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24: Live Another Day |OT| Game of Drones


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
heh, even they recognize that post ep 1-4, they messed up Season 6. In case people don't remember, I believe that they showed those 4 episodes over the course of 2 nights (1&2 on Jan 14 2007, then 3&4 on Jan 15 2007).

Basically, the only great parts of Season 6, were shown within 24 hours of the season starting.

As I sit here thinking, it's crazy that LAD is seemingly more connected to Season 6, than people realize. Cheng and his relationship with Audrey, Jack and Heller's early difficulties from how things ended in Season 6, The Russian's first signs of dubious dealings with America (and Jack's first offensive actions against Russian diplomats, when he busted into an Embassy with Logan)
[–]EvanAndManny 1 point 4 minutes ago
EK: Martha Logan is alive and well. She's being tended to by Aaron Pierce. Allison Taylor did some jail time and Tony Almeida is still in jail. There will be a DVD extra scene on the box set coming out soon that tells you more about Tony Almeida's fate.



[–]EvanAndManny 1 point 4 minutes ago
EK: Martha Logan is alive and well. She's being tended to by Aaron Pierce. Allison Taylor did some jail time and Tony Almeida is still in jail. There will be a DVD extra scene on the box set coming out soon that tells you more about Tony Almeida's fate.


[–]EvanAndManny 1 point 4 minutes ago
EK: Martha Logan is alive and well. She's being tended to by Aaron Pierce. Allison Taylor did some jail time and Tony Almeida is still in jail. There will be a DVD extra scene on the box set coming out soon that tells you more about Tony Almeida's fate.



And didn't Pierce ditch Martha?
[–]EvanAndManny 1 point 4 minutes ago
EK: Martha Logan is alive and well. She's being tended to by Aaron Pierce. Allison Taylor did some jail time and Tony Almeida is still in jail. There will be a DVD extra scene on the box set coming out soon that tells you more about Tony Almeida's fate.


Clearly this is just misdirection to hide the fact that Mandy is wielding the sniper rifle, and Tony is her spotter.


For the first 4 episodes, yes it is, then it plummets, and keeps nosediving to the end.

It's easily the weakest season, but having rewatched it a couple of times over the years it ebbs and flows. The first four are great, then a lull. The Russian consulate infiltration/Logan stuff was good then another drop off. Jack's "Damn Jack" assault on Fayed's hide out was fuck awesome, followed by a string of so so to mediocre episodes. Cheng's assault on CTU was towards the end of the season was pretty great, as was the two part finale.

For me, the blatant MGS parallels made it possible to salvage a lot mote entertainment from the shittier parts of the season than I would have otherwise.

Oh, and Tom Lennox is legendary. The White House story involving him, Karen, and President Cy Tolliver was solid. Things definitely got better there after Wayne was removed.


I love Pokken!

Was expecting this. GAF keeps delivering


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Hey, at least it means he's still alive, and can be put into play...

...to Rescue Jack Bauer


Tony Snake


Mike Novilot
-When Cheng saw the CCTV footage of Bauer, I think everyone held their breath waiting for a "MISTAH BOWAH" moment. Sadly he dropped the "mistah".
-Smartphones have one-button voice recording now?
-I like how Jack's tracker tracker started counting down the distance when he got close. 1.0 m to go!
-Jack goes through the White House switchboard to contact Audrey (no call display when she called him last?) yet Cheng has no problem reaching her.
-"Kill him". I think Jack initially thought she was talking about Mark.
-Having the Russians and Cheng working together was a bit convenient.
-I thought having Mark obviously pointing his pin camera at everything was a nice touch. It's exactly what an inexperienced person would do.
-Jack and Kate storm a private residence through the front door with silencers. Because at that point you're worrying about stealth.
-Mark took Jack's advice: when the bullets started flying he stayed low.
-Chloe's goth look is finally good for something: it camouflages her in the dark.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Hey guys, thanks for doing this AMA! What deceased 24 character was the hardest (personally) for you guys to kill off? Also, are there any characters in the 24 universe that you had planned to kill off, but decided to give a last second reprieve (or vice-versa)?

EK: We can't answer that question until the finale airs on Monday.



I couldn't even imagine watching season 6 again past the first 4 episodes, so kudos for managing that feat.

Indeed. The stuff with Jacks brother and father, the whole bluetooth group guff, terrible execution and guilty of the worst sin: it's just plain dull. 24 has been many things over the years but dull is criminal.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Indeed. The stuff with Jacks brother and father, the whole bluetooth group guff, terrible execution and guilty of the worst sin: it's just plain dull. 24 has been many things over the years but dull is criminal.

Yeah, having his family be the blue tooth gang, encroached on trying to shit on Season 5. Unacceptable.

I like James Cromwell in plenty of things, but it was a poor job. The big bad, with uncontrollable comb-over hair.

Silver Spoons..../facepalm


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
They should have cast Donald Sutherland as Jacks father.

Just happening to be reading the character profile, and saw this fact:

Kiefer Sutherland originally asked his father Donald Sutherland to play the role of Phillip Bauer, but he turned it down, not wanting to portray a father who wants to kill both his sons--and does in fact, kill one of them.


I like James Cromwell in plenty of things, but it was a poor job. The big bad, with uncontrollable comb-over hair.

To be fair, James Cromwell sounds like he had a bad time working on the show for the exact same reasons Donald Sutherland refused.

They paid me a lot of money to do it. And then I’ve taken my son captive and I’m torturing him, then I was going to take my grandson captive and threaten him. So I went to the producers and I said, “Look, are there any redeeming qualities to this character?” They looked at me as though I was nuts, I was asking something bizarre.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Yep, it's like they got stuck with a "known actor" as a role that shouldn't have the connection to Jack that he does (Father). In fact, if they just abandoned the whole Family plot, the season would have flowed better. Have Jack find that company, post-nuke, leading to Graham/Bluetooth. Interrogate him to find out about Season 5, leading to his same fate. Have the leader of the Group (Cromwell) attempt to flee the country and take someone Jack care's for hostage (to keep Jack away).

Make it Chloe or Kim, and avoid introducing the Sister-in-law and Nephew (UNCLE JAAAAAACK/LET GO OF ME GRANPA!)

Anyone remember the theory that the Grandfather (Cromwell) was actually his Grandson's Father (Cromwell + Daughter-in-Law = bowchikawowwow)? Leading to why he was so adamant about keeping him with him, securing a legacy for him.


A thing with Jack's family could have worked, but the stakes would have needed to be smaller- some sort of anti-government compound raid or something.


Man, the shoutout at the beginning of the ep felt straight out of a video game, with the poor AI flanking and a truck load of second wave enemies. But it was okay, Jack and Kate survived the countdown timer and backup arrived with ammo.

Haha yeah, especially when Kate told Jack to aim for the propane tanks. I love it when 24 gets all videogamey
Jack's dying is the way he deserves for his story to end. Even if Heller's pardoned him, the Russians will never let him live in peace. So either he lives the rest of his life hiding in the dark corners of the world, always on the run, or he gets caught and he rots in a gulag for the rest of eternity.

Give Jack the hero's end he deserves.



My thoughts during the ep:

Stonebridge from Strike Back, now we need Scott

Wait Cheng against china, did they forget him?

wait didn't Heller resign?

Russians and Cheng together? hmm not gonna end well for both

Mark Douchebag is going down and used as bait

Chloe kicking ass hell yes

Jack is dropping russians again sweet

RIP Beardstach

I can't believe it's almost over
Yeah, having his family be the blue tooth gang, encroached on trying to shit on Season 5. Unacceptable.

I like James Cromwell in plenty of things, but it was a poor job. The big bad, with uncontrollable comb-over hair.

Silver Spoons..../facepalm

Silver Spoons creeping on Nadia while Original Milo was trying to escape her friend zone was maybe the dumbest subplot in 24 that I can recall (apart from anything Kim related).

My thoughts during the ep:

Stonebridge from Strike Back, now we need Scott

Wait Cheng against china, did they forget him?

wait didn't Heller resign?

Russians and Cheng together? hmm not gonna end well for both

Mark Douchebag is going down and used as bait

Chloe kicking ass hell yes

Jack is dropping russians again sweet

RIP Beardstach

I can't believe it's almost over

I was so hoping they'd do a callback to Jack's S8 rampage in someway during New Paul's fight with Beardstache Russion, maybe like one of them grabs a firepoker.
The first thing I thought Heller would say after letting Audrey convince her contact would be "Don't go outside on any secret meetings" ......

Y'all knew it was coming.


The first thing I thought Heller would say after letting Audrey convince her contact would be "Don't go outside on any secret meetings" ......

Y'all knew it was coming.

I didnt. I thought everything the writers were throwing in was making a kind of sense...and then

Chengs at large. WW3 is imminent. The CIA and security services were known to have been infiltrated that day. Audrey is...wait. Audrey you seem to be in the middle of a park. At night. With minimal backup.

Audrey. Wut you doing. Audrehyey. Stahp.


Chloe should have died or been spun out a long time ago. She's a cool character but they've had her play so many different characters at this point.


I've got a feeling Jack will die.
Ever since I read the synopsis I thought he might: "the American administration will grapple with the day's most devastating news as the clock stops" But I kind of think it might be Heller now since it's talking about the administration, I dunno.
I really hope not though.


The reason I'm kind of doubting Jack's death is that there isn't anybody left who's worthy of killing him.

I mean...random Cheng henchman is kind of anti-climactic.

Jack has to ride a nuke aimed at the terrorist stronghold when he dies. Nothing else will suffice.


Heller dropping the pills in front of the military guard made me cringe so hard. Good thing he is resigning or else he'd have a coup on his hands.
I'm guessing it's Heller that dies, placing a bitter twist on Jack's coming out from the shadows in an attempt to protect him.
Like Lonestar said, this season seems to have been calling back to a lot of events in S6, and I could see them ending with Jack being forced to self-reflect on yet another pyrrhic victory.
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