First post on GAF...and it's my experience with the Dell Venue Pro 8 that gets me to do it.
This tablet rocks. I have never wanted a tablet before, but the combination of Steam games, being the perfect size for holding in my hands to read, and most importantly HEARTHSTONE, was just to much to resist.
A note on Hearthstone. It runs so perfectly with touch control right away on this tablet, it actually blew me away. I was afraid with the iPad version that Apple fans might get a better HS experience, but I my fears are assuaged. HS runs great! I can play it in bed, or on the couch, or on my lunch at work.
For $350 (less if you get a holiday deal, might be too late for that...) this tablet is the most amazing deal for a 8 inch tablet if have any sort of Steam Collection or want to play one of the numerous Digital Collectible Card Games out, or coming out soon.
This tablet has also done something else: made me appreciate Windows 8. I finally bit the bullet and installed Windows 8 on my Desktop PC as's not nearly as bad as people were making it out to be...I actually might like it. Give it another 3 months using it and we will see if this opinion holds up.
After 1 month with this tablet and I can say this: I have ZERO complaints. Internet browsing, eBook reading (the size is perfect for this purpose, and the main reason I went with 8 inches), Video watching, Music (the speakers are even pretty loud!), and most importantly GAMES: I honestly cannot find fault with any of it.