us the best villain of the show in Logan. It also had one helluva cliffhanger that unfortunately was shit on in season 6.

Season 7 was a good apology for 6, but still not as good as the early seasons.

I think season 3 is the most underrated though. The first half is pretty lame, but the last half has some of the best stuff the show has ever done. They made you feel bad for Chappelle, and we finally saw the end of Nina Myers and Sherry Palmer. And then to cap the season with Jack breaking down after his emotions get the best of him.


I barely remember anything from any 24 season, just some bits and parts. I'm gonna rewatch it in the winter. And might as well just rewatch Live another day, god damn I love this show.
Just have to say that nothing will ever beat the countdown timer before and after commercial breaks. Really puts you right on the edge of your seat every time.

I've been a fan since the very beginning of season 1 and I'm really gonna miss this show when it's gone for good :(


I was a couple episodes behind.

Wow at that double defenestration, family discount included. Jack should be in the next Mortal Kombat.
I think season 3 is the most underrated though. The first half is pretty lame, but the last half has some of the best stuff the show has ever done. They made you feel bad for Chappelle, and we finally saw the end of Nina Myers and Sherry Palmer. And then to cap the season with Jack breaking down after his emotions get the best of him.

I actually prefer the front half of 3 to the back half. I really like the (relatively) lower stakes going on with the Salazars, and I think they're a great little duo of characters. The various dynamics - Jack/Ramon, Hector/Ramon, Jack/Chase - that go on there are great. And the whole thing about Jack being a struggling junkie works, but in the back half the season once they lose Mexico a lot of that falls away and it's back to evil terrorist mega plot shenanigans.

Last two episodes are pretty amazing, though.
This season has been such an awesome ride. They really struck gold with the Jack/Kate pairing. Yvonne was excellent in this one and the new info about her husband was well played.

I love how they've been dangling Cheng's return in front of us the whole time. It seems obvious now. It's a great way to make everything intensely personal to Jack and Audrey/POTUS in these final 2 eps. As much as season 6 was a clusterfuck, there were the makings of a great season in there somewhere (Jack's family notwithstanding). I'm glad they haven't decided to ignore it completely.

This season has yet to have a silent clock... i'm kinda worried for Chloe right now. If they decide it's her time, i only hope she gets a death worthy of her awesomness.


I'm not liking Chloe this season...she's at her best when she's bluntly stating hard facts to her coworkers/boss with no sensitivity, but this season she's been sort of neutered despite being a "free" woman. If it's her time, then so be it.


Amazing episode, when Cheng appeared I literally went "ohhhh fuck" and was also laughing my head off when Navarro realized he fell for an easy trick like an idiot. Enjoy the death penalty sucker.

Meesta Bowa better finish the job so that piece of work has no words left. I'm not sure about Chloe making it though, we'll see I guess. I really love Kate, Yvonne does a great job.


I never thought Adrian Cross was Final Boss material, and his whole spiel on giving everyone in the world access to everyone else's weapons made sense from his sort of twisted, obsessive point of view. Even still, the moment Cross and Chloe walked into the room of dead bodies and Cheng showed up was definitely an OH SHIT moment. There are a lot of things about 24 that are clearly telegraphed at this point but that caught me completely off guard.

Mark is the dumbest most stupid idiot idiotic stupid person who is an idiot that ever was an idiot. Him trying to damage control after he realized he unwittingly sabotaged a covert US operation was nothing short of hilarious. And all this because he's acting like an eight-year old when it comes to his wife and Jack.

Also this episode confirmed that two Jack Bauers are better than one. Their tag team of Navarro was a great moment.

Why are there only two episodes left?!
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