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24 Season 7 info + details on the abandoned Africa plot

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I haven't read the spoiled material (I like surprises) but I'm crossing my fingers it has to do with that Elisa Cuthbert tape.
Eh, i read the spoilers, and anyone not reading it probably knows what it is anyway if you watch the show. And its probably going to be in the previews and commercials anyway like someone said.

Africa would have been really cool though if they could have started there, but for only the first 2 hour episode or so, it would have been a waste of money to do all that just for 2 hours - unless they filmed later scenes there, like the bad guy having a connection there.


The physical form of blasphemy
Part of that seems really damned lame. I hope this season is better, but, from that brief synopsis, I'm not holding my breath.


I didn't read the spoilers but I want to ask those who did a question:

Does it sound like the series is back on track?

plz no spoilers


Oldschoolgamer said:
Part of that seems really damned lame. I hope this season is better, but, from that brief synopsis, I'm not holding my breath.

You mean the synopsis from the pressrelease?
The synopsis on the first page of this topic is old.


eXxy: It's in the press release, so you would have probably known prior to the first show being aired anyway. No big deal. It'll more than likely be in all of the ads.

Anyway... it's pretty weak that they
brought Tony back. He was fucking dead. They never toyed with the idea like it says in the press release, if you ask me! Instead, they came to the realization that they killed off too many good characters and getting rid of Tony was a huge mistake. So now they are going to make the show even more unrealistic and integrate some stupid story about Tony into it explaining how he survived.

Don't get me wrong, Tony is awesome. I actually like him a bit better than Jack. But to me this just screams "we made a huge mistake in killing off Tony, and now we're magically going to bring him back to life, hur hur."

Also, so much for a "reboot". Chloe and Bill are back for YET ANOTHER SEASON. Are you kidding me?! At least one of them should be absent from this one, it's ridiculous. Especially Chloe, she's had so much screen time. TOO much screen time.
CloudNL said:
"Tony's uncertain fate... left the door open for his return," explains exec producer Howard Gordon. "And since there was no silent clock at the conclusion of his last appearance — the 24 tribute to a major character's demise — we always kept this as a possibility."

What a bullshit excuse.
Uncertain fate? No silent countdown means he wasn't really dead?
Really? Fuck off.


^ :lol They know they fucked up, but I really do worry that it's too little, too late. If they can't recover from the trainwreck that is Season 6, 24 is done for me.
I think the killing off of characters had a huge short term impact on Season 5 but overall was a very bad idea in the long run as it killed a lot of characters who were well liked. I mean Wayne Palmer, Doyle and Milo were so crappy.
Crayon Shinchan said:
This show... fucked up when they killed Jack's wife.

After that, it was just one escalation after another.

Even though it's not popular I'll keep saying it. Dump the real time format or replace Jack. Those are the only things that can effectively reboot the show.
Get rid of Jack? If you mean KILL the show by reboot, then yes.

One loose end that always bothered me was in Season 5 though, where it was the opening episode or so, and they caught Jack on camera across from where David Palmer was killed, to "Frame" him. They said the video couldn't had been forged and all this, and then it was kinda swept under the rug, never really explained how it was fake, and just went away.

The only thing to do with Jack now is to turn him bad, maybe a swerve or something.
UFC_Couture said:
Get rid of Jack? If you mean KILL the show by reboot, then yes.

Everybody has their own opinion. If the show and concept is strong enough it can tolerate a new character ala James Bond/Daniel Craig.

I've seen everything they can do with Jack. More anguished grimaces on his face or killing his friends and family won't cut it anymore.
CloudNL said:
Curtis didn't die at the end of an episode, Tony did.

You must see the tortured logic that is taking place here. Like I said whatever. At this point nothing they do surprises me anymore...


Crayon Shinchan said:
This show... fucked up when they killed Jack's wife.

After that, it was just one escalation after another.

You can't be serious. Killing off Jack's wife defined this show for me.

And crap, as much as I disliked the last season and am desperate for the next one to be good, I should not have read those spoilers.
Get rid of Jack. As in get rid of the show's real saving grace and best character.
Great ****ing idea.

No they don't need to change the formet.
No they don't need to get rid of Jack.

They need to up the ****ing writing.
The Shield and The Wire can continue to put out awesome material in terms of a script 5 years later... now it's 24 to step up.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Get rid of Jack. As in get rid of the show's real saving grace and best character.
Great ****ing idea.

No they don't need to change the formet.
No they don't need to get rid of Jack.

They need to up the ****ing writing.
The Shield and The Wire can continue to put out awesome material in terms of a script 5 years later... now it's 24 to step up.

Agreed on everything apart from the format. Last season the majority of the plot was made up of set peices from previous seasons, shit we had literally seen before on the same show, which was weaksauce.

After reading the press release/spoiler i dont know whether to be even more disappointed or happy. Just imagining a whole
Jack vs Tony
scenario, it could be so damn badass.
guise said:
Agreed on everything apart from the format. Last season the majority of the plot was made up of set peices from previous seasons, shit we had literally seen before on the same show, which was weaksauce.

After reading the press release/spoiler i dont know whether to be even more disappointed or happy. Just imagining a whole
Jack vs Tony
scenario, it could be so damn badass.

why would it be jack vs tony, unless tony switched sides and is now a terrorist?
I don't think there's any way that they could explain this without it coming off as contrived/completely laughable. They might as well just add a disclaimer at the beginning of season 7 that they retconned major events that occured in prior seasons.
fistfulofmetal said:
Give them a break. They're giving us what we all wanted when it happened, and you're all still bitching. Be happy that they listened to us

I didn't ask for that nor did I ask for Janeane Garofalo
People wanted them to do something different. They're changing the location and mixing up the plot. How isn't that what everyone wants? It's like, they're damned if they do and damned if they don't.
You personally might not have wanted
Tony back, but the overwhelming consensus is that we wanted Tony to be not dead.
So they make it happen. Who the hell cares if it doesn't make sense? This show hasn't relied on logic since the first season.
Like I said, We'll see at the end of season 7 whether all these "improvements" were the right ones although it would be very difficult to do something worse than the last season so it might be "better" for that sake alone.
I want to see a season 7 of 24 where Jack just cries, eats cookies and watched movies in his house for the whole day. Mid-season shocker:
Jack goes to 7-11 for a Big Gulp and doesn't have enough change because he had a hole in his pocket!

THAT would bring audiences back.
keeblerdrow said:
I want to see a season 7 of 24 where Jack just cries, eats cookies and watched movies in his house for the whole day. Mid-season shocker:
Jack goes to 7-11 for a Big Gulp and doesn't have enough change because he had a hole in his pocket!

THAT would bring audiences back.

Yeah, but Abu at 7-11 is a terrorist and stashed a nuke in the slurpee machine. When Jack goes to get his brain freeze on and pushes the lever to get the slurpee to come out it activates the nuke. Jack must race against the clock to stop the nuke and Abu, before TIME RUNS OUT!!
keeblerdrow said:
I want to see a season 7 of 24 where Jack just cries, eats cookies and watched movies in his house for the whole day. Mid-season shocker:
Jack goes to 7-11 for a Big Gulp and doesn't have enough change because he had a hole in his pocket!

THAT would bring audiences back.
BoboBrazil said:
Yeah, but Abu at 7-11 is a terrorist and stashed a nuke in the slurpee machine. When Jack goes to get his brain freeze on and pushes the lever to get the slurpee to come out it activates the nuke. Jack must race against the clock to stop the nuke and Abu, before TIME RUNS OUT!!

It looks like you're trying to be funny. Would you like some help with that?


Hmmmm....I'm pretty surprised that they revealed that
Tony isn't actually dead
in the press release.

Nonetheless, it sounds good.


MIMIC said:
Hmmmm....I'm pretty surprised that they revealed that
Tony isn't actually dead
in the press release.

Nonetheless, it sounds good.
They need to bring back the people that abandoned the show last season, so
bringing back Tony, the most popular character besides Jack
and announcing it all over the place should help with that. And it would most likely be spoiled anyways.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios

Tony versus Jack
thing could be amazing if that was the direction they went.!
And if you read about one of the possible alternate endings from the end of last season, I'm pretty sure it hinted at something along these lines.

Anyway, we've already seen Tony come back after an absence and team back up with Jack, so that would be a little redundant... Heres hoping it's something more than just that.
Blader5489 said:
Can someone clue me into all this reboot talk? Since when were they going to reboot the series in S7?

I don't know that I would call it a reboot. They are trying to change as much shit as possible though to try to gain some relevance after the last season debacle.


Diablos said:
eXxy: It's in the press release, so you would have probably known prior to the first show being aired anyway. No big deal. It'll more than likely be in all of the ads.

Anyway... it's pretty weak that they
brought Tony back. He was fucking dead. They never toyed with the idea like it says in the press release, if you ask me!

I think you're 100% wrong. Fans have speculated since the night the episode aired. (Warning: there is a Lost spoiler in here too.)

Yes, no silent clock. He died at the very end of the episode and no silent clock. But that's not a huge thing.

There is a gap between the end of that episode and the start of the next episode. It goes from Jack holding him crying, to Jack standing up as they place a sheet over Tony's body. People still had to come into the room, check his vitals, and all that. There is a couple minutes that we don't see. The writers can use that space to do something in terms of bringing him back. Jack also went from crying to "okay, time to move out." And it's Tony, so it's hard to believe Jack got over it that fast.

Who cares? They killed him off in a shitty way, people didn't like it, people wanted him back, and now they're making people happy. When you have a character that loved on the show, you don't let him go out like an idiot like they did with Tony, you do it with something the audience can respect, like Charlie's death on Lost.



What intern came up with that name? ALSO IN SEASON SEVEN: AGENT MAX TROUBLE AND ALAN WEINSTEIN. This season sounds completely awful.

Did Tony just like... get up off the floor, wander out the door and not say a word to anyone for 4 years? "Jack... I was on a secret mission LOL"
And then Agent TODD IRONS comes on screen


omg rite said:
Who cares? They killed him off in a shitty way, people didn't like it, people wanted him back, and now they're making people happy. When you have a character that loved on the show, you don't let him go out like an idiot like they did with Tony, you do it with something the audience can respect, like Charlie's death on Lost.

He wasn't thinking straight after still realizing you know who's death.


I like what I'm hearing about this season so far. The casting for the most part is excellent, and the few storyline tidbits we know have me intrigued.
Tony coming back is great news even if it's a bit of a stretch. I'll just be glad to see him back.

Blader5489 said:
Can someone clue me into all this reboot talk? Since when were they going to reboot the series in S7?

There's a
whole new cast (aside from Bill, Chloe, and now Tony) which includes the first female president on the show. There's an all new location for the first time (Washington, DC). And no CTU this year either - it's been disbanded.
I don't expect the show to be completely different or anything, but this is the most changes they've ever made.
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